Pet dog on a sportbike?

Typical Ducati owner...huge POSER! in this case, i'd just laugh my *** off at this riders face. why the **** do you need to take your dog with you on a bike? let alone a superbike? having a little dog in her back pack says, i have no boyfriend im alone, thats because you've got a dog in your back pack on a bike! but i love my dog thats why i bring it with me everywhere i go.. no you only love yourself, you have head gear and the dog has none and can easily fall out of a back pack and die, pic two dog is like "wtf this ***** is crazy, im falling asleep with the sufication to my neck"

That first picture is Maple, exit 33, rutherford rd and 400n. Typical some chick coming into town to pose and get attention. sick and tired of seeing posers everywhere from cars to bikes, this is why my respect for real enthusiasts goes through the roof everyday, posers are the reason insurance is up and accidents happen, posers are the reason the government ****s people over because posers only know how to do one thing, thats spend money to get attention.

OP:you could prob take a sheppard on a bike, in my book anything is possible, but the question here is why? some things should not be done because they can, leave some diginity in nature or what is natural and what isn't, next thing will be people taking their dogs to the washroom to piss beside them!

Alright I can't help myself...

U mad bro?
Typical Ducati owner...huge POSER! in this case, i'd just laugh my *** off at this riders face. why the **** do you need to take your dog with you on a bike? let alone a superbike? having a little dog in her back pack says, i have no boyfriend im alone, thats because you've got a dog in your back pack on a bike! but i love my dog thats why i bring it with me everywhere i go.. no you only love yourself, you have head gear and the dog has none and can easily fall out of a back pack and die, pic two dog is like "wtf this ***** is crazy, im falling asleep with the sufication to my neck"

That first picture is Maple, exit 33, rutherford rd and 400n. Typical some chick coming into town to pose and get attention. sick and tired of seeing posers everywhere from cars to bikes, this is why my respect for real enthusiasts goes through the roof everyday, posers are the reason insurance is up and accidents happen, posers are the reason the government ****s people over because posers only know how to do one thing, thats spend money to get attention.

OP:you could prob take a sheppard on a bike, in my book anything is possible, but the question here is why? some things should not be done because they can, leave some diginity in nature or what is natural and what isn't, next thing will be people taking their dogs to the washroom to piss beside them!

I disagree. Catch up on some anthropology and pay particular attention to the "Industrial revolution" before you make such sweeping statements. Oh, throw in a few books like "The Culture Clash", "The Other End of the Leash", "Don't Shoot the Dog" and "How to speak dog" as well.

Perhaps you'd find that only for the last two hundred years have we given up our reliance on domestic animals in favour of infernal combustion and electrickery. A very common sight would have been a thoroughbred horse accompanied my a dog or two on the streets of York, they even used to let them into the Public Houses! Can you imagine downing a pint with a dog sleeping on the floor beside you? How unhygienic!

Perhaps some Ducati owners like bringing their pets along on adventures same as the Kawasaki owners do?

The last time Suzi went for a ride, she was hand fed morsels of chicken and ice cream by three sexy girls that had her wagging her tail all night long. How could I leave such a chick magnet at home?! I know she prefers to ride than stay at home. I am 100% positive she enjoys riding on the bike, meeting fellow riders, and sniffing horse and cow manure from one side of this great country of ours to the other.
Rob, that second rider...

Liz pointed her out in a friends WROAR album as a model for how to get my dog on board the KLR as opposed to a back pack.
Rob, that second rider...

Liz pointed her out in a friends WROAR album as a model for how to get my dog on board the KLR as opposed to a back pack.

It was a rather strange semi-tankbag/tank bra pouch arrangement. Good eye; that shot was from the ride, a couple of years ago.
Two reasons I would never ride with a dog:

1) My dog is an Olde English and weighs 85 lbs and is wider then longer haha There is no room for this guy.
2) If I dump my bike, Ill be hurt. If I dump my bike with my dog, my dog is dead.

Unless they make body protection and leathers for a dog, there is no way he is on my bike. I love my dog way too much.
Typical Ducati owner...huge POSER! in this case, i'd just laugh my *** off at this riders face. why the **** do you need to take your dog with you on a bike? let alone a superbike? having a little dog in her back pack says, i have no boyfriend im alone, thats because you've got a dog in your back pack on a bike! but i love my dog thats why i bring it with me everywhere i go.. no you only love yourself, you have head gear and the dog has none and can easily fall out of a back pack and die, pic two dog is like "wtf this ***** is crazy, im falling asleep with the sufication to my neck"

That first picture is Maple, exit 33, rutherford rd and 400n. Typical some chick coming into town to pose and get attention. sick and tired of seeing posers everywhere from cars to bikes, this is why my respect for real enthusiasts goes through the roof everyday, posers are the reason insurance is up and accidents happen, posers are the reason the government ****s people over because posers only know how to do one thing, thats spend money to get attention.

You seem to know her very well. Where does she hang out?
My dog, if he were still around, would be terrified on a bike, maybe he was just a wuss though.

I would think wind noise would deafen a dog pretty damn fast.

Nice looking chick on a nice looking Ducati.
I saw a rottweiler on an e-bike yesterday.
I was flamed and had my post deleted earlier in this thread for being insulting.. for that i apologize, but that dosent negate my opinion on this.

I`m a dog lover, have 2, and yes in theory I would love to be able to bring them with me on the bike.. but the fact is its just dangerous, for you, and especially for the dog.. for the most part people dont get gear for them, and any gear you will find is a novelty, its not tested and it dosent provide real protection for the dog.. motorcycles crash, it happens.. you have a choice to get on or not, so do your human passangers, we take the risk beause we love the ride.. but the dog dosen`t have a choice, it isnt able to voice its discomfort with the idea, or understand the risks for that matter.. and as for wind noise.. yes dogs often stick there head out the window, its not good for them, but most of us let them do it, myself included, the diffrence is, its of there own accord.. they have the ability to pull their head in if their uncomfortable, ie. at highway speeds, and most will.. on a bike, they have no option to take shelter..
Just to let you guys know.

When I visited the humane society (Toronto) 2yrs ago they were fighting with some dude who was riding on a scooter with his dog. They ended up charging him for cruelty to animals.
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