Paris under attack

You're not allowed to make such statements. We can't point out obvious facts, you may be labelled a racist or islamophobe or something.

I know that the US plays a dirty game and has been meddling and arming 'rebels' in the Middle East for decades now, but that only speaks to the fact that these people are so ready and willing to massacre one another, that all it takes is a crate of AK47s and grenades delivered to their doorstep. The same goes for homegrown radicalists... these ****ing nutbags are so on the fringe, that all it takes is a sense of injustice and some propaganda to drive them to suicide bombings and shooting up concern venues? It's ridiculous.. how much longer before they're out of the stone age?

the people want growth, improvement.. but the truth is our corporate and political interest make sure to kill any who dare to speak up directly through drone strikes or indirectly through our proxies...... remember the only genuine democracy in the muslim world ever(Pre shah Iran).. no one wants a stable Mideast...
Righto, only people in the middle east have injustices to deal with.
Righto, only people in the middle east have injustices to deal with.

think about it.. what happened to the last democratic and reformist representatives in the entire muslim world who were loved by their people?? and who did it??

injustice is everywhere but aren't we talking about the muslim worlds issues here... you cant talk about the muslim world and simply switch topics when ever convenient.. and expect to be taken seriously
Actually the topic is Paris.Not Islam.
Righto, only people in the middle east have injustices to deal with.

lets leave the mid east to/on its own... no more arming "REBELS" or propping up puppets or sending aid.. lets just cut off all contact from entire mid east and the rest of the muslim world... lets see what happens... that is a very scary scenario for our political elite...
think about it.. what happened to the last democratic and reformist representatives in the entire muslim world who were loved by their people?? and who did it??

injustice is everywhere but aren't we talking about the muslim worlds issues here... you cant talk about the muslim world and simply switch topics when ever convenient.. and expect to be taken seriously

Why does each successive overthrow or revolution only ever result in worsening of conditions and more bloodshed?

Is it everyone elses fault or what? It's not as if the rich Muslim countries are helping the cause in any way... they're actually continuing to fund rebels and radicalists in a bid to further destabilize the region.
Why does each successive overthrow or revolution only ever result in worsening of conditions and more bloodshed?

Is it everyone elses fault or what? It's not as if the rich Muslim countries are helping the cause in any way... they're actually continuing to fund rebels and radicalists in a bid to further destabilize the region.

its not everyone else's fault.. thats why i say lets leave them more allies in mid east or enemies in mid east.. complete cut off.. if ANYONE regardless of post of position attempts to influence or impact in any way,shape or form.. it should be instant execution.. leave em be.. let them solve their own faults..
we have our own oil.. so none of the west needs mid east oil anymore.. so lets just have a complete cutoff...
The imperialist shitbags can't stomach that strategy for some reason. Personally I don't quite understand it, it's almost as if the US government is fighting itself internally over the region. On the face of it they want everyone to think this is about democracy and helping the people, but there's no way anyone would reach that same conclusion after the years and years of war and fighting. Its as if the president thinks he's doing something for one reason, but the CIA knows its for a different set of goals entirely.
The imperialist shitbags can't stomach that strategy for some reason. Personally I don't quite understand it, it's almost as if the US government is fighting itself internally over the region. On the face of it they want everyone to think this is about democracy and helping the people, but there's no way anyone would reach that same conclusion after the years and years of war and fighting. Its as if the president thinks he's doing something for one reason, but the CIA knows its for a different set of goals entirely.

EXACTLY.. what do you think will happen to terrorist and their sponsors in Syria if we stop beating up Assad??? heck Assad is practically a saint compared to our Saudi and Israeli allies.
But who's the "we" you're referring to? It's known that Turkey and Saudia Arabia are funding all sorts of rebel groups in there.. so is that still the CIA pulling strings, or does it really not matter if the West stopped intervening because Syria's own neighbours are in on the action?
But who's the "we" you're referring to? It's known that Turkey and Saudia Arabia are funding all sorts of rebel groups in there.. so is that still the CIA pulling strings, or does it really not matter if the West stopped intervening because Syria's own neighbours are in on the action?

let me answer it this way.. the so called rebels aren't shooting $100 bills at the govt forces or the people... saudi and turks are simply forwardaing our weapons... saudi arabia has no weapons manufacturing capacity of its own.. turkey won't dare to supply its own weapons with out our blessing...

COMPLETE CUTOFF WITH OUT EXCEPTIONS... no deals with saudis or turks or who ever.. no contact.. no association.. no winks no nudges.

the rest of the world needs absolutely nothing from the muslim world.. they have no special exports.. they have no real technology.. so lets just walk away.. and leave them alone.. if they choose the stone ages so be it.. let them be its not our problem unless we poke our nose in other peoples business.
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so true.. muslim culture has degraded unbelievably.. note.: muslim culture not islamic culture.. no such thing as islamic culture... people need genuine representation which serves the genuine interest of its public and not foreign interest.. unfortunately thats no were in sight.. don't think i will see that in my life time.
Agreed. Mainstream media makes all Islam believers out to seem like terrorists when in actual fact, it's the radicals who push the Islam agenda to justify their brand of punishment.

Who's old enough to remember the hatred between:

1. Catholic vs. Protestant Irish?
2. Bosnians vs. Serbians? - 80s-90s
3. Russia. - 60s-90s and again after Putin
4. The "viets"?
5. The "Japs"

A couple of decades from now, we will look at the middle east differently when a new "enemy" surfaces. Thank you USA!
EXACTLY.. what do you think will happen to terrorist and their sponsors in Syria if we stop beating up Assad??? heck Assad is practically a saint compared to our Saudi and Israeli allies.

Some cultures, it seems, simply need iron-fist, authoritarian dictators to establish stability. Even if life sucked for certain people under them the world sure was a much safer place when Ghadaffi (sp?) and Saddam Hussein ruled their fiefdoms with iron fists and Al-Assad was stronger than he was now.

The rise of the chaotic situation we see there now can be traced directly to GWB's invasion of Iraq after 9/11.

Russia is in it to help Assad. I think they're on the right track. Maybe other nations will ally themselves with Russia and realize that a strong Assad is preferable to the situation we see now...
Agreed. Mainstream media makes all Islam believers out to seem like terrorists when in actual fact, it's the radicals who push the Islam agenda to justify their brand of punishment.

Who's old enough to remember the hatred between:

1. Catholic vs. Protestant Irish?
2. Bosnians vs. Serbians? - 80s-90s
3. Russia. - 60s-90s and again after Putin
4. The "viets"?
5. The "Japs"

A couple of decades from now, we will look at the middle east differently when a new "enemy" surfaces. Thank you USA!

we already know who that is going to be CHINA... media is already working over time to demonize china as it is.
All I know is that when I was buying baklava last week the guy behind the counter was talking to the customer ahead of me in some Arabic language. When the guy behind the counter got busy wrapping the stuff I mentioned to the other Arabic guy that they all looked good. He agreed in perfect English and we chatted about our favourites for a few minutes and wished each other a nice day before leaving.

This could not have happened if there were politicians or religious leaders in the shop.
A previous employer of mine had three owners ... one Jewish, one Muslim, one white/european/Christian. It was never an issue. Regular people are pretty much the same ...
we already know who that is going to be CHINA... media is already working over time to demonize china as it is.
IF China is next... the way in for the US will be North Korea as the target.

The Chinese are pushovers though... so I doubt that will happen...
let me answer it this way.. the so called rebels aren't shooting $100 bills at the govt forces or the people... saudi and turks are simply forwardaing our weapons... saudi arabia has no weapons manufacturing capacity of its own.. turkey won't dare to supply its own weapons with out our blessing...

COMPLETE CUTOFF WITH OUT EXCEPTIONS... no deals with saudis or turks or who ever.. no contact.. no association.. no winks no nudges.

the rest of the world needs absolutely nothing from the muslim world.. they have no special exports.. they have no real technology.. so lets just walk away.. and leave them alone.. if they choose the stone ages so be it.. let them be its not our problem unless we poke our nose in other peoples business.

I'm completely on board with this point ...
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