Can we assume you and your family members are signing up to the CF?
HELL YEAH...... in a moments notice while you crawl under your bed and play with the dust bunnies holdin tight to your teddy.
Can we assume you and your family members are signing up to the CF?
Yes. But it's a totally different type of enemy. A bomb would only make more of these groups sprout and take arms against that "huge injustice" and the cycle starts again. Because ISIS forces in Syria currently mainly come from OTHER countries. It's not like there is an emperor or a furher that will capitulate and stop, they function differently, like a Hydra.I agree. Sometimes total war is the only answer. It worked against fanatical extremist Nazi fascists and Bushido Japan after all.
. No, and it's also not the correct thing to do in terms of blanket bans on a population for the sins of a psycopathic minority....otherwise we'd never let any Japanese in because of the Yakusa or Italians in because of the mafia for instance.
And yet the irony of your gun control ideology is lost on you......
Still less deaths in Paris compared to gun deaths in the US over the past few weeks....what were you saying?
I bet he's saying those Paris victims should be able to protect themselves. Just a guess of course.
Only the odd North American armchair cowboys are even bringing this subject up. I'm busy keeping in touch with what's going on back in Europe and its not even a topic.
Still less deaths in Paris compared to gun deaths in the US over the past few weeks....what were you saying?
Oh I see, so "blanket bans on population for the sins of a psychopathic minority" only applies to 80 million law abiding gun owners in the US (because it's "those" folks that are doing the killing in the US), not terrorist nations and their bombs. Got it..........
Only the odd North American armchair cowboys are even bringing this subject up. I'm busy keeping in touch with what's going on back in Europe and its not even a topic.
Mike..the sooner you realise that it's people with your mindset who shouldn't be allowed to look after a ****ing puppy let alone a ****ing gun that gun control laws are written for.... the ****ing better.
And's not a major issue in the EU. I have friends still in Paris as I used to live there.
JC, Just admit it, your statement about blanket bans on a majority because of some nutters has done nothing but reveal the hypocrisy of your viewpoint on gun control.
PS, my puppy loves me and he has the life of riley![]()
surrounded by brain dead Rambo wannabees.
I don't believe that anyone's is going to see a massive personal arming in Europe, or Canada either. As far as gun control, simply compare two almost identical cities: Toronto and Chicago. Same population, similar demographics and geological location.
Murders in Toronto - about 50
Murders in Chicago - about 500
A lot of people don't know that we have more guns per capita here in Canada than many countries. Just not guns designed to kill a lot of people quickly.
Then how do you explain such a massive discrepancy in murder rates between Chicago and a city like Portland?
Just a CRAZY idea, but perhaps homicide rates have more to do with social and economic variables than simply the availability of a given weapon? Yeah I know, totally nuts.
have you considered that social and economic factors combined with easier access to weapons are the perfect cocktail for the high crime rate.. their is no SINGLE contributor in my view.. its a combinations of things which create the perfect storm.
Religion of peace people!
To paraphrase the late, great Milton Friedman - the success of a society can be measured by the movement of it's people. Just look at how many muslims are fleeing their countries. I don't think I've ever heard of someone looking forward to living in muslim country...
Religion of peace people!
To paraphrase the late, great Milton Friedman - the success of a society can be measured by the movement of it's people. Just look at how many muslims are fleeing their countries. I don't think I've ever heard of someone looking forward to living in muslim country...