Paris under attack

But when I read you posts you seem to be trying to justify Islamic actions in the name of "justice".

I have some Ojibway ancestry. Would I be "justified" running amok in Downtown Toronto with an AK47 because of what the white man did over the last 500 years? Is that really "justice"? Its the same thing, right?

I sometimes think what you need is a Pax Romana
No sympathy for those who wish to spread their bs religion by ruthless violence against innocent people. Many who turn to terrorism already have established lives in foreign countries. Its not about justice its about their depraved sense of entitlement and their god delusions.
ARE you taking about ISIS or ISRAEL???? their is no better description for Israel than yours just replace terrorism with zionism. sorry off topic.
But when I read you posts you seem to be trying to justify Islamic actions in the name of "justice".

I have some Ojibway ancestry. Would I be "justified" running amok in Downtown Toronto with an AK47 because of what the white man did over the last 500 years? Is that really "justice"? Its the same thing, right?

I sometimes think what you need is a Pax Romana

i have a feeling you would feel differently if the "white man" did that 5 weeks ago instead of 500 years ago... would you think so.. thats what we are dealing with right now..

please correct yourself.. what makes their actions islamic?? just because they said so?
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Keep bombing their bases till they're all dead. Kids? Fair game. They grow up to be terrorists. Women? Terrorist breeders. Fair game as well

Try not to hit the goats. They've suffered enough already.
Keep bombing their bases till they're all dead. Kids? Fair game. They grow up to be terrorists. Women? Terrorist breeders. Fair game as well

Try not to hit the goats. They've suffered enough already.

isn't that what hitler tried to do to everyone not aryan descendent?...thats a messed up outlook of the world :-?
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ARE you taking about ISIS or ISRAEL???? their is no better description for Israel than yours just replace terrorism with zionism. sorry off topic.
Ahh yes here we go... Israel is committing X injustice therefore everything is kosher.

Listen, the Jews are controlling an area smaller than Vancouver island. Please get back to me about the geographic size of the area under ISIS control and more importantly the number of displaced MUSLIMS by their hands.

Last I checked, the civilized world isn't dealing with millions of refugees fleeing from blood thirsty JEWS, regardless of how Israel handles internal affairs. This has nothing to do with it.
i have a feeling you would feel differently if the "white man" did that 5 weeks ago instead of 500 years ago... would you think so.. thats what we are dealing with right now..

To be honest this has been going on for 500 years and was still happening last week as far as I'm aware. American First Nations and Australian Aboriginals are by far the most victimized nations like, ever. They can't even get a fair shake in their own country

Are they justified getting AK47's and roaming the streets of Toronto indiscriminately killing people? That's what you seem to suggest?
To be honest this has been going on for 500 years and was still happening last week as far as I'm aware. American First Nations and Australian Aboriginals are by far the most victimized nations like, ever. They can't even get a fair shake in their own country

Are they justified getting AK47's and roaming the streets of Toronto indiscriminately killing people? That's what you seem to suggest?

they wouldn't be justified at all but don't you think the young one's might listen to it? i am suggesting we bring justice to these people BEFORE someone comes along puts an ak47 in the hands of a native child whose mothers been kidnapped/killed and tells them its ok to kill innocent people in cities..
Ahh yes here we go... Israel is committing X injustice therefore everything is kosher.

Listen, the Jews are controlling an area smaller than Vancouver island. Please get back to me about the geographic size of the area under ISIS control and more importantly the number of displaced MUSLIMS by their hands.

Last I checked, the civilized world isn't dealing with millions of refugees fleeing from blood thirsty JEWS, regardless of how Israel handles internal affairs. This has nothing to do with it.
their are between 3-5 million palestinians displaced by israel.. very similar numbers compared to ISRAEL.. similar numbers for arabs killed as well.. just so you know.. ever wonder why ISIS has NEVER attacked Israel???
anyways lets not go off topic since this is a page about the paris situation. lets respect that much at least.
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Sounds wonderful. Islamic Caliphate justified I guess!!! Carry on butchering.
they wouldn't be justified at all but don't you think the young one's might listen to it? i am suggesting we bring justice to these people BEFORE someone comes along puts an ak47 in the hands of a native child whose mothers been kidnapped/killed and tells them its ok to kill innocent people in cities..

I don't think they would. I believe if it was going to happen it would have happened long before now.

Look at the Oka stand-off, Caledonia or the occupation of Alcatraz Island. This were by and large peaceful protests.
I don't think they would. I believe if it was going to happen it would have happened long before now.

Look at the Oka stand-off, Caledonia or the occupation of Alcatraz Island. This were by and large peaceful protests.

they were and we should be glad they were...fortunately for you and i; nobody cares to spend money on weapons to arm the natives...
So what is it exactly you suggest anyone does to stop these twats from forming their caliphate and further displacing and killing millions more?
So what is it exactly you suggest anyone does to stop these twats from forming their caliphate and further displacing and killing millions more?

cut off their access to recruitment demographics.. make sure ICC carries out justice for Afghanistan/Iraq/Libya/Syria/Palestine/etc. if we(you know who) are guilty of war crimes we are guilty no matter how we dress it up. justice and accountability.. or do we only stand for justice when we( NATO mostly) aren't the defendants?
So I guess the question is why do you believe that Islam feels they are "justified" in doing it?

no sir you feel that way.. you can go as far back as you like you will not find a single post were i said that.. you seem to have come to that conclusion..
You're on crack if you think anything taking place in the ICC would stop the movement. That's ridiculous. Anyone ready and willing to cut off heads and bomb innocent people wouldn't give two fucks about some international kangaroo court and its 'judgements'
You're on crack if you think anything taking place in the ICC would stop the movement. That's ridiculous. Anyone ready and willing to cut off heads and bomb innocent people wouldn't give two ****s about some international kangaroo court and its 'judgements'

its only a kangaroo court because it isn't doing justice.. we need to make sure ICC has real "teeth" and it does justice for all not just for the entitled few.
already hardened criminals won't care.. but their potential recruits WILL.. thats why

i guess the very first step would be to make sure all members of the UN security council are accountable to the ICC... if they don't agree they forfeit their seat at the UNSC
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No sympathy for those who wish to spread their bs religion by ruthless violence against innocent people. Many who turn to terrorism already have established lives in foreign countries. Its not about justice its about their depraved sense of entitlement and their god delusions.

If Muslims abroad weren't so ready and willing to kill each other and the rest of us, they wouldn't be so easily incited to violence. The US plays a dirty game but ultimately these people are more than willing to spill blood ruthlessly. That's why there is no stability in the Middle East.

not all Muslims by any stretch of the imagination .....many Syrians that are being massacred are Muslims. The problem here is a well armed minority of psychopaths with an extreme view of one religion.
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