Paris under attack

Isis doesn't intend to stop. They intend to spread all over. Look at Iraq & Syria. Better stop them before they get too strong
The human race as a whole is a disgusting cancer of this earth.
We have every opportunity in this day and age with our knowledge and technology as humans to save the planet, live together in harmony and peace and share the resources the earth provides us equally.
Yet we chose hate and greed and violence.
Big old metiorite can come fast in my opinion.

It's easy to say bomb them back to the stone age, realistically you cannot destroy an idea and these guys are everywhere at this point. If you continue to bomb them they will continue to attack us.

I'm thinking Canada should pull out of the mission still, and if they attack us while we're pulled out then we jump back in because clearly at that point we've attempted to meet their demands of pulling out and they aren't meeting ours.

I think that's the most reasonable thing to do. You strengthen our defense at HOME in the meantime of us being pulled out and if they dare attack us after we meet their demands then they can **** off and we can just jump back in.

Continuing to bomb them at this point is just adding fuel to the fire. The fight of counter-terrorism vs terrorism is just a vicious cycle. Someone has to drop their ego at some point and do a test run or else it's never going to end.

well said.. eye for an eye makes the whole world blind..

in my opinion the pull back has to be genuine though.. we can't pull back our uniforms.. hang the uniforms at the base and send the MEN in as private contractors.. that would just be a redressing of the problem.
The human race as a whole is a disgusting cancer of this earth.
We have every opportunity in this day and age with our knowledge and technology as humans to save the planet, live together in harmony and peace and share the resources the earth provides us equally.
Yet we chose hate and greed and violence.
Big old metiorite can come fast in my opinion.

Observational comedy relies on caricature to be successful. How do you account for the billions people who just want to be left alone to go about their business? As a whole? Even after one of the deadliest wars in history the enemy countries were quickly invited back into international sport. We're not all on the same page. As a whole.
in my opinion one of the most important steps towards peace would be to recognize the wrongs that have been done.. peace with out justice is is like a volcano ready to go.

we the world as a whole need to make sure the very first seeds of this hatred atleast from recent memory need to be corrected regardless of who doesn't like it.. we need to set an example of justice.. as long as the Iraqis and the Afghans are denied justice more wars will start.. fortunately these 2 wars are recent enough for the world to do something about.. as long as theirs injustice their will be resistance to it.. their will be young impressionable kids who have seen their families and villages wiped out for corporate greed. they will seek justice however they can.. unfortunately the people extending the helping had are crazy whack jobs who turn the pursuit of justice into acts of terrorism... International Criminal Court needs to be the helping hand, prosecuting and punishing the wrong regardless of the flag they wave.


as to why France?? probably because they are the easiest of the aggressor nations to reach as far as the victims are concerned....

if only Bush had taken Saddam's offer of fighting man to man and finishing this...
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in my opinion one of the most important steps towards peace would be to recognize the wrongs that have been done.. peace with out justice is is like a volcano ready to go.

we the world as a whole need to make sure the very first seeds of this hatred atleast from recent memory need to be corrected regardless of who doesn't like it.. we need to set an example of justice.. as long as the Iraqis and the Afghans are denied justice more wars will start.. fortunately these 2 wars are recent enough for the world to do something about.. as long as theirs injustice their will be resistance to it.. their will be young impressionable kids who have seen their families and villages wiped out for corporate greed. they will seek justice however they can.. unfortunately the people extending the helping had are crazy whack jobs who turn the pursuit of justice into acts of terrorism... International Criminal Court needs to be the helping hand, prosecuting and punishing the wrong regardless of the flag they wave.


as to why France?? probably because they are the easiest of the aggressor nations to reach as far as the victims are concerned....

if only Bush had taken Saddam's offer of fighting man to man and finishing this...

This is different. With the IRA there was a reasonable(ish) aim for the terrorist group and ceasefires could be negotiated with them. With these ****ing idiots they don't want to negotiate, they don't want a ceasefire, they want their extreme ideology to be more widespread and they relish the idea of martyrdom against their perceived enemies that also include other Muslims by the way. These ****wits are a cancer that needs to be cut out. They want people to say "no immigrants" they want people to be scared of all Muslims as this plays into their aim of setting an "us vs them" scenario. These ISIS dickheads don't represent all Muslims just as the IRA didn't represent all Irish and Timothy Mc Veigh didn't represent all white Christian rednecks. The poor bloody Syrians are running away from these ******** and you can see why.
Why should we put heat on ourselves?

Why did my grandfathers go and storm the beaches in Normandy? What a waste of time. I guess they were pretty stupid, eh? France, Poland and Czechoslovakia should just have dug themselves out of that **** they buried themselves in.

All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing. Will you be saying the same when Islamists attack in Toronto and possibly your family members are murdered.
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This is different. With the IRA there was a reasonable(ish) aim for the terrorist group and ceasefires could be negotiated with them. With these ****ing idiots they don't want to negotiate, they don't want a ceasefire, they want their extreme ideology to be more widespread and they relish the idea of martyrdom against their perceived enemies that also include other Muslims by the way. These ****wits are a cancer that needs to be cut out. They want people to say "no immigrants" they want people to be scared of all Muslims as this plays into their aim of setting an "us vs them" scenario. These ISIS dickheads don't represent all Muslims just as the IRA didn't represent all Irish and Timothy Mc Veigh didn't represent all white Christian rednecks. The poor bloody Syrians are running away from these ******** and you can see why.
i am not talking about negotiating with IS..i am talking about making sure the victims of aggressive wars get their justice and don't get treated as third class citizens of the world.. mainly because that very injustice provides fresh young blood for groups like ISIS..... if you truly want to eliminate ISIS.. make sure they don't have any young impressionable minds to recruit... you can kill the hydra by making sure it can't regrow its heads.
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The world or Canada won't fall apart because we don't join in on the US' nonsensical battles let's not be too naive here.

Who is going to stand to Putin or the Chinese when they move into the Artic. You? Or are you going to go cap in had to the US begging to help?
USA will probably beat China and Russia to our stuff if it ever comes down to that. "But but...we helped you with our four(4) canoes and the buck knife" Justin Trudeau "Remember?" Justin Trudeau

Or as TF1 in France are calling him "Jihadi Justin" :-)
All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing. Will you be saying the same when Islamists attach in Toronto and possibly your family members are murdered.

that is probably the same line being used by IS recruiters.. are you(potential recruits) going to do nothing to bring justice to your home country? are you going to do nothing for justice and peace to you fellow arabs? etc.. are you(recruits) going watch as your sisters get raped? by western infidels(IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN).. etc
you get my drift?

only way to defeat such and idea of justice is to beat it to justice... if their is no feeling of constantly being violated and persecuted; i bet the Syrian's/Libyan's/Afghan's/Iraqi's feel that way.
then their is no one left to avenge you see.
that is probably the same line being used by IS recruiters.. are you(potential recruits) going to do nothing to bring justice to your home country? are you going to do nothing for justice and peace to you fellow arabs? etc.. are you(recruits) going watch as your sisters get raped? by western infidels(IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN).. etc
you get my drift?

only way to defeat such and idea of justice is to beat it to justice... if their is no feeling of constantly being violated and persecuted; i bet the Syrian's/Libyan's/Afghan's/Iraqi's feel that way.
then their is no one left to avenge you see.

I'm not the best person in the world, but even I see there is a difference between a group throwing gay people of the tops of buildings, cutting peoples heads off with a blunt knife, burning people alive in cages, raping women, men and children - as an excuse for fighting for "justice".

People don't join these groups for "justice". The join them because they enjoy all of the above and want "revenge" in the most depraved way possible.
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some one asked this about the aggressive war on Syria

the death toll had risen above 220,000 , More than 7.6 million Syrians have been internally displaced, more than 5 million have fled the country to nearby countries such as Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, and Kuwait, and a few hundred thousand have fled to the European Union becoming refugees. Millions more have been left in poor living conditions with shortages of food and drinking water.
what do you think , who have the responsibility for all that ?

how would you answer that.. Syria had protests like every country.. but war didn't start until weapons and fighters suddenly showed up most of them NOT SYRIANS. quite a lot of those weapons were supplied by France and other such countries.. food for thought.. a lot of the people who are posting the french flag on their social media accounts because they stand against terrorism never posted the Syrian/Iraqi/Libyan/Afghan/etc flags.
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and the key word is REVENGE..... and that is my point
they say an idle mind is the home of the devil
Poor ISIS freedom fighters, they just feel violated, guys.
Poor ISIS freedom fighters, they just feel violated, guys.

feel bad for those who will turn to groups like ISIS because they feel they don't have anyone else who cares for their justice.
seems like you are mocking millions of people and their suffering.. because they aren't your own...careful their MMM
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Isis doesn't intend to stop. They intend to spread all over. Look at Iraq & Syria. Better stop them before they get too strong

You mean two countries invaded by foreign militaries? The way to stop ISIS is to stop given them a reason to successfully recruit. Stop giving people are reason to hate you.
No sympathy for those who wish to spread their bs religion by ruthless violence against innocent people. Many who turn to terrorism already have established lives in foreign countries. Its not about justice its about their depraved sense of entitlement and their god delusions.

If Muslims abroad weren't so ready and willing to kill each other and the rest of us, they wouldn't be so easily incited to violence. The US plays a dirty game but ultimately these people are more than willing to spill blood ruthlessly. That's why there is no stability in the Middle East.
No sympathy for those who wish to spread their bs religion by ruthless violence against innocent people. Many who turn to terrorism already have established lives in foreign countries. Its not about justice its about their depraved sense of entitlement and their god delusions.

If Muslims abroad weren't so ready and willing to kill each other and the rest of us, they wouldn't be so easily incited to violence. The US plays a dirty game but ultimately these people are more than willing to spill blood ruthlessly. That's why there is no stability in the Middle East.

don't know how to respond to such a childish and ignorant statement... i suggest you stop drinking the us vs them coolade.
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