Paris under attack

Absolute craziness. On Cp24 it's saying at least 100 killed now.

It's sad that this is happening.
Terrible, disgusting and very sad day. Hard to find words for this sort of violence. And it is not over yet, still a lot of hostages in their control.
The world is so fractured that we can't as a planet get together and get rid of these losers once and for all. Canada used to lead the world in dealing with these matters, but that was before some newcomers started bringing their old ideals with them. Though there are many degrees of separation, even some moderate minded individuals would like to see things change their way. I'm sorry, but I am not enthused about brining en masse a whole city's worth of a certain group that has nothing to lose.
The human race as a whole is a disgusting cancer of this earth.
We have every opportunity in this day and age with our knowledge and technology as humans to save the planet, live together in harmony and peace and share the resources the earth provides us equally.
Yet we chose hate and greed and violence.
Big old metiorite can come fast in my opinion.
I heard they really hate metal
****ing horrible. Bomb them to **** and let em rot. RIP to all the victims. just touched base with some friends in Paris and all are ok thankfully.

peaceful religion my ***...
Very frustrating. Unfortunately I see so many more of these coming. I'm surprised it hasn't happened at an american football or baseball game by now. if these guys really wanted to take people out it wouldn't take much planning. The middle east is in shambles. Our oil rich friends in Saudi arabia have beheaded almost 100 people so far this year and no one in the west seems to care. Kim kardashians growing *** is much more important news to cover.
CBC National took 15 minutes of air time before saying the "M" word in relation to the attacks.
Latest reports say 150 dead and counting.

In Paris, they have to be wondering how many more Kalashnikov fully-automatic rifles there are in the city. France has strict gun laws so the population and even the police are unarmed. These Jihadists could pick any place and blow away another 150 people and nobody could stop them.
Latest reports say 150 dead and counting.

In Paris, they have to be wondering how many more Kalashnikov fully-automatic rifles there are in the city. France has strict gun laws so the population and even the police are unarmed. These Jihadists could pick any place and blow away another 150 people and nobody could stop them.
They're just going to lay down & take it like good sheeple.

Self defence should be a basic human right
The problem is that you can't fight internal terrorists the same as you would normal criminals.

The British government tried this for 30 years by dragging terrorists through the justice system and failed. At its peak, the IRA had only between 200-300 members but yet the British government couldn't make a dent in it.

It's unfortunate to say this but to win you really need to take the fight down to their level. The French security forces apparently were watching these guys already. Why didn't they just disappear before they had the opportunity to strike

I'd personally prefer to end up as an old bigot than a hansom young corpse
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I am on vacation and raccoons were the big problem I had to deal with. These horrible acts sure put ones life and issues in perspective. Why the hate on France?

One has to wonder how this will impact how the EU deals with the ongoing Syrian crisis. Most of those folks are just trying to better their families and emigrate to a safer place with better opportunities. Heck, this is what my ancestors did 5 generations ago when they came to what is now Canada. What is worrisome though are how many ISIS or other extremist nut bars are planted all over Europe. What a mess!
The problem is that people will associate refugees with ISIS.

so even if you have 1 bad apple per 25k refugees, he can still wreck havock, but it's the case anywhere in the world.
It's easy to say bomb them back to the stone age, realistically you cannot destroy an idea and these guys are everywhere at this point. If you continue to bomb them they will continue to attack us.

I'm thinking Canada should pull out of the mission still, and if they attack us while we're pulled out then we jump back in because clearly at that point we've attempted to meet their demands of pulling out and they aren't meeting ours.

I think that's the most reasonable thing to do. You strengthen our defense at HOME in the meantime of us being pulled out and if they dare attack us after we meet their demands then they can **** off and we can just jump back in.

Continuing to bomb them at this point is just adding fuel to the fire. The fight of counter-terrorism vs terrorism is just a vicious cycle. Someone has to drop their ego at some point and do a test run or else it's never going to end.
They dont want to be left alone. We are all infidels and they will wage jihad until we are all exterminated.
They dont want to be left alone. We are all infidels and they will wage jihad until we are all exterminated.
In theory, sure. But that's just impossible. If you watched the ISIS released beheading videos they specifically call for the stoppage of intervention from other countries.
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