Pan America

Or it could be a benefit. When I go to the HD dealer is feels like a motorcycle dealer, lots of bikes around, parts, all moto related. Not like some other places which have mixed motorsport stuff going on, or it's part of a car dealership and feels like an addon.
Plus I've met many other riders at the dealer and shoot the chit with them about all kinds of stuff. (y) Nothing to brave the staff is always polite and welcoming, sometimes annoying actually...:rolleyes: (jk)
I went into Poole's in Stoney Creek ~20 years ago and it looked and felt like I was walking into a 1% clubhouse where I did not belong. Glad to see things have changed for the better.
I went into Poole's in Stoney Creek ~20 years ago and it looked and felt like I was walking into a 1% clubhouse where I did not belong. Glad to see things have changed for the better.
Lol, well before my time! ;)
I went into Poole's in Stoney Creek ~20 years ago and it looked and felt like I was walking into a 1% clubhouse where I did not belong. Glad to see things have changed for the better.
Russel Winter's on the Danforth was like that. The parts guy was known as Ron The Bear.
Today’s Harley Dealer is not the same as your grandpas Harley dealer
Sadly, from my perspective.

I recall AB's in Oshawa as a great motorcycle shop. They sold HD but also Kawasaki and snowmobiles. Nice "working class" people, willing to help and knowledgeable. That's not to disparage the parts guys at Mackie's, but I can't see myself being motivated to consider buying a bike there based on the service level on the sales floor when I've been there.
Last time i was in a HD dealer was last summer to buy my grandkids electric bikes. All the staff there at BlackBridge looked like they would fit in at any bike shop. I felt very welcome. This is in sharp contrast to the way it used to be.
To be clear, I wasn't talking about avoiding HD dealerships because they're scary or crappy. On the contrary, my impression is that they're incredibly pro and offer above average service. You're far more likely to run into your dentist than a 1%er anyway...

What I was talking about was the obstacle of non-cruiser types like myself having to brave the black and orange branding bonanza, especially having spent my entire life avoiding that end of motorcycling with gusto. There's something diametrically opposed to why I ride motorcycles that HD has aggressively packaged (as much as I have learned respect it) so it would take a heck of a bike to draw me in.
I like two things about this valve adjustments, and the adjustable ride height thing that lowers the bike at a stop. I’ve had more than a few “oh ****” moments on the KTM on dodgy ground as it’s pretty tall. Other than that...if I was going to spend that much cash I’d be looking at a fully farkled KTM first followed by the BMW.

Although if the bike comes with an HD branded jockstrap and socks that might change my mind.
You might get a free set of branded panties when you buy a KTM or BMW, not happening with a HD, they give you a jockstrap an Tim’s card. Not sure about the socks.
You might get a free set of branded panties when you buy a KTM or BMW, not happening with a HD, they give you a jockstrap an Tim’s card. Not sure about the socks.
Don't forget.. .it's an @ssless jockstrap, and the Tim's card is has zero value, is chrome plated, and all for a low fee of $1200. :ROFLMAO:
To be clear, I wasn't talking about avoiding HD dealerships because they're scary or crappy. On the contrary, my impression is that they're incredibly pro and offer above average service. You're far more likely to run into your dentist than a 1%er anyway...

What I was talking about was the obstacle of non-cruiser types like myself having to brave the black and orange branding bonanza, especially having spent my entire life avoiding that end of motorcycling with gusto. There's something diametrically opposed to why I ride motorcycles that HD has aggressively packaged (as much as I have learned respect it) so it would take a heck of a bike to draw me in.

I was the same way. When I was waiting to sign the papers for mine they were literally playing a cheesy add over the PA about being free, no rules, wind, etc. and it was killing me. Then they handed me a bag with a t-shirt, hard-cover book about harley's history, a sample kit of their detailing products, a 1 year HOG membership, etc. They definitely try to get you into the cult but I think I've only bought a hat and a t-shirt since.
You might get a free set of branded panties when you buy a KTM or BMW, not happening with a HD, they give you a jockstrap an Tim’s card. Not sure about the socks.
Neck/face covering/bandana.
Can confirm!
Impressive. It checks a lot of boxes.
Too bad it looks like a design my 5 yr old grandson would come up with.
My grandsons bike pic on my birthday card.Harley likes Ducs.
Well, looks are objective as we all know. I see a lot of posts on here talking about various adv and touring bikes that I think are absolutely hideous. Yet most people are drooling over them ? and then I hear how much some people pay to ride these fugly beasts ? to each their own I suppose.

I was fairly neutral about it when I first saw this HD. But I think it's starting to grow on me a bit. It's different for sure.
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