Outdoor Cat Issues

$5.99 an ounce. I wonder what the zoo would charge for some lion or tiger predator pee. Probably cheap if you fetch it yourself. Pee with blood (Yours)?

A drop of the stuff, every once in a while, will do the job. Considering how little rain we've had until the last couple of days, I doubt that you'd have used more than maybe 8 drops this summer.
Take the cap off and have a nice nasal inhalation and tell me how much you think you'll need. Stuff stinks up pretty good.
I have a back pack that had an unfortunate cap opening of deer urine about 15 years ago and on hot days it still gets a very light smell of it lol.
Get a Fisher and let it loose in the neighbourhood. We got cats to control our rodent issues (mostly chipmunks out here in the woods) but after about six of them got eaten by the local fisher, we gave up.
Get a Fisher and let it loose in the neighbourhood. We got cats to control our rodent issues (mostly chipmunks out here in the woods) but after about six of them got eaten by the local fisher, we gave up.
"someone" I know once had ferrets that were used for hunting rabbits. The ferrets got out and the cat population in the area went down.
My old italian neighbours take the labels off of 2L plastic powitp bottles and fill them with water.

According to them at night the cat sees the light reflect off the bottles and they get startled and leave.

They say it works wonders...
I'm aware... But Ferrets are much easier to come by and they work if they're made mean.

How do you make them mean?

My Bengal cat is way more mean than my ferret ever was (considering she wasn't mean at all, just curious). Couldn't let them play as the cat would sit there and whap the ferret on the head when she would come investigate the cat.
How do you make them mean?

My Bengal cat is way more mean than my ferret ever was (considering she wasn't mean at all, just curious). Couldn't let them play as the cat would sit there and whap the ferret on the head when she would come investigate the cat.

I know what you mean by Bengals being "mean", one of our 3 picks on our pug just to do it.

The Ferrets we had weren't really pets... We could handle them and play, but they weren't socialized to the other pets in the house and we had them trained to basically search and destroy rabbits. Once they got out, there weren't rabbits in the area and clueless house cats must have been easy prey.
Medic, did the ferrets return or was it a one-shot deal? I might be interested in getting some if I could train them to raid chipmunk holes.
One eventually came back, but it was the one that was most like a pet.

Its illegal to use them for hunting. I was a kid when we had them, so it wasn't my idea or wrong to my knowledge.

However, I suddenly have this interest in falconry for hunting...
Thanks for the info Medic. I've thought of falconry also, but from everything I've seen/read, you need a lot of time to dedicate to it.
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