Outdoor Cat Issues

Sprinkle some moth ball crystals around (in your garden, etc.). They hate the smell and will stay away. Also try loosely taping aluminum foil to the lids of your garbage cans. Apparently they hate the feel of it, so it's a good deterrent.
Cats around the yard is actually a benefit. They keep pest population down, like rodents

yep. maybe the OP has a rodent/rat problem in his backyard which the cats are attracted to?

last resort.. contact zx600. he seems to be an expert cat killer.
Interesting.. How effective is it on raccoons?

They're pretty good, but I need a couple of them to cover everything that I want to protect. They seem to sense and trigger reliably up to around 10 or 12 feet, in something like a 120 degree cone. I'm using them to keep the raccoons from crapping on my deck and yard (nasty parasites). Protecting something like a garbage can might be easier since it's a smaller area, but they also might be more persistent since it's a source of food rather than just a nice place to take a dump.
They're pretty good, but I need a couple of them to cover everything that I want to protect. They seem to sense and trigger reliably up to around 10 or 12 feet, in something like a 120 degree cone. I'm using them to keep the raccoons from crapping on my deck and yard (nasty parasites). Protecting something like a garbage can might be easier since it's a smaller area, but they also might be more persistent since it's a source of food rather than just a nice place to take a dump.

Good to know, I have the motion detector sprinkler and what we do is move it around a bit and focus it on spots we know they are going. Only catch with it is winter, are you leaving the ultrasonic ones out in the winter?
Good to know, I have the motion detector sprinkler and what we do is move it around a bit and focus it on spots we know they are going. Only catch with it is winter, are you leaving the ultrasonic ones out in the winter?

I do usually bring them in after the snow flies, but the raccoons don't seem to come around my place after that point either. The battery door is sealed with an O-ring, so there's no particular reason to bring them inside except to prevent dealing with a spent/corroded battery in the spring. It has an input for a plug-in DC adapter; I've been meaning to find one of those and get rid of the batteries entirely.
LeBaron and Bass Pro carry various types of urine if you're into that. Fox and coyote urine did absolutely nothing for my raccoons. Wolf urine seemed perhaps marginally effective, but it needed to be applied at least every week or two. No idea if they'd be more effective against cats. Either way, getting a whiff of any of them was enough to make me gag for 5 minutes straight. Can't say that I recommend this approach...
They're pretty good, but I need a couple of them to cover everything that I want to protect. They seem to sense and trigger reliably up to around 10 or 12 feet, in something like a 120 degree cone. I'm using them to keep the raccoons from crapping on my deck and yard (nasty parasites). Protecting something like a garbage can might be easier since it's a smaller area, but they also might be more persistent since it's a source of food rather than just a nice place to take a dump.

Thanks for the heads up... 2 would probably solve my raccoon problem.
I have a raccoon problem and pondering this thread, wondered if throwing raccoon food into a disliked neighbours yard would make them go there instead.
A lot of these animals are pretty smart (cats, racoons, skunks). Solutions like borrowing a dog or manual spraying with water will only work if you or the dog are there for an extended period of time. If the dog is there for a week, they will notice when it is gone and will be back in a few weeks. If you sit there with the hose, they will come back when you are not there (just don't go there if the dude is sitting there).

The pee thing (animal or human...) works but it has to be refreshed. They smell another animal (predator) and that is enough to assume the predator is there.

The motion detector sound and water solutions are working 24/7 and can be moved around to keep the element of surprise. Have not tried the sound ones yet but my water one works brilliantly.
Don’t call Animal Control, I would get a dog instead. Used to live on the military base at Downsview and a guy did that back in 1996. Collected all the neighbourhood cats and called animal control. The families were very upset and it devastated any kid that was missing their pet. And what made matters worse was when the families finally managed to get a hold of the centre their pets got taken too, it was past the 7 day euthanasia rule. So some families just got told their pet was dead, and some got the bill for the drugs used to euthanize the pet. In turn, everyone made that guy’s life miserable in response to what he did.
The reviews on that product don't seem very impressive. I do however have lots of pee.

Buy me a 5L keg of Heineken some afternoon and I'll provide you with... oohhh.. about 5L of pee... free of processing charge.
It's rural here and we sometimes have problems with feral cats, mostly from the yuppies in town taking their cats for one way rides out of town, then they start breeding. The solution for them is quick and easy. Dealing with people's pets in town poses more of a problem. I like the paintball/airsoft solution. More hands on.
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