Housing is cheaper in Europe, at least Estonia, Ukraine, Russia and Serbia where me and my friend have contacts. Utilities are also dirt cheap, car insurance is laughable compared to here. Overall, everyone from there thinks i'm filthy rich here because of how much i make. When i tell them my ins is $113 dollars a month they stagger back, when i then tell them i have a clean record and live in a low insr bracket area they are even more shocked. Thats what they pay for an entire year give or take.
In the end, its not about the cost of living, its not that we dont pay high taxes, we do. Almost 45% of your paycheck goes to taxation before you spend it on ANYTHING, between Income tax of average 30% and 13% HST. Its not that we're carrying this huge public debt and slowly paying it off, we're adding to it, and at an exponentially rising rate.
Who here seriously thinks that this debt will EVER be paid off? Where is this money going to magically come from? Its pure robbery that we now have to pay this ever increasing interest back. Money that was by and large spend on overinflated, useless programs.