Ontario should make winter tires mandatory.

I guess my thing is that it's a pretty major investment, especially for my 11-year-old car that I'm not sure is going to see too many more winters.

I'm going to run all-seasons on my old '01 Accord but just put full winters on my wife's Subaru.

In town I don't find snow tires as essential, but I find they're more critical on secondary roads and in the country. At least one of our two cars has them and we'll take that car out on bad days and on highway/out-of-town trips.

There are plenty of winter days that really don't need snow tires. Last year I went with all seasons the whole winter and really didn't miss snows.
Quebec has the right idea. Snow tires are law.

Every year, its the same old (sad) story.

Mother and son killed in Caledonia crash


"The season’s first winter storm, mild as it was, wreaked havoc on roads across southern Ontario with the OPP reporting a steady stream of spinouts, vehicles into ditches and accidents on the regions’ highways."

Its sad that a young woman and her child died. However the roads yesterday were pretty bad. There were some seriously icy spots, even on 401. I drove from toronto to cambridge, a drive that usually takes 1 hour and it took me 3.5 hours!!!!! There was no reason to drive that slow, even on ice you can move at a good speed as long as you give yourself some distance, but no in this retarded province everyone is bumper to bumper moving at 5-10km/h hour. And even at these speed people are spinning out, how the **** is this even possible?

And i agree with the winter tire suggestion. Its night and day. However people that were gonna drive carelessly at 30km/h while spinning out will now have the confidence to do 60km/h before parking it into the guard rail.
I dont think they should be law, but people do suck at driving in the snow. Burlington was nearly shut down due to 3cm's of snow. On the upside my new Subaru STI is unbelievable in the snow, i was just making excuses up yesterday to go driving.
funny how the insurance industry offers a small incentive to those who replace their tires in the winter yet insist we keep our motorcycles insured year round. Greedy f**ks!
Quebec has the right idea. Snow tires are law.

Every year, its the same old (sad) story.

Mother and son killed in Caledonia crash


"The season’s first winter storm, mild as it was, wreaked havoc on roads across southern Ontario with the OPP reporting a steady stream of spinouts, vehicles into ditches and accidents on the regions’ highways."

You should get elected to government, then you can imprison everyone who owns anything other than an Android, who watches anything other than O'Leary, who drives anything other than a Shitvic, and who doesn't have snow tires.

Or execute them, your choice.
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I find people with winter tires drive more aggressively in the snow because they feel they can due to there tires.
Same reason them most vehicles you see in the ditch during a winter storm or SUVs and trucks. These people think that because they have 4wd they are invincible.
Adapting to road condition or just staying home is the real answer to winter driving.
Snow tires help but they won't save your butt if you can't drive worth a crap.
You should get elected to government, then you can imprison everyone who owns anything other than an Android, who watches anything other than O'Leary, who drives anything other than a Shitvic, and who doesn't have snow tires.

Or execute them, your choice.

You forgot unions. I'd ban every union on earth as well.
For the all season tire people, there is a Finland company that makes true all season tires with the snowflake/mountain symbol and they work quite well in the snow and ice, unlike the rest of the all season tire market.

They are the best "compromise" if you don't want a full winter tire or be bothered swapping tires/rims.

Something to consider.
I notice a huge difference in good snows compared to all seasons. I'm runnin all seasons this year simply because due to work, I won't be on the road very often from mid jan until march. And when I am on the road I'll just adjust to the weather.
I'd just like to add that i ran dedicates summers and dedicated winters, but i still believe it should be my CHOICE and not crammed down my throat by an ever increasing nanny state.

My eyes were opened when i was younger and my BMW came with dedicated winters....the thing was unstoppable, since then i make it a point to run both....in the end, you have better tires for winter and better tires for summer.

Ironically enough i bet a lot of you guys go and buy the best Supersport rated sticky tires, like BT016, Dunlop Q2's etc etc because you believe in the best traction and then slap all-seasons on.
Actually, no. We have enough bs laws and regs. Enough of the nanny state. If your and your family's life and we'll being is not important enough to buy proper equipment and learn to adjust for the conditions then you do deserve to be removed from the gene pool.

My life is important enough that this is one nanny state law I would get behind. I hit black ice in my car January 2011, and for 5 weeks had to use rental cars. They were literally undriveable in the snow cause of the old worn out all-season tires.

Up here in the Soo pretty much everyone has had their winter tires on for at least a week-2 weeks before snow hits. People in the GTA are cheap and lazy though. We've already had 3 major storms, no deaths, very few accidents.
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I hate to say it, but Quebec got something right for a change. Winter tires should be mandated in Ontario. "all" season tires should be outlawed, as they suggest that they might suitable for winter use.

It's unfortunate that people have to be told that they have to put winter tires on their cars. Common sense died a horrible death a long time ago. The only reason people refuse to buy them is that they are cheap. There's no other reason. Living in the city is no excuse. Winter tires get better traction in the snow and ice for sure, but they also get much better traction when it's dry. They have softer rubber compounds designed to operated in cold weather. Your all seasons do not.

For most cars a set of steel rims and decent winter tires will run you ~$6-700. What's your deductible.. $1000?. Pay for themselves the first time you have manage to avoid some bad driving Toronto jerk off.
For the all season tire people, there is a Finland company that makes true all season tires with the snowflake/mountain symbol and they work quite well in the snow and ice, unlike the rest of the all season tire market.

They are the best "compromise" if you don't want a full winter tire or be bothered swapping tires/rims.

Something to consider.

I just put these on my beat around car, was very very impressed with how they performed yesterday... and yes, I tested the ****** out of them...


But your way off base with your demand... what about the in town driver that does not drive in bad weather, only goes out on the road when the conditions warrant it..?

To each their own... You need them for your situation, you get them (or not).

The only one that can keep you safe on the road is YOU, don't believe me, pay more attention while driving, you will be able to avoid most crap as a diligent driver... yes, even the drunk on summer tires in the winter... If by chance you don't even as a diligent driver... then... the odds simply beat you.
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Snow tires, 4X4, AWD... none of this makes a difference if the driver doesn't know how to drive on different road conditions. The problem is GTA drivers are so use to clear roads, that they have no clue what to do when there is snow on the road. The city should stop plowing, sanding and salting the roads and make people become better drivers.
But your way off base with your demand... what about the in town driver that does not drive in bad weather, only goes out on the road when the conditions warrant it..?

My bad, I forgot that "in town" roads never get icy, and in everyones perfect world, they only go out driving when the roads are clear and dry, and never get caught in a sudden snow storm such as the one we had last night.
My bad, I forgot that "in town" roads never get icy, and in everyones perfect world, they only go out driving when the roads are clear and dry, and never get caught in a sudden snow storm such as the one we had last night.

Don't forget, it also never gets below freezing in the city either. Even at night.
No law ... first of all Ontario is a big province with a range of climates. Snows are a waste in South Western Ontario for much of the winter.

I agree with the nanny state issues.

But I'm a big believer in snow tires generally.
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