Ontario should make winter tires mandatory.

SunnY S

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Quebec has the right idea. Snow tires are law.

Every year, its the same old (sad) story.

[h=1]Mother and son killed in Caledonia crash[/h]http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/article/1296181--mother-and-son-killed-in-caledonia-crash

"The season’s first winter storm, mild as it was, wreaked havoc on roads across southern Ontario with the OPP reporting a steady stream of spinouts, vehicles into ditches and accidents on the regions’ highways."
Actually, no. We have enough bs laws and regs. Enough of the nanny state. If your and your family's life and we'll being is not important enough to buy proper equipment and learn to adjust for the conditions then you do deserve to be removed from the gene pool.
Actually, no. We have enough bs laws and regs. Enough of the nanny state. If your and your family's life and we'll being is not important enough to buy proper equipment and learn to adjust for the conditions then you do deserve to be removed from the gene pool.

Agreed. So many dumb cheapasses whine about how it only snows a few days and they don't need snow tires.
Actually, no. We have enough bs laws and regs. Enough of the nanny state. If your and your family's life and we'll being is not important enough to buy proper equipment and learn to adjust for the conditions then you do deserve to be removed from the gene pool.

Until those same people slam into your car full of family members causing injury or death, cause he thinks his 3 season tires are "good enough".
Maybe we should first teach 'em how to drive.
If you're clueless on how to drive in snow, all the snow tires in the world ain't gonna help.

Were you out driving yesterday?
I've never put snow tires on my vehicles. I've been driving in snow for over 15 years without any issues. Call me a dumbass, I suppose.

While I don't doubt that using snow tires can help reduce the chances of getting into accidents, I have to say that I see quite enough ****** driving in general on the roads out there, regardless of weather. If people don't already know how to adjust their driving to the weather conditions, then I'm not sure if snow tires are going to magically save them.
I understand the nanny state argument. But it's not only your and your families life, it's other people's safety on the road as well. And on top of that you get a bunch of people who've never seen snow in their lives who know **** about it.

We need
-better driver training (winter training necessary)
-stricter examinations
-have AT LEAST a good pair of no seasons for winter.. Because yes I've seen summers in winter.

While I understand no seasons are good enough for certain, i like to help my odds on those crazy gta roads. Shorter stopping distance and enhanced maneuverability to me are a no Brainer.
With less snow every year, global warming, mountains of salt and sand on roads and more safety devices (ABS, t/c etc) built into cars in recent years there's absolutely no need for anything beyond 'all season' tires in our neck of the woods. Drivers who don't feel safe with all seasons should swap for "winter tires", but to have anymore ******** rammed down our throats by the govt, is wrong.
My ins agent asked if I had 'winter tires' on the new car. I said "no". She said: "you know you can save 5% if you had them on from Nov 15th to April?" "Oh.. great - I can spend $800 to save $50 while I leave it parked on ****** days and drive my 4x4 truck that came with M&S tires".
In general, people cant drive, thats why we have traction control, abs, and other safety systems. My argument is that winter tires will be another additional feature that will make winter driving safer.

Your summer/all seasons tires will enjoy extended life as you trudge through winter with proper tires, so the value and added safety of winter tires is there.

True, we don't get as much snow fall as we used to, but ice is ice, and its everywhere. Even after the salt trucks have passed. Todays modern winter tires have outstanding ice traction.

I've been using winter tires for years, and once you enjoy the benefits, its hard to go back.

We should take it a few steps further.
Outlaw 2WD vehicles from Nov 15th until April.
Everyones 2WD will enjoy an extended life. No salt, less distance etc, etc.
Tire chains - mandatory.
Only 4X4 and AWD vehicles allowed on roads / hiways.
I can smell the benefits. ;)
First, M&S tires are not "snow" tires. Or "winter" tires. Without the snowflake symbol, you will experience performance similar to all (no) season tires. I take the M&S tires off my truck at this time of year to put the winters on.
SunnY, do you know for a fact that the lack of snow tires caused that accident? More likely proper driver training would help in accident reduction rather than mandating snow tires. I can see the regulation forcing people to drive on seven year old almost bald snow tires to be compliant, while their almost new all seasons sit in the garage. You cannot regulate safety without education.
First, M&S tires are not "snow" tires. Or "winter" tires. Without the snowflake symbol, you will experience performance similar to all (no) season tires. I take the M&S tires off my truck at this time of year to put the winters on.


All-Season Tires with Mud and Snow Designation
If a tire has MS, M+S, M/S or M&S on it, then it meets the Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA) guidelines for a mud and snow tire. For a tire to receive the Mud and Snow designation, it must meet these geometric requirements (taken from the bulletin "RMA Snow Tire Definitions for Passenger and Light Truck (LT) Tires"):
1. New tire treads shall have multiple pockets or slots in at least one tread edge that meet the following dimensional requirements based on mold dimensions:

  • Extend toward the tread center at least 1/2 inch from the footprint edge, measured perpendicularly to the tread centerline.
  • A minimum cross-sectional width of 1/16 inch.
  • Edges of pockets or slots at angles between 35 and 90 degrees from the direction of travel.
2. The new tire tread contact surface void area will be a minimum of 25 percent based on mold dimensions.

Link: http://auto.howstuffworks.com/tire3.htm
Only 4X4 and AWD vehicles allowed on roads / hiways.

Funny you say that. In my household, since 2005, we presently have 3 vehicles, and its is my mandate that at least one of our vehicles has all wheel drive.

All-Season Tires with Mud and Snow Designation
If a tire has MS, M+S, M/S or M&S on it, then it meets the Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA) guidelines for a mud and snow tire. For a tire to receive the Mud and Snow designation, it must meet these geometric requirements (taken from the bulletin "RMA Snow Tire Definitions for Passenger and Light Truck (LT) Tires"):
1. New tire treads shall have multiple pockets or slots in at least one tread edge that meet the following dimensional requirements based on mold dimensions:

  • Extend toward the tread center at least 1/2 inch from the footprint edge, measured perpendicularly to the tread centerline.
  • A minimum cross-sectional width of 1/16 inch.
  • Edges of pockets or slots at angles between 35 and 90 degrees from the direction of travel.
2. The new tire tread contact surface void area will be a minimum of 25 percent based on mold dimensions.

Link: http://auto.howstuffworks.com/tire3.htm

I might be wrong, but Im pretty sure any manufacturer can slap "mud and snow" on their tires. It has to have a snoflake mountain symbol to be truly recongized as Winter tires.

edit : http://www.tirerack.com/winter/tech/techpage.jsp?techid=125
I live and drive in the city. Last winter it was so mild snow tires were barely necessary if at all. So I saved a season on my set.
I've ran every combo over the decades, 4x4, AWD, 2WD rear, 2WD front, I think snow tires on a light car work the best.
If you are plowing through a foot of snow, a tall 4x4 is better, but that's about the only situation. Just mounted my snows
on both cars this morning. Now it will stop snowing.
I might be wrong, but Im pretty sure any manufacturer can slap "mud and snow" on their tires. It has to have a snoflake mountain symbol to be truly recongized as Winter tires.

Carry on.....

Symbol for "winter tire" designation = correct.
To stamp "M&S" on 'any' tire = incorrect.
I have a better fix.......I'm going south for the better part of winter in about a week and a half :-)
Next year, they'll make it a law making condoms mandatory unless if you're ready and approved to have a child.
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