Ontario GTA photo tag

Zaneris is the only one laughing. Can we get a ruling as to whether he unfairly used psychological manipulation on IXFe to ensure the next tag belonged to him ;-)

I had to stop you and el felo from getting all the tags somehow.... all part of the game :)
Hey I may be coming down with something but that aint letting him have it that easy...

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less talking, more tagging svp! :)

it's all good: Brock, Clarington, Burlington, Milton, Caledon, Georgina ... :love9: for ALL of GTA! :wave:

whoa... i think we have to revisit the definition of GTA... :x
geographically, this just might be exactly what you are looking for .... http://www.gtamotorcycle.com/vbforum/showthread.php?159669-Mississauga-Photo-Tag/
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^^^ Hahaha I love that post
so many cry about Jackson's Point n who thats so far.. best part is that is not the limit :) .. Beaverton is :)

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I've really gotta go out that way to visit a friend... but haven't had the time to get around and do it.

And probably won't for a few weeks.
thx for clarifying Mississauga is GTA... lol

While waiting for this one, if anyone is interested, please go find the tag in the above mentioned Mississauga thread that I posted few weeks ago....

U mean to tell me that thread hasn't moved in a week? Lol wow smaller area and they don't even play that frequent ...

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^^^ Over the last 20 weeks of play, this thread has generated on average 14 tags per week! .. that's two per day!
Popularity clearly because of the lavish prize money.:happy7:
... oh, and the riddle hints that make you think .. better than suduko to keep the mind sharp and it helps hone your google-fu which is now a bonafide survival skill.

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Ha I thot this was a different type of photography course and a crash course on smartphone usage... clearly I have it all wrong!


Glad we can move on :-)

this is a joke. poster is not responsible for taggers who interrupt their rides to remote regions of the GTA because they think this is real. poster provides this content for entertainment purposes only and reader agrees by reading this that they will never hold poster liable for lost time, revenue, opportunity, medical expense, legal expense or dental expense as a result of this post.
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glad we can move on :-)

this is a joke. Poster is not responsible for taggers who interrupt their rides to remote regions of the gta because they think this is real. Poster provides this content for entertainment purposes only and reader agrees by reading this that they will never hold poster liable for lost time, revenue, opportunity, medical expense, legal expense or dental expense as a result of this post.

lol.:) "for entertainment purposes only" ... isn't that this entire thread? LOL.
"for entertainment purposes only" ... isn't that this entire thread?

Sometimes I'm not completely sure... ;)
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