Ontario GTA photo tag



I'm sorry.. last week u were questioning Zaneris tagging methods and having a cover up story ... a.k.a job...

I say I'll give a $10 dollar Tim card to the top tagger and all of a sudden you are free during the day too? Lol

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Okay, I realize you're buried, so I'll make this dead easy for you so you have the greatest prospect for success.

This is one place people are just dying to get into!

Leave no stone unturned!
i agree. couple of hours with google didn't help either... :-(

Funny, I just give them a call and they are pretty good at finding stuff fast. Nice guy named Sergei answers. He's 100% so far. 1-800-GOOGLE!
I'm sorry.. last week u were questioning Zaneris tagging methods and having a cover up story ... a.k.a job...

I say I'll give a $10 dollar Tim card to the top tagger and all of a sudden you are free during the day too? Lol

Sent from phone

What can I say. I'm like Pavlov's dog when it comes to Ice Caps ;-)
Lol n I was going to tag a funeral home last night n had to think about it twice!

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boo to the riddles.
I for one :love9: riddles and don't mind obscure pix if accompanied by a clever, punny, riddly hint. It demonstrates creatvitiy.

(providing a hint that is the GoogleMap url to the location is neither clever, punny nor riddly ... but it does move the game along briskly) :)
man oh man, I know exactly where that is.

Stupid physiotherapy preventing me from riding......
that is an easy tag and I am on no tag mode for the next 4 hours... :banghead:
that is an easy tag and I am on no tag mode for the next 4 hours... :banghead:

yup. Who wants to ride to Milton at this time of day anyway?
lol you are mean.. I would send them to like Mississauga or Ajax... but Milton lol....
I was trying to buy you more time ;)

I could have said Orangeville....
lol you are mean.. I would send them to like Mississauga or Ajax... but Milton lol....

Is that a mis-direct Mr. Felo? Trying to send us on a goose chase? Don't listen to him, it ain't in Milton. It's closer to Orillia...or rather where you can catch a ride to Orillia ;-)

BTW, don't worry I ain't going for this one. Got to be somewhere by 6.
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