Ontario GTA photo tag

New tag:

I'll grab this in 3 hours if no one else does in the mean time.

As the sign says
Sir Winston Churchill Park
301 St. Clair Avenue West at Spadina
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On a sneaky/confusing scale that one was pretty close to 10... The Brickworks was the last place you would think to look for a streetcar, unless they were really lost :p (cue the TTC jokes)

But you got it :-) If you look closely you can get a few clues as to location. And I was prepared to drop some good hints.

I personally really like the tags where I have to think and research a bit! Makes me think I have more of a chance to get an edge if I am geographically far away.

Like the Meeting House tag earlier this week, even though I rode all the way from midtown Toronto to Oakville in the middle of the day and lost by just a few minutes (damn you STaylorT!!) at least I thought I had a chance. If the address was obvious, I just would have waited for a west-ender to pick it up.

For example the tag I just picked up was easy as I looked at the address and saw I was only 5 minutes away.
!!!!!!!! This game is going insane! Hard to keep up with you guys now!!!

Sorry, I was even busy but it was waaaaaaaay too close to not go for it. Too bad its going to rain now so will make for a much less fun game this afternoon :-(

Rain ? Display of Weakness -10 points!!! Lol :)

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Depends how much rain. If this was October 15, 1954 that tag would be tricky (vdubblues might like it though)

You sure don't live up to your screen name :D
Wtf ... 13 to leader? U guys better not let me grab that returning tag or I'll make all of u really really angry... I'll be nice and as a hint provide the address

Sent from phone
:bounce: 20 minutes to Freedom and he has not posted it!...

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