Ontario GTA photo tag

Good call IFXe. I had the same initial reaction as you when I was catching up on the thread last night. Then had the same change of heart when I saw the taggers out in force.

It was poetic that both locations were repeats. If they only knew how many times the 'chicken truck' was tagged...

So to flog a dead horse:
*repeat tags on an old location are ok
*once you set a new location don't change it

I agree.

Unless it is the same taggers throughout the season, repeats are bound to happen. I don't think it is intentional. I just started riding less than a month ago and I have browsed through most of the 150+ pages in this thread but still I may end up posting a repeat (oops, i think already did). This thread is great for new riders and it gives a destination to ride to. Without this thread, I would not have known many nearby places such as FOTC. I would still want to check out the cataract hall area. The fun is in the ride, not the race.

May be we should add "do not provide/ask for hint for at least 24hours" to slow the pace... lol
May be we should add "do not provide/ask for hint for at least 24hours" to slow the pace... lol
I think that the quick pace is exciting. I've been scooped quite a number of times and I scooped others a few time too - it is all part of the fun. I've met other taggers on locations - also fun.

As many have said, it is all about getting out and riding: if you can't figure out the location, you've lost the chance to participate. I would prefer that there is enough info in the picture and/or hint to figure it out rather than only relying of having seen the location before. However, everyone's capability in that skill is different: what is obvious to me may have been missed by others and vice versa.

For a slower paced game (and some equally interesting riding) try Ontario Tag-o-rama; If it is still there, I may head up for the Ontario Tag-o-rama tag this weekend :) imagine the Forks Road going for over 25 km & you have an idea of what awaits in the Ontario game;

For a more open-ended and creative game try the Motorcycle Photo Hunt Game;
Old: (view from across the street)
I JUST added in another hint.. BUT.. Nims got it already :) lol
New (sorry, no moose!)


Not sure about the established policy re: hints. You should be able to figure out by the prominent feature(s) in the photo and the creative use of Google, but here is one to help you along:

Hint #1: They are the biggest game in town.
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