Ontario considers eliminating licence plate stickers for vehicles

Doug's just blowing smoke to see which way the wind blows. There's an election a-comin' folks, and he (once again) can't form a coherent policy about much of anything.
OK. Good to know I wasn't alone with that thought.
With 3 cars + 1 bike, consider me bribed! I also never understood why it's 50% off if you're in "northern" Ontario.
I don't understand why they ask if you want to pay for two years but shave nothing off the cost.
With 3 cars + 1 bike, consider me bribed! I also never understood why it's 50% off if you're in "northern" Ontario.

Probably because it's more of a necessity up north, due to lack of government-subsidized public transit.

Conversely, it's also a way to incentivize people to take public transit in Southern Ontario, instead of causing more congestion with your own vehicle.
Probably because it's more of a necessity up north, due to lack of government-subsidized public transit.

Conversely, it's also a way to incentivize people to take public transit in Southern Ontario, instead of causing more congestion with your own vehicle.
Sorry, that's not a bad talking point but most of southern ontario doesn't have viable public transit either. The closest transit stop to me is kilometers away.
and even if that bus stop was closer to home, it wouldn't necessarily get you to work...how many people live and work in the same city/town these days?...most people I know commute at least 20-30 minutes in good weather, so that reasoning for why stickers are cheaper up north, doesn't wash with me...sorry...
With 3 cars + 1 bike, consider me bribed! I also never understood why it's 50% off if you're in "northern" Ontario.

I’ve got 5 vehicles plus 2 bikes that are currently plated, but I think I’d rather pay the sticker fee than whatever fee will replace it at 200% the cost.
The government never willingly gives up a Billion dollars a year if they don’t have a plan to make it up, or more, elsewhere.
Easy plan would be to add it to insurance you need insurance to drive have them add 100 year plus 200 for administration

Sent using a thumb maybe 2
Doug's just blowing smoke to see which way the wind blows. There's an election a-comin' folks, and he (once again) can't form a coherent policy about much of anything.
How many other provinces don't have these stickers? Ontario is one of the last to still be gouging it's drivers.

Cash cow just like the drive clean tests.
The government isn't going to give up a cash cow if it doesn't have to:

"In 2018-19, Ontario's Financial Accountability Officer (FAO) reported that Vehicle and Driver Registration Fees brought $1.95 billion into the government's coffers, but that the program ended up costing $2.4 billion that year -- leaving a $436 million program shortfall."

Yet at the same time, they say

"The office of the FAO said, on Tuesday, the impact to the province could be "somewhere around a billion dollars" based on previous analysis of the registration fees. The lost revenue would come at a time when the government faces a post-pandemic deficit ranging between $16 to $20.5 billion -- figures which come from the FAO and Ministry of Finance respectively."

The government isn't going to give up a cash cow if it doesn't have to:

"In 2018-19, Ontario's Financial Accountability Officer (FAO) reported that Vehicle and Driver Registration Fees brought $1.95 billion into the government's coffers, but that the program ended up costing $2.4 billion that year -- leaving a $436 million program shortfall."

Except they aren't eliminating many of the costs, just the income. You still need registration and plates. They are just contemplating eliminating stickers. How many SO offices would close without stickers? Dealers need them reasonably close by so you can't get away with only a couple offices in the province.
Except they aren't eliminating many of the costs, just the income. You still need registration and plates. They are just contemplating eliminating stickers. How many SO offices would close without stickers? Dealers need them reasonably close by so you can't get away with only a couple offices in the province.

They're not eliminating the stickers, just the fees. Since this came up as a cost savings solution by MTO, I think that means streamlining the process so stickers are automatically sent out to people with clean records, and those with outstanding fines are held back. Decreases the number of SO wickets needing to wait on drivers to walk in. SO still (questionably) needs to be there for other things like health cards.
They're not eliminating the stickers, just the fees. Since this came up as a cost savings solution by MTO, I think that means streamlining the process so stickers are automatically sent out to people with clean records, and those with outstanding fines are held back. Decreases the number of SO wickets needing to wait on drivers to walk in. SO still (questionably) needs to be there for other things like health cards.
Why do we need stickers? Cops computer tells them if you're good. I am fine with ALPR installed on lots more cars. If you are on public roads, having your license passively checked by police seems fair to me (ideally they wouldn't log when/where just a pass/fail and don't save any passes).
With 3 cars + 1 bike, consider me bribed! I also never understood why it's 50% off if you're in "northern" Ontario.
I'm in too. 3 cars and 4 bikes saves me $500+ a year.

I believe the rationale is that Northerners have far fewer roads to maintain and enjoy fewer paved roadways, less public transit when compared to their southern counterparts.

Hey Doug, if you're listening -- get to work on reducing the cost of auto & bike insurance.
Hah - good luck with that. I've been bugging the CMA, MCC and MMIC for years to lobby the province for a full inquiry.
The response - crickets.
I'd expect that from those groups -- it's work! Ask them about a fact-finding trip to a European track, that's more up their alley.
It's official! I just saved $486 this year! Not sure why they chose March 13 instead of Feb 28 to coincide with the previous renewal deadline. So now everyone needs to renew by Feb 28, only to get a refund after March 13... What a waste of resources to process those refunds, when the point was to reduce costs in the first place. Government bureaucracy at its finest.

Woah, it's retroactive to the start of COVID!!! I'm saving almost $1500 now.

"All licence plate sticker fees paid between March 1, 2020 and March 12, 2022 for vehicles owned by individuals will be refunded."
Woah, it's retroactive to the start of COVID!!! I'm saving almost $1500 now.

All licence plate sticker fees paid between March 1, 2020 and March 12, 2022 for vehicles owned
I just paid 720 for stickers a few weeks ago. Exciting that I get it back, I am not looking forward to the announcement after the election where they make up the revenue somehow.

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