Olds Cool... Post-up Pics of your 10 year or older bike!

God I love that bike. Other than the RC30 and 45, this is the best looking Japanese sportbike ever made, but only in that colour. It was nice in green but not that same kind of appeal.

Sometimes I miss my 94. But a heavy pig it was, and at 5'4", and 155 lbs, it was tough to push around in the garage, or to load into the van.

couldnt agree more with you the red with black frame made that bike...heavy but handled better then most bikes i have ridden, i always keep my eye out on the older zx7's before i moved out west a member had a 91 (i think) for like 2 grand i would have bought it in a heart beat if i didnt move...but the move was worth it so no regrets.

1991 CBR600F2 (Sold couple years ago to buy an engagement ring. want it back! lol)

holy crap dude, if i sold a bike to buy a ring my gf would beat the crap outta me.
1985 Ninja 900 and 1984 VF1000F Interceptor


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Thanks! It's officially an award winning bike, Hot Rod class champion at the January bike show :)

Not bad considering I only entered it because it was cheaper than paying admission to the show!
All my bikes meet the mark! so.... pic whoring!

93 TZR250 - my current track weapon (more like a pocket knife then "weapon")


00 Aprilia Mille - my current daily driver (just make the 10 yr mark!)


88 YSR50 (no decent photos find online...)

Nice collection Yorkee. I can't believe that RSV is getting past 10 years old.
My first basket case project. It was an '89 XV535. Can't find pics of my current track bike which is a nail file to Yorkee's pocket knife.

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Nice collection Yorkee. I can't believe that RSV is getting past 10 years old.

It just meet the 10 yr mark. it was a 2000.

My first basket case project. It was an '89 XV535. Can't find pics of my current track bike which is a nail file to Yorkee's pocket knife.

Your RS might be more powerful. My TZR was restricted to 40hp stock.

I might be trading my TZR for a aprilia RS125... Single cylinder is easier to take care than a v-twin.
My 11 yr old


Gorgeous! I have always wanted three bikes: K1200RS (to tour on), W650 (to commute on) and a green ZRX1100 (for my hooligan side). I got one of the three for now.
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The most fun to ride bike under 60 kph: 1988 Yamaha YSR50


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Just turned 10, this pic was last fall it will have paint soon. Looks like she'll be back out of the basement this weekend.

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