Yes, I double checked all connections and looked at it when the bike was running, the smoke seems to be coming from below the exhaust, its not loose nuts and everything is in place.
My concern is the smoke, and the ticking. The oil constantly switching levels is abnormal as I've never seen this before, at least not this much. I understand that the level changes when the bike runs as the oil filter needs to be filled and the oil circulates, but it went from being completely full (the upper part of the max fill line) to almost completely empty.
add more oil untill you see it in the window....
Thanks for all of your help. When the bike is off and completely level the oil just barely reaches in between the lower and upper level lines. When the bike is on the oil level drops below the lower line and is almost completely non existent in the window.
The ticking noise is concerning but I think thats a seperate issue from the smoke/oil. I can see the smoke coming from the excess oil and all the crap thats still on there from the change, but the smoke coming out of the exhaust is normal for the first couple of minutes, and then turns into a really thick white.
Isn't white smoke indicative of a coolant leak? (not directed at you OP specifically - more the tech savvy posters) is coolant getting into the combustion chamber? That's usually a head-gasket problem..or a cracked case..unlikely unless the OP is very clumsy or something else happened. If he over-tightened the oil pan bolt the case may have cracked..but I don't think it could cause enough damage to cause a huge coolant leak. Trick is figuring out if it's just normal condensation or if it's coolant. That's the problem with internet diagnoses..this could be solved in 30 seconds if someone knowledgeable could look at it in person..
Agree - but he indicated he had to take off the radiator - not sure if something got fubar'd on the removal/install.
Thanks for all the responses, but I figured the smoke/oil issue out. Turns out when you remove the oil pan you need about 500 ml more oil than a regular oil change, which is why the white smoke was coming out of the exhaust. The smoke coming out of the front was excess oil, etc, which heated up when I started my bike. No head gaskets have been blown and everything worked out fine. The ticking has gone down slightly (possibly due to the oil) but I think its time to get my valve clearances adjusted on this bad boy for some piece of mind.
Would it be possible that the thick white smoke is a result of there not being enough oil?
Regardless, filling the oil up to appropriate levels seems to be the next course of action.
WOW dont you trust people and the experience offered ?.... 34 post later You say this...
good morning rocky...maybe the guy should have loosened off the oil filter, to check for oil pressure and flow in case there was an air lock with the pan replacement because the pump was dry.