Oil Filter Wrench


Well-known member
Hey all,

Sorry if this has been answered before - the search I did wasn't picking anything obvious up.

As this is the end of my first season, I'm going to 'brave' changing the oil myself to put the bike to bed. The guy I bought it off of walked me through the first one when I got it, but I haven't done one myself since. I know the steps and such, but am wondering about the tools. I ride a 2002 F4i, and to be honest not 100% sure what filter is on it right now. Is there a specific tool I can get at CanTire or something like that to help with taking the filter on/off?

Any suggestions would be appreciated, still pretty new to actually working on the bike myself.
I did an oil change on my 03 CBR 600RR for the first time and didn't have to remove and fairings and removed the filter with my hand.

Its basically the exact same procedure as a car. I had an electronic repair maunual to read over just to make sure I knew what I was doing and front and rear stands to make life easier. Mine was as simple as idle 3-5 mins, let it sit 2-3mins, remove filter and oil. Replace filter and oil, run 3-5 mins, sit 2-3 mins and check oil level.

Just don't over tighten the oil pan plug and take your time and you should have no problem. Goodluck and let us know how it goes.
Hey all,

Sorry if this has been answered before - the search I did wasn't picking anything obvious up.

As this is the end of my first season, I'm going to 'brave' changing the oil myself to put the bike to bed. The guy I bought it off of walked me through the first one when I got it, but I haven't done one myself since. I know the steps and such, but am wondering about the tools. I ride a 2002 F4i, and to be honest not 100% sure what filter is on it right now. Is there a specific tool I can get at CanTire or something like that to help with taking the filter on/off?

Any suggestions would be appreciated, still pretty new to actually working on the bike myself.

When you buy a new oil filter get a K&N as they have a 13mm nut on they end for easier install/removal. You would need a kn-204
I am assuming you are doing it fairings off for your first time? Wrap a piece of tinfoil over your headers on each side and one just under your filter to guide the excess oil from your filter for an easy clean-up.

As for the tool you would need to remove the filter, One of these below will be the easiest and cheapest for you.

If the previous owner didn't go ape **** on it then you can just take it off by hand. If it's on to tight to do by hand, you can use vise grips to squeeze and then twist off, doesn't matter if you dent the old filter as you will be throwing it off. If you have a K&N filter that's easier as there is a nut on it but I have never used one.

As mentioned above, once you fill it up, make sure to run it for a few minutes after you have filled it and then check the level again. You will need to fill it up a bit more after you have run the engine. And DO NOT overtighten the drainplug bolt or cross thread it.
If you buy an oil filter wrench, just make sure you take your new filter to the store so you can make sure the wrench you're getting will grip properly.

Because of where my filter and frame are located, I couldn't use a traditional filter wrench (and couldn't get it off by hand, maybe I'm just weak!); ended up having to use a large pipe wrench to get the old filter off. Installed a new K&N filter with a nut on the end; it was MUCH easier!

But I'm not sure if the extra nut on K&N filters are worth the ~$5 premium though. If you have the right tools, then it might not be worth it to pay for the extra nut.
When you buy a new oil filter get a K&N as they have a 13mm nut on they end for easier install/removal. You would need a kn-204
I am assuming you are doing it fairings off for your first time? Wrap a piece of tinfoil over your headers on each side and one just under your filter to guide the excess oil from your filter for an easy clean-up.

As for the tool you would need to remove the filter, One of these below will be the easiest and cheapest for you.


Yeah I'll probably take the fairings off - and clean them at the same time (while waiting around for oil to drain etc). Where would I find one of those tools?
Yeah I'll probably take the fairings off - and clean them at the same time (while waiting around for oil to drain etc). Where would I find one of those tools?

Everystore that sells oil. CT, Autozone, even Wal-mart.
Everystore that sells oil. CT, Autozone, even Wal-mart.
Awesome, thank you very much! Very helpful and fast responses here which is appreciated. I'm looking forward to starting to get my 'hands on' the bike more now so you'll probably see more of me in here.
Remember to bring along your new filter to get the right size wrench!!
Good point! I should be picking the stuff up this evening, so I can probably swing into a store while I still have it with me. Then I'll have to plan out my whole 'winterizing' process a bit so I know if I need to pick anything else up (guessing seafoam and a trickle charger of some sort). Thanks again, super helpful in this section of the forum!
Good point! I should be picking the stuff up this evening, so I can probably swing into a store while I still have it with me. Then I'll have to plan out my whole 'winterizing' process a bit so I know if I need to pick anything else up (guessing seafoam and a trickle charger of some sort). Thanks again, super helpful in this section of the forum!
And some fuel stabilizer
i use a strap wrench most times as the ome oil filters are different then the k&n, fram and emgo filters.
All else fails in getting it off, ram a screw driver through it and twist. Water pump pliers work too. Don't over think the little stuff.:)
I thought seafoam was, it looked like a few people were suggesting it as a good option on the forum. Maybe I'm wrong? I'll have to look at the options in store I think

Could be right? I thought it was for cleaning?
Most Honda sportbikes, if not all, use Honda filter # 15410-MFJ-D01 and fit a 65mm filter wrench. Honda sells them but they are expensive like approx $50.

I got one from a Honda dealer in the U.S. For approx $8! Brand is Imperial, Part NO. IF-6514, 65mm 14 flute. Fits: Fram PH6017A, Honda 1540 -MM5-013, Kawasaki 16097 - 1061 - 63, 64 per the package which I still have. Nice thing is it fits a 3/8 inch entension for a ratchet so that it fits also a torque wrench if you want to torque tighten it. Honda gives a torque, suzuki say 1 turn past contact or something, Kawi.......

I could not find one that fit at Canadian Tire.

I just found some on-line for $7.92 U.S..
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