Oil Change for ninja 250R

Ok I'll try to help out with the idle issue.
- start the bike with the choke on for about 3 mins, then turn the choke back down to normal and let the bike idle for another 2 mins
- go for a 20 minute or so ride , until the bike is fully warmed up
- put the gear in neutral and check the rpms , they should be around 1,200 - 1,500 rpms
- if it's too high try adjusting the idle speed adjustment screw. It's a black screw located on the left side of the bike close to where you knee would rest. Just turn it in small increments until the idle is close to the 1,200 - 1,500 rpm area. I can't recall which way increases - decreases the rpms. I think counter clockwise decreases it. Don't turn it too much , usually a quarter turn is all that is needed.
- once you get it close to the correct rpm, go for a ride and see if holds it there. If not keep fine tuning it.
- just make sure the bike is fully warmed up when you do this. Don't just start the bike and try to adjust it without going for a ride first. I would also do this on a mild day. It's difficult to get it accurate on a cold day. These bikes run very lean to begin with.

haha thanks all

and yeah it my only interview/offer from 1st round so i just took it lmao didnt kno they were gonna work me to the ground

dam you should have asked in the interview, i always ask for the hours/rate etc, i had around 11/12 interviews before i finally picked mine and that was in last round too.
I have the same thing going on.... no worries on that. It's a Ninja 250 thing, as far as I know.

You will also notice different rpms from day to day, for the same speed on a given gear. For instance, my bike runs anything between 4.5k-5.5k rpm at 60km/h on 6th gear.

oooo okay yeaa thats exactly what happens LOL i thought my engine was over heating or something crazy . . . didnt want it to break down half way somewhere

Ok I'll try to help out with the idle issue.
- start the bike with the choke on for about 3 mins, then turn the choke back down to normal and let the bike idle for another 2 mins
- go for a 20 minute or so ride , until the bike is fully warmed up
- put the gear in neutral and check the rpms , they should be around 1,200 - 1,500 rpms
- if it's too high try adjusting the idle speed adjustment screw. It's a black screw located on the left side of the bike close to where you knee would rest. Just turn it in small increments until the idle is close to the 1,200 - 1,500 rpm area. I can't recall which way increases - decreases the rpms. I think counter clockwise decreases it. Don't turn it too much , usually a quarter turn is all that is needed.
- once you get it close to the correct rpm, go for a ride and see if holds it there. If not keep fine tuning it.
- just make sure the bike is fully warmed up when you do this. Don't just start the bike and try to adjust it without going for a ride first. I would also do this on a mild day. It's difficult to get it accurate on a cold day. These bikes run very lean to begin with.

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i see, thanks! will definately do that up when i go home. the problem is it's on and off, sometimes it'll be okay then sometimes the rpm will jump up :/ so kinda sketchy but according to whetaus-tr its just a ninja thing so i guess it's okay
You will also notice different rpms from day to day, for the same speed on a given gear. For instance, my bike runs anything between 4.5k-5.5k rpm at 60km/h on 6th gear.
That is not possible unless your clutch is slipping or the tachometer reads wrong at various times.
i see, thanks! will definately do that up when i go home. the problem is it's on and off, sometimes it'll be okay then sometimes the rpm will jump up :/ so kinda sketchy but according to whetaus-tr its just a ninja thing so i guess it's okay

Make sure you are adjusting the idle speed after the engine is completely warmed up.
That is not possible unless your clutch is slipping or the tachometer reads wrong at various times.

ohhhh shieeeeeeettt i have a feeling my clutch was slipping . . . i might need a new clutch then? D:
That is not possible unless your clutch is slipping or the tachometer reads wrong at various times.

That is what I was told at the very first time I mentioned about this problem in here last year, and people went as far as telling me that I was on drugs and didn't know what gear I was in etc. you get the point =)

Then it turned out that inconsistent rpm readings due to engine temperature is a well documented issue in the Ninja 250 world.
ohhhh shieeeeeeettt i have a feeling my clutch was slipping . . . i might need a new clutch then? D:

Try this: get on the 6th gear, and cruise around 3k rpm (I would guess this is between 25-30km/h), then open the throttle all the way and keep the throttle full open till you hit 60km/h.

If your rpm is going up much before you see a significant change in the speed, then you do need a new clutch.


Else if your rpm is rising proportional to your speed, then your good.

My guess would be the 'else if' situation, because a slipping clutch should be very obvious, even to a new rider. And my other guess would be that you have the same problem as many other Ninja 250s. Unless your getting odd mileages and experience BIG loss in the power out of blue, then you may want to go to Kahuna, otherwise, you just learn to live with it =)
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If your rpm is going up much before you see a significant change in the speed, then you do need a new clutch.

Else if your rpm is rising proportional to your speed, then your good.

My guess would be the 'else if' situation, because a slipping clutch should be very obvious, even to a new rider. And my other guess would be that you have the same problem as many other Ninja 250s. Unless your getting odd mileages and experience BIG loss in the power out of blue, then you may want to go to Kahuna, otherwise, you just learn to live with it =)

Computer programmer?
one other thing to note is that the CDI on these bikes can cause the RPMs to read high at times. It's worse when it's hot out, but I've seen fluctuations of 1000 rpm or more, while keeping a steady throttle opening on a really hot day. It's a defect that Kawi won't do a recall for, some guys swap their CDI units for the pregen -07 ones to fix it. I don't know if this will apply to your situation or not since it's still relatively cool out, but i just thought I'd put it out there before you tear the clutch out of it.

and unrelated, but i chuckled at the If then statement :lol:
Try this: get on the 6th gear, and cruise around 3k rpm (I would guess this is between 25-30km/h), then open the throttle all the way and keep the throttle full open till you hit 60km/h.

If your rpm is going up much before you see a significant change in the speed, then you do need a new clutch.


Else if your rpm is rising proportional to your speed, then your good.

My guess would be the 'else if' situation, because a slipping clutch should be very obvious, even to a new rider. And my other guess would be that you have the same problem as many other Ninja 250s. Unless your getting odd mileages and experience BIG loss in the power out of blue, then you may want to go to Kahuna, otherwise, you just learn to live with it =)

Hahah alright i just did that test and it didnt slip, both the tach and the speedometer were going pretty even so :D

Yeah i noticed its more sketchy when its hotter out!!
I really do hope all these hours you put in a week, (76 hours) are because you own the business and are willing to do this, otherwise I would be getting a hold of the labour board.....really fast....

and or your getting paid O/T for the extra 32 hours or so per week your doing.....I can't imagine you enjoying life all that much......or having the time to enjoy it.....

Whats this a union thread?
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