Oil Change for ninja 250R

okay guys so i have just changed to amsoil 10w-40 but he problem is now after i rode for 50 mins and the engine gets hot, when im on idle the revs are higher than normal . . . i dont kno if thats normal or what. it'll be sitting at 2k rpm usually itll be close to 1k rpm
okay guys so i have just changed to amsoil 10w-40 but he problem is now after i rode for 50 mins and the engine gets hot, when im on idle the revs are higher than normal . . . i dont kno if thats normal or what. it'll be sitting at 2k rpm usually itll be close to 1k rpm

I don't know if that's a symptom of a problem.. but if it isn't, you should be able to adjust the idle. I know on my bike, there is a screw hanging down from the carbs, and I have to rotate that to change the idle
I don't know if that's a symptom of a problem.. but if it isn't, you should be able to adjust the idle. I know on my bike, there is a screw hanging down from the carbs, and I have to rotate that to change the idle

ahhh okay i shall look for that screw lmao
ahhh okay i shall look for that screw lmao


I really, really, don't want to sound like a prick, but stop being an idiot and get this bike to someone who knows what to do with it, or get someone who knows what to do with it to the bike.

We all started somewhere, but it doesn't seem like you do any homework on the bike. Take it (get it!!) to someone who has the time and knowledge to give the bike a really good one over. There is plenty of great advice on here, but its much easier to figure something out when you're physically with the bike. A once over by someone who really knows their **** will allow you to gain a lot of information.

My 2 cents.
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I really, really, don't want to sound like a prick, but stop being an idiot and get this bike to someone who knows what to do with it, or get someone who knows what to do with it to the bike.

We all started somewhere, but it doesn't seem like you do any homework on the bike. Take it (get it!!) to someone who has the time and knowledge to give the bike a really good one over. There is plenty of great advice on here, but its much easier to figure something out when you're physically with the bike. A once over by someone who really knows their **** will allow you to gain a lot of information.

My 2 cents.

yes when you work 74 hour weeks 7 days a week, you dont really have the time to find a buddy to come stop and stare at your bike. the only place where i can find answers is on this forum which i don't take for granted, when i post on this site i'm at work (not at home with the bike). I get my answers from the forum go home and try to figure out before passing out for another work day. I highly appreciate everyone who helps me out as it's my first bike, first official season so please excuse me for being a paranoid beginner.
yes when you work 74 hour weeks 7 days a week, you dont really have the time to find a buddy to come stop and stare at your bike. the only place where i can find answers is on this forum which i don't take for granted, when i post on this site i'm at work (not at home with the bike). I get my answers from the forum go home and try to figure out before passing out for another work day. I highly appreciate everyone who helps me out as it's my first bike, first official season so please excuse me for being a paranoid beginner.

Spend the extra money and bring it to a mechanic. I'm thinking of bringing my bike to Z1 and getting a look over, i'll ask if i can watch them lol.
Spend the extra money and bring it to a mechanic. I'm thinking of bringing my bike to Z1 and getting a look over, i'll ask if i can watch them lol.

money is not the issue lmao its the TIME. by the time i get off work everyday all shops are closed. i have work monday to friday 9:00 am to 10:00 pm. Saturday 9:00 am to 7:00pm Sunday 11:00 am to 5:00pm... sunday would've been the only day to have a chance of getting the bike into the shop but they're all closed on sundays. unless you can give me a shop that fits with my work schedule i would be happy to bring it to a mechanic because believe me that was my first option.
money is not the issue lmao its the TIME. by the time i get off work everyday all shops are closed. i have work monday to friday 9:00 am to 10:00 pm. Saturday 9:00 am to 7:00pm Sunday 11:00 am to 5:00pm... sunday would've been the only day to have a chance of getting the bike into the shop but they're all closed on sundays. unless you can give me a shop that fits with my work schedule i would be happy to bring it to a mechanic because believe me that was my first option.

You can drop it off at a few fellow gtamer's house and have them work it on.
money is not the issue lmao its the TIME. by the time i get off work everyday all shops are closed. i have work monday to friday 9:00 am to 10:00 pm. Saturday 9:00 am to 7:00pm Sunday 11:00 am to 5:00pm... sunday would've been the only day to have a chance of getting the bike into the shop but they're all closed on sundays. unless you can give me a shop that fits with my work schedule i would be happy to bring it to a mechanic because believe me that was my first option.

money is not the issue lmao its the TIME. by the time i get off work everyday all shops are closed. i have work monday to friday 9:00 am to 10:00 pm. Saturday 9:00 am to 7:00pm Sunday 11:00 am to 5:00pm... sunday would've been the only day to have a chance of getting the bike into the shop but they're all closed on sundays. unless you can give me a shop that fits with my work schedule i would be happy to bring it to a mechanic because believe me that was my first option.

I really do hope all these hours you put in a week, (76 hours) are because you own the business and are willing to do this, otherwise I would be getting a hold of the labour board.....really fast....

and or your getting paid O/T for the extra 32 hours or so per week your doing.....I can't imagine you enjoying life all that much......or having the time to enjoy it.....
I really do hope all these hours you put in a week, (76 hours) are because you own the business and are willing to do this, otherwise I would be getting a hold of the labour board.....really fast....

and or your getting paid O/T for the extra 32 hours or so per week your doing.....I can't imagine you enjoying life all that much......or having the time to enjoy it.....

Haha i wish it was for my own business, dont really have a say since its for my coop term and im a tax accountant(lucky for me its tax season). Not getting paid OT as they made all the coop students sign wavers saying we agree to work 44+ hours a week without OT pay.. sigh and its not like i can quit because i need to get through this for school hahaha so just gotta grind through till the end. Try my best to enjoy the little time i have to myself, to ride around town or hit the gym for an hour before going home to pass out for another day in paradise . . . just trying to stay sane
WOW,,,,the stuff companies will do to get free labour and exploit staff......

I think it's illegal to be working 76 hours a week, even if you did sign a waiver, you do realize (of course you do) that you are basically working twice as many hours as the average joe almost....

I feel for ya brother, but this place is taking advantage of it's employees, especially students.....my sister in law had a similar thing going on as well, (accounting firm as well) until the labour board was contacted, then all this nonsense of working 80 hours a week stopped, everyone had normal hours, and anything over 44 hours was paid in OT, and yes her and all the others signed a waiver as well, it didn't hold up, once the labour board was involved....

good luck to you, hope you survive, and fortunately tax time is not a long time......
man that sucks.... all that just for a coop term. I am on a 1 year coop term and im on the internets all day.. (IT)
yes when you work 74 hour weeks 7 days a week, you dont really have the time to find a buddy to come stop and stare at your bike. the only place where i can find answers is on this forum which i don't take for granted, when i post on this site i'm at work (not at home with the bike). I get my answers from the forum go home and try to figure out before passing out for another work day. I highly appreciate everyone who helps me out as it's my first bike, first official season so please excuse me for being a paranoid beginner.

Like I tried to say in the post, I'm not out to get ya. It's just the best advice I can give you. I started out as the most paranoid beginner, taking the bike to be looked out for stupid stuff. If I can help, let me know.
Haha i wish it was for my own business, dont really have a say since its for my coop term and im a tax accountant(lucky for me its tax season). Not getting paid OT as they made all the coop students sign wavers saying we agree to work 44+ hours a week without OT pay.. sigh and its not like i can quit because i need to get through this for school hahaha so just gotta grind through till the end. Try my best to enjoy the little time i have to myself, to ride around town or hit the gym for an hour before going home to pass out for another day in paradise . . . just trying to stay sane


I hope you get to nap all day at work for the rest of the year... otherwise you're a chump.
Haha i wish it was for my own business, dont really have a say since its for my coop term and im a tax accountant(lucky for me its tax season). Not getting paid OT as they made all the coop students sign wavers saying we agree to work 44+ hours a week without OT pay.. sigh and its not like i can quit because i need to get through this for school hahaha so just gotta grind through till the end. Try my best to enjoy the little time i have to myself, to ride around town or hit the gym for an hour before going home to pass out for another day in paradise . . . just trying to stay sane

wow dude wtf, was that your first pick?
haha thanks all

and yeah it my only interview/offer from 1st round so i just took it lmao didnt kno they were gonna work me to the ground
haha thanks all

and yeah it my only interview/offer from 1st round so i just took it lmao didnt kno they were gonna work me to the ground

What doesn't kill you will make you stronger.

You're a student, so you're pretty young (you can handle it). You're there to learn - and you're getting a ton of experience. Plus, it's temporary (1 term? 4 months or so?).

Good luck!
it'll be sitting at 2k rpm usually itll be close to 1k rpm

I have the same thing going on.... no worries on that. It's a Ninja 250 thing, as far as I know.

You will also notice different rpms from day to day, for the same speed on a given gear. For instance, my bike runs anything between 4.5k-5.5k rpm at 60km/h on 6th gear.
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