stupid question, but do any of you talk to your neighbours? have anyone tried telling your neighbours that they should have their dog on a leash? a lot of people tend to be very reasonable if you have the right approach.
I tried. The neighbour's little yapper did its vocals every time they let it out and I when I got a chance I gently spoke to the hubby telling him I would like to enjoy a bit of peace and quiet in my back yard. His wife comes over and tells me it's my fault for being in my yard. The term for female dog can also be used for the owner.
Such a mixed bag of occurrences.
I had an off leash spaniel take a run at me when on the wing. Fortunately we both hit the brakes.
A very good friend has a son-in-law that will never be right again because a driver swerved to avoid a loose dog and swerved into his SIL's lane hitting him head on.
I saw a little girl, trying to walk down the sidewalk, frozen and traumatized by a neighbours dog snaring, barking and growling at her. The same dog came up our driveway and did the same to my wife but took off before I could get a shovel. The dog's owner was a cop so if I made contact with it with a shovel the self centred owner would probably have me charged.
On the other hand we were out on a rather remote trail with our daughters shepherd collie mix and let the pup off her leash. She roamed around never going more than 50 feet from us as we walked. No leash tugs etc. Any time another party approached we would call her back and snap on the leash. A pleasant outing.
On our street I saw a guy walking his dog, off leash but leash in hand, and it was heeling perfectly. It was nice to see.
The basic problem is too many people are either too lazy or incompetent to learn about dog behavior. They see a little puppy and they're all so cute. They ignore the facts. They grow up and leave large dumps. They develop their inherited traits.
Dogs need to be licensed.
Owners need to be licensed.
Common sense could replace most laws.