Off leash dogs running around

I'm glad 'm not the only one that has to deal with this issue. I have a Husky and would love to let him free to run but for obvious Husky reasons, he's on a lead at all times outside of an enclosed area. We have a large green space directly behind our backyard that opens to fields and has a few paths to walk around in. The amount of people that will allow their dogs to run free just baffles me. I under stand that your dog may be behaved, well trained, friendly with other dogs, etc. but all it takes is for the other dog to be neither of those and all hell can break loose.

Specifically there is a couple that had two Retrievers who frequently go off leash out in the back area as well as on the street. They have met my Husky through the fence and lets just say it did not seem all to pleasant...not that my guy is aggressive, but he is a dominant male and we are aware and behave appropriately.
We had an instance where the owner let one off the lead on the street before you even get to the green space (basically a 90 degree bend) and we were walking further down towards that area, doesn't the thing just start bolting towards us. And there's me shouting for whoever owns this dog to come and put it on a lead, thankfully the dog stops dead and turns back eventually.
However, the other day the other Retriever is off leash on the sidewalk on our street and as I round the corner on my bike just starts bolting after me. Thankfully I just bolted off and it gave up shortly after. What really bothers me is the owners reaction (well the wife), no apologies or anything, I tried to make a joke about that being the first time that has happened to me and was met with "ya, he chases cars and bikes sometimes"....really?! WTF lady, and it's off a lead? Apparently asking them to be on a lead out back also was too much since "that is their area", pretty sure it's the gas co's land but whatever lady.

Sadly it is the owners and their ****** "no one else matters" attitude. My wife and I have started calling the bylaw officers and making complaints in hops that it will end. The sad thing is that there are a few off lead that are well trained with respectful owners that will suffer because of the twats.

/end rant
If you haven't contacted Brampton Animal Services about this yet, do. They're usually on things pretty fast. Hell, when I moved to Brampton they were on me at the off-leash dog park (the actual dog park) within two weeks because I didn't have my dog licensed with the city yet, threatening to take my dog away from me. They mean business.
One of my dogs has really bad hips...he's doing really well under our care and that's the way I want things to stay. This means he doesn't get to play with other dogs the same way as he would if he was healthy. This also means being really careful with off leash dogs as we've had problems with them before jumping at him and rolling him over etc. Luckily his sister is also usually with us and she's (a) healthy and (b) intolerant of other dogs that are off lead....hence why we tell people she's aggressive and the thought of high vet bills usually gets the other dogs put on a leash.
OP - as others have said, ppls dogs need to be leashed at all times, and its on them if they get bitten, my dog get aggressive towards some other dog when on leash sometimes so I know how you feel, off leash parks are a different story tho.

And to the guy that said something about kicking the snot out of a dog for mounting his....I bet you are a pu$$y in real life...........
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One of the trails I ride on. The Trans Canada trail. Starting at Mississauga road. Ending up in Palgrave. Practically all the owners have their dogs off leash. However, I give them plenty of warning I am coming. they hold their dog. Never had a problem.
I remember many years ago I was walking my friends dog. This fellow came up to me and said, "Does your dog bite? " I said no. To which he bent down to pat the dog. Which promptly bit him. He told me you said your dog did not bit. I replied, it`s not my dog.
Couldn`t resist that.
Btw you're an @$$hole lol

sent from my Purple LGG4 on the GTAM app
Was out for a run today when I came upon a large mix -- guessing it had some bull terrier in it but not positive -- off-leash. Thing came right at me. Deep, menacing barking, running circles around me and bumping my legs with its muzzle as it went by. Very ****ing intimidating; I've not felt the fight or flight adrenaline rush like that in ages. I didn't actually know what to do; should I preemptively kick it in the head and run? Stand still and wait for it to go for me? Or hope it runs off?

No owner visible at first. Dog's circling and barking; I get the feeling it was testing me with the muzzle hit-n-runs. Waiting to become a story on the 6pm news when the owner appears. Low-class middle aged woman, fat smoker judging by the voice. Ineffectively calls the dog. I'm asking her WTF is this thing doing off a leash? Get it away from me. She says "...the dog's an *******. he don't listen to no one..." as the dog finally runs off, maybe distracted by a squirrel. I don't know. I give her the gears and tell her I'm this close to calling animal control for a loose dog, especially one as large and physically menacing as this, with zero obedience training. She lumbers off in the other direction going to get the dog...

So I'm then on my way, really wishing I had my phone with me. My route takes me about 15 minutes around and I find myself back in the area. The dog is still loose and comes after me again, same way. Really getting ****** now. Wish I had a baseball bat with me. The ghoulish woman comes out again, this time with a leash in her hand and starts yelling at me. "he's an *******, it's not easy to get him..." I can't believe what I'm hearing. I give her an earful again and remind her that little kids play and women with strollers frequent this road and that she better get her **** together before someone is hurt. I once again go on my way.

About 5 minutes later a car drives up and a fat **** starts yelling at me for yelling at her mother and threatens me with violence. She actually got in her car and chased me down to yell at and threaten me... Couldn't believe it. Wish I had my phone to record it.

Moral of the story: Some dog owners are real ****ers.

Not going that route again without my phone and a can of this:

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stupid question, but do any of you talk to your neighbours? have anyone tried telling your neighbours that they should have their dog on a leash? a lot of people tend to be very reasonable if you have the right approach.
For the dog or the owners?

Got to be careful about using this on humans if only for the chance for assault with (some sort of) weapon charges that may be laid. I don't know exactly what the law is here but I'm assuming the information here is basically correct. If so, I'd be in some legal ****. But if the meth-lab types living there came at me and I felt my life and/or limb were in danger I would use it defensively and deal with the legal consequences later.

You can (apparently; going to try tomorrow) buy the stuff OTS at Canadian Tire so how bad can it be?
You saw what that poor dog has to put up with...clueless people shouldn't be allowed to have pets.
Don't blame the dog...blame always lies with the owner.

I actually said that to the woman in my story. She said the dog was a (anal orifice) and I said "No, he's just a dog without a leash." I didn't bother recommending obedience training...

Maybe consider this one. No pepper spray but has a distinct sound that will keep dogs away from you. Definitely has worked for me.
One time I was driving & I saw an off leash dog attacked a woman. Literally pounced on her. The lady had no clue what to do.

Some people are off their rocker!
The city keeps building dog parks that very few use them as I understand from my dog owner friends, they are dangerous for smaller dogs.

My wife and I go running in Taylor Creek park on a dirt trail along the creek and run into every type of dog and mostly very nice owners who control their dogs even though they are off leash.

However, I worry more about the farm dogs when riding in the country as they can run into the path of bike.
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The city keeps building dog parks that very few use them as I understand from my dog owner friends, they are dangerous for smaller dogs.

In my experience dog parks attract the ********* owners whose dogs are violent and out of control. They can't safely walk their beasts so they bring them to the park to attack dogs there and then drive away at high speed after an attack. I have personally seen this 3 times and heard of it happening many more times.
Got to be careful about using this on humans if only for the chance for assault with (some sort of) weapon charges that may be laid. I don't know exactly what the law is here but I'm assuming the information here is basically correct. If so, I'd be in some legal ****. But if the meth-lab types living there came at me and I felt my life and/or limb were in danger I would use it defensively and deal with the legal consequences later.

You can (apparently; going to try tomorrow) buy the stuff OTS at Canadian Tire so how bad can it be?

I know, sadly it's the owner that needs the lesson not the dog though. Maybe you can try to line them up so you are spraying the dog but the owner catches the overspray.
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