Late to the party. Self employed forever.
High end audio first ( anyone recall Ring Audio - that was part of it. ) but at the wholesale end, lots of travel, trade shows. DINK at the time
Shifted to computers in the 80s and now retired to Australia after 37 years selling Macs by appointment ( hate retail ). Sold the company without a lot to show for it but had a good time and ex said - "you were a good provider"

private school and travel with the kids...again lots of travel and worked from home from day got better and better as the internet/network speeds grew. Biz stayed very modest in size but paid the bills and then some.
Could spend winter months in Western Cape SA and still work...then in Australia part time for last 12 years....landed full time the last two.
Living on my Canada pension with Australian partner....we travelled a lot together - adjusting now to reduced means and getting old. Still riding at 75 and pleased with that. Started at 17.
Dottor graduated uni at 20 with 4 years Federal seniority. She's back with the Feds taking a paid year off for her MBA. No worries with her and we are close.
Shared motorcycling with son for a decade who struggled with work the last couple of years until diagnosed with brain cancer two years ago - explained a number of strange things that occurred.
Iffy prognosis - just out of an operation yesterday.

It was successful tho. So glad we got our cross Canada rides in together.
Very much a rolling stone, always wanted a business which employed people and left me free to travel and work where I wanted ..often the Forks. Was not interested in being tied to a property.
Partner in Australia fortunately thought otherwise.