Not The Only Crap

That you think someone can be wrong, but it's ok to let them think they're right because of the feelz.

Many (most, actually) conspiracy theories are demonstrably false. There's gobs of data out there that simply entirely disproves most of them, and most of it is based in science. The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.

Anyhow. Conspiracy theorists just discount ALL of it because they think that info is fake too, or all that data is just part of a bigger conspiracy theory covering for that other conspiracy theory. There's so many layers it's like an onion in the end.

But in the end.....they're still wrong.

I can go stand on my lawn tomorrow morning and scream at the top of my lungs that the sidewalk is lava. But there's evidence to prove that's false. Even if I don't want to believe it it doesn't mean that I'm right and the sidewalk is actually lava.

iv'e been told by an old man when i was a kid, believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see
iv'e been told by an old man when i was a kid, believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see

I prefer to use science and critical thinking to make my own judgments in life, not basing it on the musings of someone else.
I prefer to use science and critical thinking to make my own judgments in life, not basing it on the musings of someone else.

and how is that working for you? i believe if your a good person and give respect then you get back the same. but i also try to stay out of other peoples business. has nothing to do with science when it comes to rational thinking and actions.

science has been proven to not always be 100% right as well
and how is that working for you? i believe if your a good person and give respect then you get back the same. but i also try to stay out of other peoples business. has nothing to do with science when it comes to rational thinking and actions.

science has been proven to not always be 100% right as well
i think his point is science provides data.
and how is that working for you? i believe if your a good person and give respect then you get back the same. but i also try to stay out of other peoples business. has nothing to do with science when it comes to rational thinking and actions.

science has been proven to not always be 100% right as well

I heard a phrase the other day that I liked.

"The only thing to prove science is wrong, is better science."

Very true. But sadly even with science the 6 versus 9 aspect comes into play and people do try to manipulate the other critical indicators that help to understand the science.
i understand that, but when someone goes and shutdown another in away that looks like a bully because they don't agree with the post don't make it right. IMHO.

people can draw there own opinion and not have another push one on them

Facts > Opinion

Opinions can indeed be wrong ... when facts prove so.

You can state an opinion that my cat is a bird, but the fact is, my cat is most definitely a cat and is not a bird. Therefore, your opinion that my cat is a bird, is wrong, because it disagrees with a fact.

There is a hierarchy of opinions. An opinion that is well supported by available data, even if imperfect, carries more weight than one which has been pulled out of thin air (which applies to much of the conspiracy-theory BS - once again, Dunning-Kruger applies here).

This is where the scientific method comes into play. We, collectively, don't have all information about everything in the universe, and we recognise that. Consequently, as our understanding of the universe improves, newer understanding becomes available, is published in reputable scientific journals which publicly state how they obtained the results that they found so that other scientists can repeat the experiment (and criticise it and find any flaws in it ... or find the same results thus confirming the experiment). That latter process is called "peer review" ... and it sometimes results in the originally-published findings being corrected, amended, updated, or sometimes ... retracted because they were ultimately found wanting.

We are in the midst of a worldwide pandemic superimposed by a worldwide reaction against racism and authoritarian violence. The former is unquestionably a bad thing, and my opinion (and hope) is that the latter will prove to be a good thing. The conspiracy theories are flying on both accounts because stuff is happening that people don't want to believe, even when the facts are available.

What do I believe in? The facts. The truth. That means I am NOT going to support someone's wild conspiracy theory ... unless that wild conspiracy theory is supportable by demonstrable facts ... in which case, it is no longer a conspiracy theory. If the wild conspiracy theory disagrees with demonstrable facts ... then the wild conspiracy theory is wrong. But on the other hand, this also means not automatically taking media reports at face value, because media reports can be biased, or not account for available facts, or maybe not all facts are available.

We have to keep in mind that decision makers have to make decisions based upon what is available to them at the time, and they have to take competing interests into account. "The WHO / Dr Tam / Trudeau / ??? was saying before that we don't need to use masks, but they're liars, because then they're saying we should, so they're all lying, so now I'm not going to wear a mask because they're all liars!" (This, or some variation, is currently making the rounds.) YES, because the initial recommendation for the general public not to wear masks was based on (A) imperfect information available at the time, which is all they had to go on, and (B) a shortage of N95 masks which meant that even if we (collectively) knew that wearing a mask was in general a good thing to do, they had to be conserved for critical health care workers who needed them the most, because it's more important for someone who will certainly be exposed to the virus to have such a mask available as opposed to someone who might occasionally be exposed, and the shortage meant that the resources needed to be conserved for those who really needed it. Now that the shortage has been resolved ... wear a mask in public places!
I do not agree with anyone censoring anything short of instigating violence or hate...
with threats none the less.
let people make their own decisions.

I agree with the above OPINION but since I have no FACTS about the poster and what he may be IMPLYING I will not SUGGEST that he has any ULTERIOR MOTIVE.
iv'e been told by an old man when i was a kid, believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see

And that's true. The filter for which things to believe and which to reject, is called "critical thinking" ... and there seems to be a desperate shortage of it.

Look up the Dunning-Kruger effect. We all have to be seriously aware of it.
And that's true. The filter for which things to believe and which to reject, is called "critical thinking" ... and there seems to be a desperate shortage of it.

Look up the Dunning-Kruger effect. We all have to be seriously aware of it.

I find objectivity easier to deal with when the person writes their points on a piece of paper. I think that's the way to go. Oops. "I think" isn't a fact.

When something is written down it's harder to weasel out of a statement. It does however present a fact.

"I think Honda makes the best motorcycles." is not a fact but if I write that down, how I think becomes a fact.
I find objectivity easier to deal with when the person writes their points on a piece of paper. I think that's the way to go. Oops. "I think" isn't a fact.

When something is written down it's harder to weasel out of a statement. It does however present a fact.

"I think Honda makes the best motorcycles." is not a fact but if I write that down, how I think becomes a fact.

to me that would be more of a figure of speaking. stating a fact means you're able to debate the quote. most people don't have the knowledge about most things they speak of to be able to call it facts
most people don't have the knowledge about most things they speak of to be able to call it facts

And that's where the ability to cite references comes into play.

And not all references are equal. A good one is in accordance with the principles of the scientific method, identifies its sources, sub-references other sources that they made use of, and employs facts in place of opinions where possible and clearly identifies when something is a matter of opinion, and is such that whatever it is that they are saying can be independently verified.

One of the recent articles about the now-infamous drug hydrochloroquine (published in The Lancet) had to be retracted because they ran into a problem with the data that they used - evidently some sort of confidentiality issue, which prevented the data from being properly publicly released, which made it unable to be independently verified. Result ... the article had to be retracted. This is the scientific method at work.

Even if one doesn't know the subject matter at hand, it is still possible to establish whether a given article / youtube video / facebook post / etc follows proper methodology: Does it identify its sources, does it provide references for anything which is not common public knowledge, does it state whether something is an opinion or a fact, etc.
I find objectivity easier to deal with when the person writes their points on a piece of paper. I think that's the way to go. Oops. "I think" isn't a fact.

When something is written down it's harder to weasel out of a statement. It does however present a fact.

"I think Honda makes the best motorcycles." is not a fact but if I write that down, how I think becomes a fact.
That's because you spelled it out. Words are spells...hence the word spelling "spell" - ing. If words are said enough, they create a spell... "the grassy knole", "social distancing"... why was it not titled "physical distancing" which would be more appropriate? Because they are trying to break the spirits of humanity. More people have died in Australia due to suicide than this alleged virus. Think of the old people in old folks homes that weren't even allowed to go out in the hallway....prisoners in actual prison get an hour of fresh air and sunlight on their face every day. But these old people were abandoned to die. And then labeled COVID-19. George Floyd was labeled COVID-19 just to add insult to injury, literally. But did he actually die? Question everything. Once you know who George Soros is, you will question everything!

As for science, look at the disgrace that NASA is? They get $55 million / day to make believe they went to the moon. No one has ever been to the moon and never will go to the moon. When asked what they did with the technology to go to the moon, they threw it away. When asked what they did with the tapes of the moon landing...they taped over them. Watch:

These poor once honerable men look like they're on trial for their lives, not celebrating a victory.

Undoing spells, cognitive dissonance is breaking programming. It literally breaks your brain synapse this is what you were told as a child and it formed you and who you are now. Unforming you is not easy. But do you want to leave this world knowing the truth or that you were fooled by people that gave you a barcode (a birth certificate), a bunch of coding (school), and sent you off to slavery (work) ?

The great trick of the programmers is that they must tell you what they're up to in plain sight. Ever wonder why "The Theory of Evolution.." is still called a theory? Because it's complete BS and they have to let you know that you're believing a lie...a "Theory." The word Theory is part of the Spell.

There is much more to this world when you open your eyes, ask questions, really listen and refuse to be programmed. Believe what your gut tells you. Lucky2 is absolutely right.

Incidently, India, the most peaceful country in the world has come out swinging against Bill Gates.

701 time again :)

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
Re Australia, I think having to drink Foster's is the reason for the suicide rate.

Wolves don't conspire to kill deer.They just do what is needed to survive so not everything on the planet is a conspiracy. If a store owner has to raise prices to maintain a profit it isn't a conspiracy either.
Take off your tin-foil hat. Everything is a conspiracy, right?
Humans cant keep secrets. Even if the tech existed back in 1969 to fake the moon landings, it would have required hundreds, maybe thousands of people to make happen. The moon landing conspiracy is a bunch of nonsense.
Why do you think none of Americas enemies, namely the USSR and China, have never came out and shown that mans greatest achievement was all a lie and filmed in a studio?

Ever wonder why "The Theory of Evolution.." is still called a theory? Because it's complete BS and they have to let you know that you're believing a lie...a "Theory."

Okay..... I likely shouldn't ask, but what is your alternate theory ?
Ever wonder why "The Theory of Evolution.." is still called a theory? Because it's complete BS and they have to let you know that you're believing a lie...a "Theory."

Okay..... I likely shouldn't ask, but what is your alternate theory ?

Was even better riding today :cool: everybody rode super well, plenty of crashes but no real injury or bike damage.
Great riding partners, everybody on awesome machinery & absolute perfect weather, what more could one ask for.


Netflix explains (or debunks) Darwinism ? I'm having a tough time with this theory.
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