Not The Only Crap

News media sources of all sorts CAN be open to question. Some are better than others, and it's worth running things through a fact-checking assessment. Some people seem to have the impression that the niche-market media sources are better than the mass-market ones ... but that's certainly not guaranteed, because there are plenty of niche-market media sources that are HIGHLY biased and some that propagate outright lies.

"A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing" - leads to the Dunning-Kruger effect ...
i really don't think it's anyone's place on an open forum to tell somebody else what they need to believe in or not, if someone post there opinion and you don't agree with it don't make yours right,

know if they threaten someone or purposely try to hurt someone then that's something else.
News media sources of all sorts CAN be open to question. Some are better than others, and it's worth running things through a fact-checking assessment. Some people seem to have the impression that the niche-market media sources are better than the mass-market ones ... but that's certainly not guaranteed, because there are plenty of niche-market media sources that are HIGHLY biased and some that propagate outright lies.

"A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing" - leads to the Dunning-Kruger effect ...
You call this media...balanced journalism?

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
by stating people lose their ability to be objective the older they are...
is wrong on many levels

I dunno, my niece is an expert at deciphering spam but my old inlaws constantly spam/retweet obvious hoaxes/scams on facebook
(I never point it out to them, because I am polite and dont want to hear about it from the wife)
by stating people lose their ability to be objective the older they are...
is wrong on many levels

might want to re-think that maverick
A judge becomes wiser with age. Then at a certain age loses that objectivity due to aging. It's not meant as an insult. The brain gets old.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
Getting old really does **** up your eyes and then your knees I can tell you that,
but the rest seems to be working pretty good still.
I took issue with his personal remarks which seemingly singled out the single news source.

It's easy to become biased against a news source once you've seen the output of said news source not always be based in reality for seemingly forever.

But I see and appreciate your point.

Some people seem to have the impression that the niche-market media sources are better than the mass-market ones ... but that's certainly not guaranteed, because there are plenty of niche-market media sources that are HIGHLY biased and some that propagate outright lies.

*Cough* OAN (One America News).

Here's a real eye opener on OAN and a fine shining example of why fringe news sources aren't' necessarily the panacea that many want to believe they are.

All the threads are locked and I have a date with a 701 supermoto night ride. Play nice children. And remember to be respectful of each other's views whether you agree with them or not.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
A judge becomes wiser with age. Then at a certain age loses that objectivity due to aging. It's not meant as an insult. The brain gets old.

The guy formerly known as Mladin.

At about what age does that happen ? Asking for a friend.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
i really don't think it's anyone's place on an open forum to tell somebody else what they need to believe in or not, if someone post there opinion and you don't agree with it don't make yours right,

Your reply reminded me of this.


"Having an opinion" doesn't mean it's right, and with all due respect, it doesn't mean that it shouldn't be questioned, either. As Brian mentioned in another thread, conspiracy theory ******** is a scourge that is going to eventually get people killed. It needs to be called out in order to have others realize it for the utter ******** it is.

You call this media...balanced journalism?


Network Syndication. Read a little about it. People write news stories and syndicate them. News channels and programs that need spoon fed articles or filler material pick them up and tell their talking heads to run with them. It's a sign of lazy journalism more-so than anything conspiratorial.
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Bill Gates told me via my implanted 5G chip that Fox News is ****.

He just told me that I should sell all my Apple stuff and buy Windows branded equipment.

I feel so're getting good stuff, I'm just getting sales pitches! :LOL:
Your reply reminded me of this.


"Having an opinion" doesn't mean it's right, and with all due respect, it doesn't mean that it shouldn't be questioned, either. As Brian mentioned in another thread, conspiracy theory ******** is a scourge that is going to eventually get people killed. It needs to be called out in order to have others realize it for the utter *******

i understand that, but when someone goes and shutdown another in away that looks like a bully because they don't agree with the post don't make it right. IMHO.

people can draw there own opinion and not have another push one on them
I'm not sure you do.

what part don't you think i understand? i get having an opinion don't make it correct. but pushing someones opinion on someone else don't make that opinion correct neither. like has been said before, not my sandbox so not my rules as to what stays and what goes or locked
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what part don't you think i understand?

That you think someone can be wrong, but it's ok to let them think they're right because of the feelz.

Many (most, actually) conspiracy theories are demonstrably false. There's gobs of data out there that simply entirely disproves most of them, and most of it is based in science. The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.

Anyhow. Conspiracy theorists just discount ALL of it because they think that info is fake too, or all that data is just part of a bigger conspiracy theory covering for that other conspiracy theory. There's so many layers it's like an onion in the end.

But in the end.....they're still wrong.

I can go stand on my lawn tomorrow morning and scream at the top of my lungs that the sidewalk is lava. But there's evidence to prove that's false. Even if I don't want to believe it it doesn't mean that I'm right and the sidewalk is actually lava.
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