Norway: Syrian "refugees" found with...

Would you take your wife and daughters to I country that only let's women out on thursdays. Marry your 16 year old daughter to a old man that will beat her if she disobeys. Let women be stoned to death. in your yard. We send guys to work in saudi, always with a minimun of 7 fully armed security guards.

What about the sharia zones in many european cities? Coming to a neighbourhood near you.

Sent from my clear iPhone 31SS
Yes I have looked at a world map. The refugees are going north to countries with generous social services rather than go a lot less distance south to were they will need to work
but will blend in better. Iraq where there's record levels of violence against civilians or Jordan where they are already choc full of Palestinians...or north to countries that have said they will accept Syrian refugees. Interesting.
Yeah, I know it's "idealistic" to expect this. Nevertheless, the government itself -- at least a the federal level -- proclaims this:

"Executive Summary

The first priority of the Government of Canada is to protect Canada and the safety and security of Canadians at home and abroad. Building Resilience Against Terrorism,Canada’s first Counter-terrorism Strategy, assesses the nature and scale of the threat, and sets out basic principles and elements that underpin the Government’s counter-terrorism activities. Together, these principles and elements serve as a means of prioritizing and evaluating the Government’s efforts against terrorism. The overarching goal of the Strategy is: to counter domestic and international terrorism in order to protect Canada, Canadians and Canadian interests."

I'm sure the others are correct and there's nothing to worry about.

"Nothing to worry about"? How do you even get out of bed in the morning such a high standard for safety!

Of course some refugees will cause harm after they arrive. Maybe overall they will even do so at a higher rate than we already do to ourselves, who knows? But there's no reason to believe that they represent any kind of outlandish risk compared to any other large group of people. Whatever unknown risk refugees represent is part of the reason why it's considered an act of generosity and humanism. If there were no risk of any kind, it wouldn't be an act of goodness it would be just another transaction, like buying a loaf of bread. If you want to believe the society you live in is civil, you actually have to do civil things.
Would you take your wife and daughters to I country that only let's women out on thursdays. Marry your 16 year old daughter to a old man that will beat her if she disobeys. Let women be stoned to death. in your yard. We send guys to work in saudi, always with a minimun of 7 fully armed security guards.[/QUOTE

No. Do you want your wife and children exposed to that type of culture that will be coming here?
"Nothing to worry about"? How do you even get out of bed in the morning such a high standard for safety!

Of course some refugees will cause harm after they arrive. Maybe overall they will even do so at a higher rate than we already do to ourselves, who knows? But there's no reason to believe that they represent any kind of outlandish risk compared to any other large group of people. Whatever unknown risk refugees represent is part of the reason why it's considered an act of generosity and humanism. If there were no risk of any kind, it wouldn't be an act of goodness it would be just another transaction, like buying a loaf of bread. If you want to believe the society you live in is civil, you actually have to do civil things.

So you should open up your home to a family or two maybe? Show me how generous and humanitarian you are.
So you should open up your home to a family or two maybe? Show me how generous and humanitarian you are.

Haven't you heard? Refugee's aren't terrorists and you should be more tolerant.

Another 41 Muslim “Refugees” in U.S. Arrested on Jihad Terror Charges

ByPamela Geller on January 8, 2016

Further proof of what my colleagues and I have warned of for months.

There have already been jihadis discovered among the refugees. There will be many more. Why are the Democrats importing our assassins? How many Americans have to die for this country to turn their back on the party of treason?

The Lebanese education minister said there are 20000 active jihadists among the refugees in his country. The Islamic state said last February that they would be sending 400000 refugees into Europe.

Islamic state has called for the killing of civilians in the US and Europe. Why are we allowing them to come when Christians are dying in the hundreds of thousands?

Disclosure: Another 41 Foreign-Born Individuals Snagged On Terror Charges
Obama administration withholds details as more attacks occur

BY: Adam Kredo, WFB, January 8, 2016

Following the discovery of a terrorist cell in Texas allegedly operated by an Iraqi who entered the United States as a refugee, the Washington Free Beacon has learned of an additional 41 individuals who have been implicated in terrorist plots in the United States since 2014, bringing the total number of terrorists discovered since that time to 113, according to information provided by Congressional sources.

Since August, however, the Obama administration has stonewalled Congressional efforts to obtain more detailed immigration histories of these individuals, prompting frustration on Capitol Hill and accusation that the administration is covering up these histories to avoid exposing flaws in the U.S. screening process.

The disclosure of these additional 41 individuals linked to terror operations—many already identified as immigrants, others’ immigration histories shrouded in secrecy—has stoked further concerns about flaws in the U.S. screening process and is likely to prompt further congressional inquiry into Obama administration efforts to withhold details about these suspects, sources said.

As the number of legal immigrants connected to terrorism continues to grow, the Obama administration has sought to quash congressional inquiries and rally its allies behind an effort to fund efforts to boost the number of immigrants and refugees from the Middle East.

Many of these immigrants have been caught by authorities planning terrorist attacks on American soil, while others were found to be involved in efforts to provide funding and material to ISIS, according to an internal list of migrant terrorists codified by congressional sources and viewed by the Free Beacon.

“A growing number of foreign-born terrorists are being identified operating within the United States, and yet the Administration will not provide any information about their immigrant histories,” said one senior congressional source apprised of the issue. “And one can only imagine that for every identified terrorist, there are many more individuals around them who are radicalized, extreme or otherwise detracting from American society in ways beyond the threat of terrorism alone.”

As congressional calls for increased screening methods go mostly ignored, local authorities are dealing with an uptick in terror-related crimes committed by legal immigrants.

On Thursday, the Justice Department accused two Iraqi refugees legally in the U.S. of conspiring to provide support to ISIS.

Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan, a 24-year-old Palestinian born Iraqi refugee who had been living in Texas, was charged with aiding ISIS. The man had been granted legal permanent residence in Houston in 2011, though it was later determined that he “swore untruthfully on his formal application when applying to become a naturalized U.S. citizen,” according to the Justice Department.

Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab, also a Palestinian born Iraqi, allegedly “traveled overseas to fight alongside terrorist organizations and lied to U.S. authorities about his activities,” according to the Justice Department

Al-Jayab entered the U.S. as a refugee in 2012 and later travelled back to Syria, where it is believed that he resumed “fighting with various terrorist organizations,” according to the charges.

Late Thursday, a Philadelphia police officer was reportedly ambushed by an assailant sporting “Muslim garb and wearing a mask,” according to local reports.

Additional information viewed by the Free Beacon outlines another 20 previously unknown individuals brought up on similar terrorism-related charges in 2015 alone.

Those who have been charged were legally residing in the U.S. after entering from countries such as Egypt, Uzbekistan, Albania, Pakistan, and Syria, according to information provided by Congressional sources.

“The terrorism-related arrests of two more Iraqi refugees on American soil proves once again our screening process is weak and needs to be updated,” Sen. Mark Kirk (R., Ill,) said in a statement Friday.

With incidents and indictments of this nature continuing to rise, critics of the Obama administration’s immigration policy are expressing concern about a last-minute funding effort in 2015 to fully fund refugee resettlement and visa programs.

These priorities, which were granted full funding as part of a yearly spending bill approved by Congress last year, will permit around 170,000 new migrants from Muslim-majority countries to enter the United States in 2016, according to the Senate’s immigration subcommittee.

“The omnibus gave the green light for the administration to continue this failed immigration policy over the objections of the electorate,” the senior Congressional source quoted above said.

The Senate continues to uncover dozens of cases in which individuals accused of terrorism entered the country legally.

“Preventing and responding to these acts is an effort encompassing thousands of federal agents and attorneys and billions of dollars: In effect, we are voluntarily admitting individuals at risk for terrorism and then, on the back end, trying to stop them from carrying out their violent designs,” Sen. Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.) warned last year as Congress considered the spending bill.
Come on Mike, You are such a cynic. We should open our arms to these people that can't or won't solve the problems in their own country and give them high paying government jobs here so we can eventually enjoy the same barbarism and savagery that is experienced in Syria:lmao:
Would you take your wife and daughters to I country that only let's women out on thursdays. Marry your 16 year old daughter to a old man that will beat her if she disobeys. Let women be stoned to death. in your yard. We send guys to work in saudi, always with a minimun of 7 fully armed security guards.[/QUOTE

No. Do you want your wife and children exposed to that type of culture that will be coming here?

What culture? The one where the Syrian school system has equal numbers and access for males and females and a system of law that mirrors the west and isn't sharia?

A little knowledge goes a long long way sometimes.
What culture? The one where the Syrian school system has equal numbers and access for males and females and a system of law that mirrors the west and isn't sharia?

A little knowledge goes a long long way sometimes.[/QUOTE]

So what happened then? Seems their school system failed to teach the students not to destroy their cities and commit mass murders. If their culture is so great why are they running and from who?
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What culture? The one where the Syrian school system has equal numbers and access for males and females and a system of law that mirrors the west and isn't sharia?

A little knowledge goes a long long way sometimes.

So what happened then? Seems their school system failed to teach the students not to destroy their cities and commit mass murders. If their culture is so great why are they running and from who?[/QUOTE]

Probably something similar to giving First Nations people the shaft despite being so called educated westerners. Also if you check the news you'll find most of those committing the worst atrocities aren't even Syrian. They've brought their skirmish from Iraq, Chechnya, and a whole host of other rogue states. you honestly think the citizens of Syria are actually destroying their own cities on purpose or do you not understand what civil war is?
So what happened then? Seems their school system failed to teach the students not to destroy their cities and commit mass murders. If their culture is so great why are they running and from who?

Probably something similar to giving First Nations people the shaft despite being so called educated westerners. Also if you check the news you'll find most of those committing the worst atrocities aren't even Syrian. They've brought their skirmish from Iraq, Chechnya, and a whole host of other rogue states. you honestly think the citizens of Syria are actually destroying their own cities on purpose or do you not understand what civil war is?[/QUOTE]

I don't get the native Canadian comparison to whats happening in Syria, but if you want to know what a non-native experiences when living with natives I suggest you move to a far north community like Rankin and see how you are treated and how they treat themselves.

Back to the Syrians now. If the Syrians are so peaceful and educated with the school system you mentioned, why will Saudi ,Kuwait and other rich Gulf states not let them in? Its not that Syrians don't want to go there. They are not welcome, period! Why? Canada helped out Kuwait during the Iraq invasion. Maybe those greedy filthy rich Kuwait oil sheikhs could help out by taking a few 100,000 Syrians? And, yes I do know what civil war is. Like the American civil war? The south against the north. Or was it Syrians fighting in it also?
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So you should open up your home to a family or two maybe? Show me how generous and humanitarian you are.
I wouldn't even if I had the room, it would be nuisance to me. But I don't want to turn my backs on people who I can help, that's why I support the process.
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