Norway: Syrian "refugees" found with...

The people that use that word the most don't seem to know what that word means.
You're saying Denmark is not a socialist country?
You're saying Denmark is not a socialist country?

That's exactly what I'm saying. Neither is Norway, Sweden or Finland.

Socialism is a boogieman-word use by Americans to scare people into thinking tax and social programs are by definitively bad.

According to Facebook University and American media: Socialism = Any democracy with more extensive social programs and higher tax than the USA.
According to facts: Socialism = a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies

North Korea is a socialist country.
Last edited: Iraq where there's record levels of violence against civilians or Jordan where they are already choc full of Palestinians...or north to countries that have said they will accept Syrian refugees. Interesting.

I said the Oil rich Gulf states. Like Kuwait for example . We gave a lot of help when they had their oil well set on fire when invaded by Iraq. Pay back time.
I said the Oil rich Gulf states. Like Kuwait for example . We gave a lot of help when they had their oil well set on fire when invaded by Iraq. Pay back time.

Why would moderate Syrians, who are being persecuted by hardline religious nuts go to a country run by hardline religious nuts?

you seem to think Syrians are the same as the Saudis...don't let women drive, stone people, cut their heads off etc. You're quite wrong.
That's exactly what I'm saying. Neither is Norway, Sweden or Finland.

Socialism is a boogieman-word use by Americans to scare people into thinking tax and social programs are by definitively bad.

According to Facebook University and American media: Socialism = Any democracy with more extensive social programs and higher tax than the USA.
According to facts: Socialism = a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies

North Korea is a socialist country.

I dont even get what you're saying. You're accusing me of not knowing what socialism means but yet Norway, Sweden & Finland are one of the most socialist countries.

But anyway I'll put out some points on socialism. I will quote alot from an article I read because I found them true.

If you're a politician, socialism puts power in your hands while capitalism takes it away. If you want to use the government to control people's lives, socialism is a wonderful vehicle to do just that while capitalism robs you of that opportunity. If you would rather live off the dole than to work or alternately, prefer to make money off "who you know" instead of "how good a service you provide," again socialism works better for you.

Socialism treats you like a 5 yr old, they think you're not capable of taking care of yourself so they want to do that for you. They don't want you to have guns because they think you're going to hurt yourself. They don't want you to manage your own finances so they take that money from you. That's exactly why my comment is about on the above.

Here, have a read

There is no right or wrong answer for socialism vs capitalism. At the end of the day its all a matter of "self". If you benefit alot from social programs & gov't aid, you would vote socialism. Who doesn't want sht for free, right? If you run a business and take care of yourself on your own, most likely you'd vote capitalism. Who wants to give away all your hard work for free, right?
I dont even get what you're saying. You're accusing me of not knowing what socialism means but yet Norway, Sweden & Finland are one of the most socialist countries.

But anyway I'll put out some points on socialism. I will quote alot from an article I read because I found them true.

Socialism treats you like a 5 yr old, they think you're not capable of taking care of yourself so they want to do that for you. They don't want you to have guns because they think you're going to hurt yourself. They don't want you to manage your own finances so they take that money from you. That's exactly why my comment is about on the above.

Here, have a read

There is no right or wrong answer for socialism vs capitalism. At the end of the day its all a matter of "self". If you benefit alot from social programs & gov't aid, you would vote socialism. Who doesn't want sht for free, right? If you run a business and take care of yourself on your own, most likely you'd vote capitalism. Who wants to give away all your hard work for free, right?

You keep using that word but you don't know what it actually means.

Quoting a article as your reference for discussing socialism?


You really expect us to take you seriously?

Having some socialist policies regarding healthcare and education does not make a socialist country. Norway, Sweden and Denmark are not socialist countries... Neither is Canada while we're discussing similar countries.
IMO You are confusing socialism and communism.

Or so my entire life's education and numerous websites tell me.
You keep using that word but you don't know what it actually means.

Quoting a article as your reference for discussing socialism?


You really expect us to take you seriously?

Having some socialist policies regarding healthcare and education does not make a socialist country. Norway, Sweden and Denmark are not socialist countries... Neither is Canada while we're discussing similar countries.

So you're expecting me to quote a left wing article to define the advantages of capitalism? Why don't you quote me a right wing article to define the benefits of socialism?

But those 3 countries you keep mentioning have socialist tendencies. Their free healthcare & education being just a "couple" of them. Russia, which also known as USSR, has "socialist" in its name. China is an extreme form of socialism, everything is owned & ran by the state. You don't own any land & most of the corporations are owned by the state. They have recently geared towards capitalism & life have greatly improved. People are happpier and free. The Nordic states you keep mentioning is a "democratic socialist", the difference is they are able to vote
So what are their socialist tendencies beyond education and healthcare?

Using a right wing rag to discuss socialism makes about as much sense as a commie rag discussing capitalism.

If Norway, Sweden, etc are socialist by your definition then so is Canada. There is very little difference other than the fact that they're able to effectively manage their social programs.
Judging from my T4 slips and all the people milling about in the sunshine I'd say Canada is socialist.
I still can't believe you references that capitalist propaganda townhall BS.


If you'd posted something even remotely objective id give you at least a little credit.
As usual critical thinking is not a trait many on this board use...

A better term would be Social Democracies. In this category we typically include many of the northern European Countries, Canada, and many others. Democratic, Capitalist systems with stronger social policies (like free health care, etc.).

Socialism is not Communism but they are both left of centre, one more than the other--unless you are a conservative and have given up on critical thinking... Yes many communist countries called themselves socialist and at the same time the Nazis called themselves Socialist yet they were Conservatives....ooops sorry Fascists (see what I did there...).

Funny how many of the same people in the world that cannot tell the difference between socialist and communist cannot tell the difference between various "brown people".
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So what are their socialist tendencies beyond education and healthcare?


Some fun facts comparing New York City with Copenhagen

- JFK and LaGuardia airports owned and operated by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (Government)
- Copenhagen Airport owned by Københavns Lufthavne (Private Company)

- New York Subway and Buses owned and operated by the Metroplitan Transport Authority (Government)
- S-Train in Copenhagen owned and operated by DSB S-tog A/S (Private company)
- Copenhagen Metro owned and operated by Metro Service, a company formed jointly by Aziende Transporti Milanese and Ansaldo STS (Private Company)

- Waste management in NYC performed by New York City Sanitation Department (Government)
- Waste management in Copenhagen performed by R98, a private non-profit company

So depending on your definition of socialism, the USA is looking more like a socialist country than Denmark...
Did somebody say free health care?
Socialism = not allowed to carry concealed weapon, and now allowed to own an automatic black gun.
So what are their socialist tendencies beyond education and healthcare?

Using a right wing rag to discuss socialism makes about as much sense as a commie rag discussing capitalism.

If Norway, Sweden, etc are socialist by your definition then so is Canada. There is very little difference other than the fact that they're able to effectively manage their social programs.
The nords are definitely more left than Canada.

As pointed out in the town hall article. There are no true capitalist society & no true socialist country
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