Norway: Syrian "refugees" found with...

Go hunting and fill their freezer?

That's what the guys in my family do.

Been watching some of the footage from Pearson on our refugees, gotta say I cry almost every time. I can't imagine how these families have survived these last few years. I'm very happy and proud that they are coming to Canada.

I come from a Polish family, most my extended family got here just before WW2. Every one of them knows someone who was left behind and to this day grieves.
Facebook and GTAM, showing you who is a bigot since.... well since the beginning.
I guess no one remembers when Mossad were using Canadian passports when wandering the world assassinating people. With some people's line of thinking in this thread, Canadians should have been banned from travelling at that point.
My question is why Syrians are traveling to Norway which is 4500Kms away, instead of going to Saudi Arabia which is 500Kms away? In fact the oil rich Gulf states are doing very little in resettling refugees. Yet very little is heard about that in the main stream media.
Might be a good idea for everyone here to take the firearms course and get a gun license, just in case you have an interest in firearms or hunting. Knowning how to safely use a firearm is a good life skill and there are plenty of none-profit shooting clubs that could use your support. Shooting clays or targets is a fun and safe activity

I see you missed the last part of your statement and that made you look like a violent, insecure nut job as a Gun owner i don't want people we are like that. But dont worry i fixed it for you! No worries.
My question is why Syrians are traveling to Norway which is 4500Kms away, instead of going to Saudi Arabia which is 500Kms away? In fact the oil rich Gulf states are doing very little in resettling refugees. Yet very little is heard about that in the main stream media.

Maybe because they do not want to flee oppression by fleeing to an even more oppressive state? Also, not all are Sunni so they do not want to flee to an oppressive Sunni state where they will be second (or lower) class people?

Why isn't Israel taking any?

Why didn't the Jews in Poland flee to Germany? Out of the pan, into the fire is why.

The moderate states in the area are too few and too small to take in many. Many are coming from camps in those more moderate states.

Not at all a hard question to answer when people try a little critical thinking...
Maybe because they do not want to flee oppression by fleeing to an even more oppressive state? Also, not all are Sunni so they do not want to flee to an oppressive Sunni state where they will be second (or lower) class people?

Why isn't Israel taking any?

Why didn't the Jews in Poland flee to Germany? Out of the pan, into the fire is why.

The moderate states in the area are too few and too small to take in many. Many are coming from camps in those more moderate states.

Not at all a hard question to answer when people try a little critical thinking...

I thought I was using critical thinking. 1) They are fleeing to Turkey which is mostly Sunni. 2) I didn't know ISIS was operating in the Gulf States. I haven't heard any stories of people being rounded up and beheaded or mass executions in any of the Oil rich gulf states. So I don't understand how you can compare leaving Syria and going to Saudi as out of the pan into the fire. That is if you are a Muslim.
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I haven't heard any stories of people being rounded up and beheaded or mass executions in any of the Oil rich gulf states. So I don't understand how you can compare leaving Syria and going to Saudi as out of the pan into the fire.

I'll give you one. I was in Saudi Arabia. Living in an American compound. Right across the street from another American compound. One night while I was at my pool just doing some laps I heard an explosion. Then gun fire. This lasted for 3-4 hours ish.. until the military came and swept through the other compound. Americans, Brittons (Euros), and Canadians were the target. My sisters best friends dad was shot in the head for not being muslim. They rounded up as many non muslims as they could, and shot them all. If I remember correctly they killed like 9 people that night. This type of thing has happened more than has ever been reported. A lot of expats left after that attack including my family. This was in the Kingdom, in a town that was considered by most locals as the most liberal of all the cities. Being in that place changed my view of what its like over there. Changed my view of what peoples attitudes are because I was around other people my age and heard all that they said. It was not peaceful, or loving or ANYTHING positive. It still disturbs me to this day. For any of the Christians Saudi Arabia is not friendly at all.. Church had to be done in secret, and if anyone found out, there was so many anyone fleeing that was a religious minority would have been harassed if not worse.. Extremely racist views from most people I met while living there. I still remember when I first got there, I met a guy named Thomas from North Bay, he gave me a knife, and told me I would need this at some point.. no one felt safe while being there..
I thought I was using critical thinking. 1) They are fleeing to Turkey which is mostly Sunni. 2) I didn't know ISIS was operating in the Gulf States. I haven't heard any stories of people being rounded up and beheaded or mass executions in any of the Oil rich gulf states. So I don't understand how you can compare leaving Syria and going to Saudi as out of the pan into the fire.

Have you looked at a world map? If they don't go through Turkey they have to go through Iraq.

Edit: There's always Jordan but then you have to travel through a large amount of Syria to get there and Jordan is already full of Palestinian refugees. Turkey is a gateway to Europe and many countries in Europe have said they will take refugees.
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I'll give you one. I was in Saudi Arabia. Living in an American compound. Right across the street from another American compound. One night while I was at my pool just doing some laps I heard an explosion. Then gun fire. This lasted for 3-4 hours ish.. until the military came and swept through the other compound. Americans, Brittons (Euros), and Canadians were the target. My sisters best friends dad was shot in the head for not being muslim. They rounded up as many non muslims as they could, and shot them all. If I remember correctly they killed like 9 people that night. This type of thing has happened more than has ever been reported. A lot of expats left after that attack including my family. This was in the Kingdom, in a town that was considered by most locals as the most liberal of all the cities. Being in that place changed my view of what its like over there. Changed my view of what peoples attitudes are because I was around other people my age and heard all that they said. It was not peaceful, or loving or ANYTHING positive. It still disturbs me to this day. For any of the Christians Saudi Arabia is not friendly at all.. Church had to be done in secret, and if anyone found out, there was so many anyone fleeing that was a religious minority would have been harassed if not worse.. Extremely racist views from most people I met while living there. I still remember when I first got there, I met a guy named Thomas from North Bay, he gave me a knife, and told me I would need this at some point.. no one felt safe while being there..

THIS. And these people are not taliban or isis. Told 5 times a day to kil the infidels. So many people here don't understand there is no reasoning with a lot of the world. They want us dead period.
I'll give you one. I was in Saudi Arabia. Living in an American compound. Right across the street from another American compound. One night while I was at my pool just doing some laps I heard an explosion. Then gun fire. This lasted for 3-4 hours ish.. until the military came and swept through the other compound. Americans, Brittons (Euros), and Canadians were the target. My sisters best friends dad was shot in the head for not being muslim. They rounded up as many non muslims as they could, and shot them all. If I remember correctly they killed like 9 people that night. This type of thing has happened more than has ever been reported. A lot of expats left after that attack including my family. This was in the Kingdom, in a town that was considered by most locals as the most liberal of all the cities. Being in that place changed my view of what its like over there. Changed my view of what peoples attitudes are because I was around other people my age and heard all that they said. It was not peaceful, or loving or ANYTHING positive. It still disturbs me to this day. For any of the Christians Saudi Arabia is not friendly at all.. Church had to be done in secret, and if anyone found out, there was so many anyone fleeing that was a religious minority would have been harassed if not worse.. Extremely racist views from most people I met while living there. I still remember when I first got there, I met a guy named Thomas from North Bay, he gave me a knife, and told me I would need this at some point.. no one felt safe while being there..

OK. You say "they" rounded up non muslims 90% of Syrians are Muslim whats the problem with them going to Saudi? Your right that the main stream doesn't report the example you gave. So we want 25,000 here?
OK. You say "they" rounded up non muslims 90% of Syrians are Muslim whats the problem with them going to Saudi? Your right that the main stream doesn't report the example you gave. So we want 25,000 here?

Problem? We would loose out on great culinary diversity.
OK. You say "they" rounded up non muslims 90% of Syrians are Muslim whats the problem with them going to Saudi? Your right that the main stream doesn't report the example you gave. So we want 25,000 here?

they're a different kind of muslim. it's like the difference between the anglicans and the catholics.
OK. You say "they" rounded up non muslims 90% of Syrians are Muslim whats the problem with them going to Saudi? Your right that the main stream doesn't report the example you gave. So we want 25,000 here?

they're a different kind of muslim. it's like the difference between the anglicans and the catholics.

Exactly. You aren't them. I don't disagree that its absolutely pathetic.
they're a different kind of muslim. it's like the difference between the anglicans and the catholics.

So there is a type of Muslim that wants to kill other muslims and the infidels? Which type are coming here?
Have you looked at a world map? If they don't go through Turkey they have to go through Iraq.

Edit: There's always Jordan but then you have to travel through a large amount of Syria to get there and Jordan is already full of Palestinian refugees. Turkey is a gateway to Europe and many countries in Europe have said they will take refugees.

Yes I have looked at a world map. The refugees are going north to countries with generous social services rather than go a lot less distance south to were they will need to work
but will blend in better.
I thought I was using critical thinking. 1) They are fleeing to Turkey which is mostly Sunni. 2) I didn't know ISIS was operating in the Gulf States. I haven't heard any stories of people being rounded up and beheaded or mass executions in any of the Oil rich gulf states. So I don't understand how you can compare leaving Syria and going to Saudi as out of the pan into the fire. That is if you are a Muslim.

Would you take your wife and daughters to I country that only let's women out on thursdays. Marry your 16 year old daughter to a old man that will beat her if she disobeys. Let women be stoned to death. in your yard. We send guys to work in saudi, always with a minimun of 7 fully armed security guards.
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