North York Riders, Let's RIDE...

Just wanna clarify if there is a meet in North York or Scarb?

When are you all meeting next?

The next meet will be in Scarborough on Saturday at 11:00am. The meeting place will be the Tim Horton's parking lot at Morningside & Sheppard.

For those wondering, "why are we posting on this thread titled North York Riders":

It has more to do with my experience on GTAM and the flow of what is being started here. I have been on GTAM for 2 years, but definitely not an active member. I chose to check interest with people already connected with what appears to be a stable and sane group. I found it easier to start a thread which will eventually break off to a new topic, based on the common location of the meeting place. Scarborough seems like a good title, but I'll wait until there is a bit more of a following before breaking off from this thread.

One step at a time, just like one gear shift at a time. Everything is not perfect, but there is a work in progress to improve and correct what needs to be changed. Besides, the North York riders do not seem to mind the option of travelling outside of North York to meet or to ride.

I hope my words are of some comfort to all of those with the like questions in mind.

Hello bornagainnewb. You have picked a good group to ride with. Our focus is on newer riders and those preferring a cool pace to tour at.

Our next event/ride will be Saturday, May 24th, 11:00am. The meeting place will be the Tim Horton's at Morningside and Sheppard. There is also an Esso gas bar attached to the property. Tim Horton's is at 8129 Sheppard Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1B 6A3.

I look forward to meeting as many of you as are available for the late Saturday morning ride.

Hey MR - def no prob riding to Scarb, i wasnt trying to be a snob about it :)

i would like to come and ride with you guys for sure!!!

Saturday it is :)

The next meet will be in Scarborough on Saturday at 11:00am. The meeting place will be the Tim Horton's parking lot at Morningside & Sheppard.

For those wondering, "why are we posting on this thread titled North York Riders":

It has more to do with my experience on GTAM and the flow of what is being started here. I have been on GTAM for 2 years, but definitely not an active member. I chose to check interest with people already connected with what appears to be a stable and sane group. I found it easier to start a thread which will eventually break off to a new topic, based on the common location of the meeting place. Scarborough seems like a good title, but I'll wait until there is a bit more of a following before breaking off from this thread.

One step at a time, just like one gear shift at a time. Everything is not perfect, but there is a work in progress to improve and correct what needs to be changed. Besides, the North York riders do not seem to mind the option of travelling outside of North York to meet or to ride.

I hope my words are of some comfort to all of those with the like questions in mind.

Hey MR - def no prob riding to Scarb, i wasnt trying to be a snob about it :)

i would like to come and ride with you guys for sure!!!

Saturday it is :)

hehe... I really wasn't thinking of any snobbing. It can be a challenge to blog relatively short messages like you are having a live conversation. The reality is these are discrete text msgs in slow motion.

nvncbl is very likely exactly the type of person who I and the others here would enjoy riding with.

I look forward to seeing you on Saturday for the ride. :thumbup:

been riding a while man so i may have developed some bad habits. few things i tell new riders - do not follow the person in front of you, always do what you are comfortable with. It is too easy to get carried away and put yourself in a situation where you can seriously damage shytee.

lets ride saturday :)

hehe... I really wasn't thinking of any snobbing. It can be a challenge to blog relatively short messages like you are having a live conversation. The reality is these are discrete text msgs in slow motion.

nvncbl is very likely exactly the type of person who I and the others here would enjoy riding with.

I look forward to seeing you on Saturday for the ride. :thumbup:

Tentatively, the plan to to ride through Scarborough North-East to York Region.
It will be more of a scenic tour. Definitely not an urban ride.

Group rides vary. It usually depends on the company and the destination. This ride may be in 2 parts. The first will be about 90 minutes. After that, we can branch off for another ride, maybe through Durham and beyond.

The major variable is the people who show up. Choices will most likely be updated by the group both before and during the ride.

Just bring what you need and be up front about how far you are will to travel with us.

Is this going to be newb ride?

This will completely depend on the people who show up. The ride will not be at a fast pace. It will also not be at a "First-Day-Ever Learning 101" pace. We are unlikely to be passing other vehicles unless they are tractors or bicycles or trucks going uphill with a blown turbo... or another form of road-worthy time-wasters. The ride will be smooth and you will be expected to keep with us.

You have not been riding for 25 years. Understood. But you have also been driving during that time. I believe that you will new just fine. On my 3rd day of experience back in March 2003, riding my first Yamaha 600R, I took the 401 & 427 to Brampton and back... alone. It was amazing.

Plan to do something everyday that requires some courage (or at least twice a week) and you are guaranteed to have an amazing life.


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The first part of the ride will be around the Metro Zoo, Reesor Road, Beare Road and the Twyn Rivers Road area. After that, we will be heading North on roads that may be 80km/h posted. We will not be taking the 401, 400, 427 or any other King's or Queen's Highways.

After the 90 minute ride (approximately) we can choose either continue, or to branch off to engage in a more spirited ride. Again, it depends on what the group is feeling.

We will be riding a close enough distance from the GTA that you are likely to be able to get back home on the same tank of gas.

Any questions... keep them coming. :cool:

we should do those taunton roads some day...steeles turning to taunton..I was driving on them at 80 and they are wonderfully twisty!
we should do those taunton roads some day...steeles turning to taunton..I was driving on them at 80 and they are wonderfully twisty!

Tauton Road twists until you get Church Road (1.6km after Brock)between Pickering & Ajax. After that you may be better off looping up (North) on Westney, then East or West on Hwy 7. of East, then double back up Brock for some rolling turns. If West, then you may plan for Port Perry (East) or Sutton (North on Lakeridge).

Lakeridge is somewhat long/straight, but not boring. This is a high-visibility road (i.e. you can see a lot ahead of you) that makes for some great passing opportunities. It takes you up to Valentyne where you turn left and meet with Hwy 48 in Sutton. Enough said about that for the moment...

I have to do those roads up by Roddick in Markham Turn Centre area. which you promoted them to me last week. I'll have to do them on my own as they are in one of the prime urban zones of York Region.

I may have some time on Sunday, but I can't plan until the day of. Are you interested and available on Sunday afternoon?


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It was a good ride today. Thanks to the guys that came out. And thanks to MustRider for leading.

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