No Harley Bikes here ..?

There are plenty of HD forums out there. American Iron is well represented here. As well as plenty of other makes and models.

Just steer clear of pine cones and show some love to the Burgman and everything will be ok.

It’s almost time for the blinker fluid sale too!

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Yup some of us lurk around here. Good group. Lots of help and experience on all kinds of motorcycles, and "other" topics as well :ROFLMAO:
There are a lot of Harley owners here.

Just post something negative about HD, and they'll show themselves very quickly.
There are a few Harley / Cruiser riders here but not many. This is a sport bike board.

Say something positive about Harley, and watch how fast the basing begins. Mostly by people that have never ridden one or owned one.
I'm getting cynical. I figured it was a drive-by troll throwing a grenade to get us all fighting with each other again. But yeah, love my Harley.
I loved my Harley Davidson and will own one again some day.
I’ve taken a brief hiatus to enjoy another style of bike that Harley currently does not build. But I most definitely will be back on a slow luxurious big v twin touring machine in the not so distant future.
I miss that lumpy sound so much. That vibration on idle that smooths right out once your cruising. The fit and finish and absolutely the best factory paint on any motorcycle. Yup I’m a fan.
On my second Harley . Always understood why people liked them . Just never had the cash for the one I wanted . Being in a better financial position I pulled the trigger on my second one . Really enjoying it .
Just curious no Harley bikes on this forum ..? New to this forum - didn’t find any post on Harley’s..?
There isn't a lot of brand specific discussion here. If a thread gets specific, whether it be motorcycles, electric cars, political parties, colored motor oil... loyalists and combatants show up and joust for a few pages. There is no special treatment for HD, BMW, Ducati etc-- the only sacred brand is Yamaha.

Hang around long enough and you'll be entertained. The best ones start with a dogwhistle to the fanboys.
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I’m on my second Harley from the touring line. Love the bikes. Clutt summed it up pretty good.

Usually I keep a fun street bike as well but not this year...admittedly I’m getting the itch for something fast. But only if the Harley stays. I can’t see myself without one now. I’d like to add a slightly older Dyna to the mix as well.

I just like motorcycles. Name a brand and they will have a couple models I would seriously consider owning. If someone isn’t down with the Harley’s that’s cool by me but the commentary from guys that haven’t owned one drives me a little nutty. Same with guys sharing their opinion on Euro bikes or super sports without owning one.
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