No Cheque

Cob webs in the mail box for me too. Meh, it’s only going towards my next bottle of Bourbon and 6 pack of Ultra.
What's the dates off the $200 that people seem to be getting, I've not received nothing
Some people got them, some didn't yet. I think kids are being sent ~Feb 20.

You can check status of cheques here:

Just for kicks I checked mine. It is "The cheque is scheduled to be processed".
Some people got them, some haven’t, a few can’t cash them.
RBC had a problem with a few hundred cheques. Government issued cheques from a number of financial institutions. When people were depositing the cheques from RBC, RBC would fail some of them. Not sure why. Less than 0.01% of cheques had the issue. Pretty much a non-story unless it happened to you or the media wants to push an agenda. CBC headline blamed Ford even though it had nothing to do with him.
Mine was dated Jan 19th
Got something peaty:
And you all were slagging Canada Post.
Ungrateful sods. :)
Didn’t get my cheque yet, neither has the wife.
Was at the LCBO for some bourbon before the tariff wars.
Haven't gotten mine yet. Which reminds me...just checked my account and only got 2 cheques in 2024 for my JT carbon tax rebate...

How can I check status of those checks?
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