No charges warranted in fatal motorcycle crash involving Toronto police cruiser: SIU

You will also notice that the light is red and that pedestrian still hasnt finished crossing preventing the cop from turning (if I remember correctly, the law now states you can't turn until the pedestrian is completely across)
I thought that was only crosswalks where you used to have to point, and also crossings where there is a crossing guard.
I thought that was only crosswalks where you used to have to point, and also crossings where there is a crossing guard.
My understanding as well. Particulrly downtown, vehicles could never make a turn if they couldn't slip by a pedestrian or two.
The cop on the phone bothers me for a number of reasons, the main being distracted driving. Talking on the phone is a distraction just like talking to a passenger in the car but with a passenger in the vehicle there is the possibility of the extra pair of eyes spotting trouble.

I have always been annoyed by a law that ignores the mental distraction while just touching an non operating phone get one reamed.

Cell phones will not go away and the traffic deaths they cause will be collateral damage to the gods of commerce. Self driving vehicles may help or at least the expansion of collision avoidance for left turning vehicles. If the vehicle senses a cell phone usage it tightens the safety parameters.

A dead motorcyclist only brings the crown $600 from the driver's pocket so charging the cop doesn't bring him much pain.

It sounds a bit stuffy but my accountant figures they lose an hour a day per employee due to private calls, texting and non business internet. I wonder how much work a person does when driving aroundin a company car.
Did anyone actually think cops will suddenly be held accountable for all the BS they pull? This is just more same old same old.
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