racist. kawi is japanese.
racist. kawi is japanese.
i have handled the new $100 bills and to be honest I never paid attention to the ethnicity of the image.
first of all, it's just a piece of paper money to me. as long as i can use it with no problem, i don't care what's printed on it. second of all, I strongly believe that only racist people pay extra attention to such details cuz RACES MATTER TO THEM BIG TIME. when I took a glance of that image, all i saw was just a female scientist, period. It's not surprising how stupid some people can be, who over react on and are over sensitive about trivial issues. And they like to waste their time on something that nobody gives a ***** cuz they have no better things to do.
However, they did make one good point about "the stereotype of Asians excelling in technology and/or the sciences." cuz I feel i'm super smart everytime I look at the mirror. It's an awesome feeling lemme tell ya.
i don't give a ****, i got myself a brand new 2011 kawi zx6r. So excited!!!
Oh so I'm guessing the Queen does it for you then. Lucky for you, she's on all kinds of currency.
lol lucky is calling someone racist? bahahaha.. love you dudewith comments like this, your un-banning won't last long at all.![]()
racist. kawi is japanese.
I always though that we should put someone on our bills who has actually achieved something and is inspirational like Terry Fox, Rick Hansen or Roberta Bondar.
The woman doesn't look Asian at all. She has light wavy hair for one thing. The focus group must've thought she had squinty eyes from looking through the microscope. If you showed this bill to Asians, they would not think the woman looks Asian.
The irony is that the rednecks that care about the picture are the ones that would never be handling a $100 bill.
The woman doesn't look Asian at all. She has light wavy hair for one thing. The focus group must've thought she had squinty eyes from looking through the microscope. If you showed this bill to Asians, they would not think the woman looks Asian.
Are you sure this isnt the new one?
Terrible... but omg I couldn't help but laugh :lmao:
why is it ok to be racist against white people but if its any other race its not okay?
what if i was to say "funny how black people are up against it, however the N****** wont be using it "
then id be a racist lol