No Asian women on money please...

"The bank immediately ordered the image redrawn, imposing a "neutral" ethnicity for the woman scientist who, now stripped of her "Asian" features, appears on the circulating note. Her light features appear to be Caucasian."

So apparently caucasian is neutral?

Every other person on any other bank note has always been caucasian we can't hinder this long standing tradition.
with comments like this, your un-banning won't last long at all.:rolleyes:
i have handled the new $100 bills and to be honest I never paid attention to the ethnicity of the image.

first of all, it's just a piece of paper money to me. as long as i can use it with no problem, i don't care what's printed on it. second of all, I strongly believe that only racist people pay extra attention to such details cuz RACES MATTER TO THEM BIG TIME. when I took a glance of that image, all i saw was just a female scientist, period. It's not surprising how stupid some people can be, who over react on and are over sensitive about trivial issues. And they like to waste their time on something that nobody gives a ***** cuz they have no better things to do.

However, they did make one good point about "the stereotype of Asians excelling in technology and/or the sciences." cuz I feel i'm super smart everytime I look at the mirror. It's an awesome feeling lemme tell ya.
Nah I like a big azz not flat ones and someone who is into sex not just for breeding


does anyone have a pic of the old image? i can only find the new one. i wanna see what all the hype is about
i have handled the new $100 bills and to be honest I never paid attention to the ethnicity of the image.

first of all, it's just a piece of paper money to me. as long as i can use it with no problem, i don't care what's printed on it. second of all, I strongly believe that only racist people pay extra attention to such details. when I took a glance of that image, all i saw was just a female scientist, period. It's not surprising how stupid some people can be, who over react on and are over sensitive about trivial issues. And they like to waste their time on something that nobody gives a ***** cuz they have no better things to do.

However, they did make one good point about "the stereotype of Asians excelling in technology and/or the sciences." cuz I feel i'm super smart everytime I look at the mirror. It's an awesome feeling lemme tell ya.

special interest groups, nuff said
Oh sorry I can't make an observation? Latin women have big azzes.....lighten up

Agreed...they should make the woman latina then. It would benefit humanity. It's also convenient as those new bills are stain proof! ;)
Wow, I don't normally call the racism card.
But I think this is got to be racism. I use cash all the time and I've never even noticed that. It seems like these people unconsciously try to differentiate races or are actively trying to differentiate races everyday.

I wonder if they're gonna scrap the bills that are already out and print new ones???

I think my mind is blown:

One person in Fredericton commented: "The person on it appears to be of Asian descent which doesn't rep(resent) Canada. It is fairly ugly."

Some members of the focus groups said the Vimy memorial looked disturbingly like New York's twin towers, brought down by terrorists in 2001.

Does that journalist work for the Sun or something?

Does that journalist work for the Sun or something?

It's not even really the journalist...even though I hardly think this qualifies as news. What the hell is up with these focus groups, though? LOL.

People getting uppity about a pseudo-asian looking woman looking through a microscope on a $100 dollar bill. Fantastic.....​
It's not even really the journalist...even though I hardly think this qualifies as news. What the hell is up with these focus groups, though? LOL.

People getting uppity about a pseudo-asian looking woman looking through a microscope on a $100 dollar bill. Fantastic.....[/LEFT]

I'm starting to wonder if its because of his journalism, he's trying to get ppl all riled up. Its funny how they twist the news so much to make it sound spectacular or to cause a stir.

Ps. oh wait, it doesn't have the author, go figure.
That's a good point too, actually. I wouldn't put it past some dipshit hack author to sensationalize this to help his/her career.

Also there was this nugget:

The Strategic Counsel conducted the October 2009 focus groups in Calgary, Toronto, Montreal and Fredericton, at a cost of $53,000.

That's a good point too, actually. I wouldn't put it past some dipshit hack author to sensationalize this to help his/her career.

Also there was this nugget:


This is just full of "face palm"
i don't give a ****, i got myself a brand new 2011 kawi zx6r. So excited!!!
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