Night riding?


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Hey all, just wondering who here prefers night riding? I find myself drawn into the night.
Used to hate it but lately I find it's quite nice, cooler temps, no wind, light traffic just great. The only bad thing is knowing you gotta wake up early next morning and go bust your rear at work, so that's always on the back of my mind preventing me from enjoying the ride.
Night riding is the tops. Less traffic to worry about and the cooler temps are nice. Only downside is twistys can be a bit sketchy in the dark if you don't know the road. And the drunks and animals tend to be out.
Love it - think I put up a poll last year and was surprised how many did as well.

I ride very late tho - 2 am plus on backroads I know....rarely see any car at all.
Lights are good on the Burgman tho the low beams suck.

Nice ride along the Niagara Parkway the other night with the full moon. :D

did not get out today and might go for a midnight run to Dover and have swim. Find a few backroads on the way.
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Hey all, just wondering who here prefers night riding? I find myself drawn into the night.

I love it. When it seems like the world is created out of the darkness right in front of you... It's hypnotic, trance-inducing. :sigh: :drool:
I prefer day time because I can see potholes/debris on the road, so I can take turns with greater confidence and I can see popo...those damn LED cherries are practically invisible at night.
I love it. When it seems like the world is created out of the darkness right in front of you... It's hypnotic, trance-inducing. :sigh: :drool:

....just like a stripper....
Night riding is the tops. Less traffic to worry about and the cooler temps are nice. Only downside is twistys can be a bit sketchy in the dark if you don't know the road. And the drunks and animals tend to be out.

Darn dubious drunkards!
It really depends, if I am on a road trip, I hate it. I like to end my day of riding by around 4, or 5 at latest. Just around town, or out for a cruise, then yes I do like it, though MacDoc's 2 am would not work for me, I am a wreck without a good nights sleep. There is something incredible though about cruising on through a forest, beams lighting up the road ahead and the trees at the side, stars above, its a thing of beauty.
Night riding = :cool:
Morning working = :confused1:

Normally when I get in late to the office my cubicle slave-friends ask where I wandered off to the night before.
I don't ride late on a trip - only local.
1000k or 10 hour days are tiring no matter what bike you are on and you do need solid sleep.

I tend to hit a low point around 3-4 pm and on the James Bay run was glad we took a break then - was losing concentration. Almost laid down in all the gear and napped

Prior to a late night ride I'll always have a good long nap ( I usually do anyways :D )
Full moon are my fav rides.


too nice the other night.
I love night riding, as said above, but there's only 1 thing that bothers me, its the cop! I couldn't count how many times I've been pulled over for nothing at night, and I don't know why!
Last night was my first time, but kinda had the jitters along 410. But as soon as I cleared was cool. I guess as long as its on backroads, not along the freeways.
Cop - rarely ever see them on the roads I travel at night. 350 k the other night when that photo was taken....maybe there was one along the QEW on the way home.

I find the 4 series better at night a the air is far less turbulent. Overall the smooth air at night is a real treat. Music on - little buffeting - even slab is okay then.

Still considering a pair of driving lights down low as the Burgman low beams are iffy but the new one I got apparently they've corrected it so we'll see.
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