Night riding?

I'd like to be able to ride at night, but my vision isn't what it used to be. Would be nice, on a sleepless night, to just get up and go for a quick ride.
Thats the problem.. you cant see them. But they are there. My drivers abstract can attest to that.

I got a warning once (in a car) in IL for going 70mph in 65 (at 1:30am)...
If there are cops out where I ride they should be fired for sleeping on the job - I rarely see a car at 3 am on those roads.
Nice ride along the Niagara Parkway the other night with the full moon. :D

Yep that's a beautiful road to do at night time. During the day it's actually the opposite. So many damn tourists that drive 35kmh when for the most part it is rated between 50 and 60kmh. Ugh.
And because tourist traffic goes in both directions, it's very hard to find a time to overtake.
some nights beg for a ride


bloody cold tho - 15 - was heading to Arthur and cut it off....did not enough gear with me.


Saw a few other riders stopped likely putting gear on - bet there were some ****** off GFs - pretty cold on a bike with no upfront protection.

the 12th has a big meteor shower - might be a good night to ride to the darker parts.
I ride to work every night into Erin. Take Trafalgar road and once past Hwy. 7 the road is practically all to myself. Caught myself in a brain fart one night passing thru Balinafad, the limit is 50 and I zipped thru at about 80-90 KPH. A cop usually sits at the Farmers Market parking lot, but so far this year I have only seen him twice.
Usually i like riding during the day time. But in the summer when it's very hot and humid during the day, then yeah, riding at night is certainly more comfortable and enjoyable. But seeing how today (Aug 11) is a nice temp during the day, for me, days like this, i prefer riding during the day.
Thanks for that Ballifad tip - I am in that area regularly.

Out tonight fully geared up ( for warmth tho that includes the armor as it happens )
It's too hot right now = but riding late to Arthur to meteor watch.....going down to thirteen....

taking a break at the Shed. Nother superb night to ride and this time I'm warm .....saw buddy in shorts....gonna be chilly on a sports bike after sundown.....
dropped like a stone last night

BTW it is close to a full moon so away from the city lights it's very easy to see across fields etc...nice night to roam the back roads
LOvely ride up to York Soaring - crazy sky at sunset. Chilly now at 14 - got a decent meteor show and chit chat with pilots. Some fat fireballs - good for off peak and moon washed....glad there is a Tims nearby tho the clubhouse is open.
Will take the easy way home unless there is too much traffic then I'll get onto the quieter roads....hate headlights in my face.
I like it just for cruising around and enjoying the ride but it's harder to see the nice scenery out in the country, you gotta watch out for animals more, and the twisties are sketchy (as someone else mentioned). I guess in the city animals and visibility are slightly less of an issue though.
Night riding is the tops. Less traffic to worry about and the cooler temps are nice. Only downside is twistys can be a bit sketchy in the dark if you don't know the road. And the drunks and animals tend to be out.

what he said

i do early dinner, nap, wake up and go ride around midnight :D
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