If going back to school is on the table...
Skip the pencil pushers (or keyboard warriors nowadays). Everyone nowadays wants to sit in an office and tap on a keyboard, and there are now too many of those (read: more people than jobs).
Learn how to build and fix things. Almost doesn't matter what. Electricians, millwrights, machinists, PLC programmers, robot technicians that are any good are hard to find.
I'm in engineering and my specific position involves service in the field. Different job site every day. Problem solving. I gladly pay someone else to do the paper pushing (invoicing, payroll, WSIB, insurance, etc).
Skip the pencil pushers (or keyboard warriors nowadays). Everyone nowadays wants to sit in an office and tap on a keyboard, and there are now too many of those (read: more people than jobs).
Learn how to build and fix things. Almost doesn't matter what. Electricians, millwrights, machinists, PLC programmers, robot technicians that are any good are hard to find.
I'm in engineering and my specific position involves service in the field. Different job site every day. Problem solving. I gladly pay someone else to do the paper pushing (invoicing, payroll, WSIB, insurance, etc).