Any time inferno, just leave the matches at home
And OP, welcome to the forums. Looks like you already know this, but whom you decide to ride with will most likely decide how long you'll make it in this sport/hobby whatever you wanna call it
Thanks! Haha that gif killed me, cause thats exactly what I was planning on doing had that been the case.
Stay away from the larger group rides that occur on these forums.
Most of the time it involves a new rider crashing.
otherwise ride safe!
Thanks.. I've heard quite a bit of newbies try to keep up in larger groups and end up crashing, hence why I prefer a riding buddy or maybe 2 other people.
I hope not because if so I'm still on the girls bike
I agree with everything said here, especially that last bit. :lmao: It's too bad because as said, new people could miss out on some good info or people to ride with.
From what I see on your profile pic doesn't seem like a girls bike :? and what info we talking here? And how am I to spot the better people to ride with cause apparently they won't be PM'ing or replying back lol.