that's weird? Hopefully this works!
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Calm down this isn't hurting anyone. Plus this would have been considered a hook up isnt it? LolWhy is this posted here, this is for ride hook ups. I E people, with their own bike who want to hook up. This should be under, Hi Im a back pack, looking for free rides thread !!!
Did she steal your kidney thoough????Yep! Great ride around the city, and as you can see I'm not dead! A blast indeed~
She's 50 years old...can't you tell?I hope your parents are ok with this. Hate to see anybody grounded.
Also, nice Majora's Mask decal on your tank JawnLee.
Yep! Great ride around the city, and as you can see I'm not dead! A blast indeed~
That's exactly what someone who was replaced with a double would say....
At least we know Napster is real now...too bad she won't upgrade from backpack to female rider though. lol
I prefer to be able to look around and have someone else take the blunt of the wind.
Thanks @riceburner for blurting out my real age. Thankfully @JawnLee is built like a tree. When we hit 190, this old bag of bones just hid behind his frame.
I'm surprised the guys who have yellow fever ain't jump on it earlier on. Keeping up with the postings for entertainment value
100% accurateTechnically this is the first there have been any pictures...prior to that, for all we knew it was inreb in a wig.
Oh geez, the thread that doesn't die. It's been revived again!
Also, nice Majora's Mask decal on your tank JawnLee.
+1 awesome decal
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Technically this is the first there have been any pictures...prior to that, for all we knew it was inreb in a wig.
Easier to see things though without someone right in front of you. Plus I think I speak for most guys here when I say Unicorn > Backpack. lol
In the end though, glad you found someone to ride with.