Newb Passenger looking for Ride-alongs

Yeah let's stop pussyfooting around whats important. We gonna **** or nah?

Did you just wake up? I've addressed this question in the previous post.

Unless you're asking FLSTC, then you'll have to wait for his reply.
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Okay, so I've arranged a ride with JollyGreenGiant... You can contact him for a testimony after today. Check to see if he made it back without losing any organs or his bike.
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Don't I have to move with the driver on turns? Don't lean too much or too little. One of the drivers I went with called it that & I think it's quite fitting. No need to mock the newb.

This isn't sex (or is it), you're participation should be kept to a min.
Wow peeps, harvested organs, and stolen bike traps?? LOL Turn off the Fox news, and CNN. The world really isn't that terrible of a place!
Damn, if only Lexx could see this thread. He would be SO happy!

Anyhow, OP - try meetup groups. There are a few of them, motorcycle focused, that also have meets not just rides, where you could actually get to know people first. There are also group rides that allow 2up.

I've been a part of TTSR for 4 years now and the skill level is very high.
Wide range of skill, ability and lack of mental health exhibited by certain individuals are major reasons I barely ever post rides on GTAM anymore, aside from the DS/ADV crowd, which seems more focused and dedicated.
You never know what you're gonna get here.
Damn, if only Lexx could see this thread. He would be SO happy!

Anyhow, OP - try meetup groups. There are a few of them, motorcycle focused, that also have meets not just rides, where you could actually get to know people first. There are also group rides that allow 2up.

I've been a part of TTSR for 4 years now and the skill level is very high.
Wide range of skill, ability and lack of mental health exhibited by certain individuals are major reasons I barely ever post rides on GTAM anymore, aside from the DS/ADV crowd, which seems more focused and dedicated.
You never know what you're gonna get here.

Thank you I really appreciate it. I will definitely go and check out the site. Not gaining much traction here. We'll see if we cross paths on meetup as well :)
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Hahaa that's disappointing... I'm not sure about hanging out. The guys here think I'm creepy enough, now I go and start watching them. But please pass the word along and maybe someone will be willing to let me tag along.
This thread has been a barrel of laughs. No wonder Toronto is called the most Boring City in the world. Some of you need to get your helmets lined with tinfoil

I may have offered (taken several friends on my previous bike) but I ride a single seater now. Good luck
Wow peeps, harvested organs, and stolen bike traps?? LOL Turn off the Fox news, and CNN. The world really isn't that terrible of a place!

In the other thread she said she had JollyGreenGiant take her for a ride. He has yet to come back to the forum. All we can confirm now is the Ellie did in fact harvest his organs.
In the other thread she said she had JollyGreenGiant take her for a ride. He has yet to come back to the forum. All we can confirm now is the Ellie did in fact harvest his organs.
Hmmmm.....good point.

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
In the other thread she said she had JollyGreenGiant take her for a ride. He has yet to come back to the forum. All we can confirm now is the Ellie did in fact harvest his organs.

This is lolz!!!! I'm dying here!
In the other thread she said she had JollyGreenGiant take her for a ride. He has yet to come back to the forum. All we can confirm now is the Ellie did in fact harvest his organs.

Hahaa.... damn that was a good one. Ironically he is bbm-ing me right now. I need to ask him to come to post something!

I swear I only beat him up a little and yelled at him. He went home intact.
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I didn't take a kidney...just his liver, but I paid for his drink. That's gotta count for something!

Seriously though, I "interrogated" him as he puts it & smacked him a few times for going beyond my comfort zone.
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