@Napster90: From all everyone here is saying, you're really putting all eggs in one basket. You may not be the one that loses your organs so be safe out there (no offense to all you boys).
My 1st advise for you is to get your own helmet. It doesn't have to be expensive but it has to be the right fit for you because your brain is worth more than anything else. If you really enjoy being a passenger, being in the back of a cruiser is a lot more enjoyable. However, for being sexiness, being on a sportbike could be your choice lol... My friend said she likes being in the back of my ninja 250 better than my fz07 cuz... her butt is sticking up
My 2nd advise for you is to get your own... bike for thousands of reasons. Even though you end up dating a rider, it is still better to ride your own bike for those same thousands of reason. Being bad in direction is not a good excuse. I get lost so bad that I have to stop every 3 street to look at Google map :sleepy3: but I am getting better every day.
Comments: Boys are mean sometimes

. I am surprised that a lot of people here are not comfortable to ride 2up. I've had a guy in the back of my bike twice (just for fun) and had bigger girls as passenger many times (I'm 5'1 and 105lbs). It's not that bad.