LMFAO ? ? ? ?Brass fitting? Could be plumber butt in water closet?
Wise crack?....steps back veeerrrry slowly.....turns and runs as hard as possible.....
Well, I have to say that this thread has been both awesome and disappointing to read for the past couple months. I was expecting a bunch of leg humpers to bombard this thread, given the nature of your request and, well, men are leg humpers.
But instead it got filled with gentlemanly awkward innuendos and a bunch of adults that were overly concerned about their organs being harvested by a 6'6 300lb female that just wants to be a backpack for a few rides every now and then, with assumingly experienced and responsible riders in this forum.
I got some good chuckles at your answers and I think you put at ease some of these guy's concerns, and some others are probably hiding somewhere in the woods just waiting for your first organ-harvesting victim to show up on CP24, to jump out screaming:
Even though I take certain things with a grain of salt and I don't jump to conclusions (and certainly don't run for the woods), your request seemed authentic and actually fun to participate in.
If you're still in a backpack mood in the next few weeks while weather is still good, let me know![]()
===Even though I take certain things with a grain of salt and I don't jump to conclusions (and certainly don't run for the woods), your request seemed authentic and actually fun to participate in.
If you're still in a backpack mood in the next few weeks while weather is still good, let me know===
Mr. CubicChicken I am definitely in the mood! Whereabouts are you located? What do you ride?
not about to go through all the 226 posts so far in this thread, but I don't think there is a single picture of this Napster90 person......is there ??
not about to go through all the 226 posts so far in this thread, but I don't think there is a single picture of this Napster90 person......is there ??
The backpack seat may or may not be as comfortable as a plush leather-rich recliner.
Page 9... two links... But @evol says I kind of look like the ninja turtles just not as cool.
and a bunch of adults that were overly concerned about their organs being harvested
@Napster90 so are you and Jawnlee a thing now? ... You know ... a thing?
Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk
I honestly don't know what you mean... I'm pretty certain we're human beings, not inanimate objects.
Well technically, you do self-identify as a backpack, so....
@Napster90 I do have a cruiser but I haven't been able to ride most of the summer ?
And it's a solo seat.
#JoeBrass out.
Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
Why haven't you been riding Dad#2? Hope you're not hurt or anything.
Repetitive motion injury..... from eating too much ice cream![]()
Let me change this question to about helmets. There's so many brands and variety with a wide range of prices. I want a full-face helmet/protection. Do you guys have any tips, suggestions and/or recommendations?
Let me change this question to about helmets. There's so many brands and variety with a wide range of prices. I want a full-face helmet/protection. Do you guys have any tips, suggestions and/or recommendations?