Newb Passenger looking for Ride-alongs

Brass fitting? Could be plumber butt in water closet?
LMFAO ? ? ? ?

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
....steps back veeerrrry slowly.....turns and runs as hard as possible.....
Wise crack?

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk
@Napster90 I do have a cruiser but I haven't been able to ride most of the summer ?
And it's a solo seat.
#JoeBrass out.

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk

Well, I have to say that this thread has been both awesome and disappointing to read for the past couple months. I was expecting a bunch of leg humpers to bombard this thread, given the nature of your request and, well, men are leg humpers.

But instead it got filled with gentlemanly awkward innuendos and a bunch of adults that were overly concerned about their organs being harvested by a 6'6 300lb female that just wants to be a backpack for a few rides every now and then, with assumingly experienced and responsible riders in this forum.

I got some good chuckles at your answers and I think you put at ease some of these guy's concerns, and some others are probably hiding somewhere in the woods just waiting for your first organ-harvesting victim to show up on CP24, to jump out screaming:


Even though I take certain things with a grain of salt and I don't jump to conclusions (and certainly don't run for the woods), your request seemed authentic and actually fun to participate in.

If you're still in a backpack mood in the next few weeks while weather is still good, let me know ;)

Mr. CubicChicken I am definitely in the mood! Whereabouts are you located? What do you ride?

& Yes everyone here has made it a phenomenal experience thus far. Too bad I can't meet everyone.
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===Even though I take certain things with a grain of salt and I don't jump to conclusions (and certainly don't run for the woods), your request seemed authentic and actually fun to participate in.

If you're still in a backpack mood in the next few weeks while weather is still good, let me know ;)===

Mr. CubicChicken I am definitely in the mood! Whereabouts are you located? What do you ride?

I'm located downtown, and I ride a brand spanking new [insert Italian brand name here that is not Ducati and also doesn't have financial problems] which is a lot of fun

And no, it's not my first bike.


The backpack seat may or may not be as comfortable as a plush leather-rich recliner.
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not about to go through all the 226 posts so far in this thread, but I don't think there is a single picture of this Napster90 there ??


Yes there is, brace yourself for a 6'6 300lb, organ-harvester, quick witted backpack

Post #161
not about to go through all the 226 posts so far in this thread, but I don't think there is a single picture of this Napster90 there ??


Page 9... two links... But @evol says I kind of look like the ninja turtles just not as cool.


The backpack seat may or may not be as comfortable as a plush leather-rich recliner.

at 300lbs... I've got my own cushion.
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​ and a bunch of adults that were overly concerned about their organs being harvested


And who are you calling an adult?
@Napster90 so are you and Jawnlee a thing now? ... You know ... a thing?

Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk
@Napster90 so are you and Jawnlee a thing now? ... You know ... a thing?

Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk

I honestly don't know what you mean... I'm pretty certain we're human beings, not inanimate objects.
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I honestly don't know what you mean... I'm pretty certain we're human beings, not inanimate objects.

Well technically, you do self-identify as a backpack, so....
@Napster90 I do have a cruiser but I haven't been able to ride most of the summer ?
And it's a solo seat.
#JoeBrass out.

Sent from my custom Purple Joe Bass mobile on Tapatalk

Why haven't you been riding Dad#2? Hope you're not hurt or anything.
Repetitive motion injury..... from eating too much ice cream ;)

Let me change this question to about helmets. There's so many brands and variety with a wide range of prices. I want a full-face helmet/protection. Do you guys have any tips, suggestions and/or recommendations?
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Let me change this question to about helmets. There's so many brands and variety with a wide range of prices. I want a full-face helmet/protection. Do you guys have any tips, suggestions and/or recommendations?

Might be his shoulder..... he uses a BIG spoon

Feel free to chime in here Joe lol
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