I had a couple of M1 (whatever the heck they were called back then) in the late 1980s and early 1990s. I used to ride my buddy's GS 450 around a bit and had a low sider in a parking lot from some early fall leaves combined with some moisture. Being young and dumb I was wearing shorts. I still have some marks from this.
Needless to say I remembered this when I did the course at Conestoga College and bought some decent gear to start with.
I will be curious to see what the OP thinks after taking the course and learning about gear, which gear, statistics of accidents etc. Very easy to have an accident close to home etc.
I still contend that you should buy gear that is comfortable, easy to put on and off, and that you will actually wear. Leather is by far the best for most people but I gravitate towards "convertible" mesh sort of gear. I am presently wearing Olympia Airglide pants and jacket which I can remove layers from for hot weather. They also have water resistent layers as well. For boots I wear A* SMX-5 and find them very comfortable to wear. They also work decent for small walks off the bike or for hanging around a patio. Gloves are Velocity VR-Pro gauntlets which also work for guys on the track so I am comfortable that they would protect my hands decently well in an off.
Needless to say I remembered this when I did the course at Conestoga College and bought some decent gear to start with.
I will be curious to see what the OP thinks after taking the course and learning about gear, which gear, statistics of accidents etc. Very easy to have an accident close to home etc.
I still contend that you should buy gear that is comfortable, easy to put on and off, and that you will actually wear. Leather is by far the best for most people but I gravitate towards "convertible" mesh sort of gear. I am presently wearing Olympia Airglide pants and jacket which I can remove layers from for hot weather. They also have water resistent layers as well. For boots I wear A* SMX-5 and find them very comfortable to wear. They also work decent for small walks off the bike or for hanging around a patio. Gloves are Velocity VR-Pro gauntlets which also work for guys on the track so I am comfortable that they would protect my hands decently well in an off.