no such thing as overboard when it comes to protection, the more the better, not something you should cheap out on and too much is a good thing, nothing wrong with confidence in your gear!
This thread is still going? Wear gear!
Or not... Your choice.
I just want to say that I hate all of you! When I was young, all I wanted to do was ride a big, loud HD in a tshirt and beenie. And when I started riding, that was me. (minus the hog) Now, after a year of being on the forum -- modular helmet, JR armoured jacket, armoured gloves, Icon pants -- sweating in the heat and wishing a curse on the GTAM community that the fleas of a thousand camels infest all of your armpits.
That's because when you were young there were half the entitled douche bags on the road as there are now. Too much distracted driving out there and too many people more important than you to risk it often. Won't lie there's been a day or two I've ridden with just a back protector under a hoodie or shirt and gloves but I also putted around like sonnythebull errr I mean grandpaI just want to say that I hate all of you! When I was young, all I wanted to do was ride a big, loud HD in a tshirt and beenie. And when I started riding, that was me. (minus the hog) Now, after a year of being on the forum -- modular helmet, JR armoured jacket, armoured gloves, Icon pants -- sweating in the heat and wishing a curse on the GTAM community that the fleas of a thousand camels infest all of your armpits.
Look at how often there is a post in the fallen rider section.
I always recommend folks starting out, to get proper gear.
As for me, I'm not very good at following my own advice.
The life insurance is paid up, will current.
I ride my cruiser slow.
Any road trips I'm geared up.
A lot of times, I'm in jeans and a tee with a beanie.
I also drink more than I should.
I know right from wrong.
My life, I decide.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Me too Joe, me too.
Back when I owned a bike in Jakarta about a decade ago, I never thought about gear. I wore a very thin jacket just to keep the dust and diesel soot off my dress shirt, and dress pants (I was a teacher). I wore the cheapest helmet out there than just looked like a helmet, I'm sure it offered little to no protection. Never wore gloves. I never put much thought into what might happen if I crashed.
I did crash once in Indo... was in Bali stopped waiting to turn right across the road (they drive opposite, so it's like making a left here)... and my rear foot peg was caught by a passing scooter in the opposite direction that sent both of us flying. I was on a rental scooter and likely wearing sandals and shorts. I came out basically unscathed... just dumb lucky once again.
Now, I don't even ride in jeans anymore... always my Aerostich AD1s or MX pants with separate knee pads. Proper motorcycle boots or mx boots, armoured gloves, full face helmet, the works. My carefree attitude has been destroyed -- but thanks GTAM for curing my ignorance on the protection aspect of biking.
"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
Gear decreases your chances of getting MORE injured than you need to.Evryone showing extrme pics to prove point to be a power ranger. But, I laugh. SOrry.
I can show you pics of pedestrians getting hit and getting injury, but that don't mean that ppl walking on sidewalks should all gear up.
Anyway, most GTAM ppl, it seems, are girly man. Not really idea of strong, biker boyz that I love and cherish in my heart. Just sayin.
Evryone showing extrme pics to prove point to be a power ranger. But, I laugh. SOrry.
I can show you pics of pedestrians getting hit and getting injury, but that don't mean that ppl walking on sidewalks should all gear up.
Anyway, most GTAM ppl, it seems, are girly man. Not really idea of strong, biker boyz that I love and cherish in my heart. Just sayin.