New rider need advice please

New rider need advice plz

One thing that you didn't mention was your height. If you are over 6ft the 125 might be a little uncomfortable. Nonetheless , you seemed to have made up your mind which is cool. Ride safe and buy good gear and always wear it. Update us when you can.

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I'm 6"1 maybe I'm tall but lanky as my arms are long and about 175 lbs . would I be very uncomfortable on a 125 pedagogue?

Also sykobish I will send u link of bike also if u see any good offers on kijiji for 125s let me know maybe we could meet up and go check them out together. Would appreciate having a experienced rider see the bike before I buy it so I don t take home a dud

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Vlocka, don't worry what other people say, it's more fun to ride a small bike fast than a big bike slow. Buy a used 125, learn to ride the wheels off it, worry about "upgrading" later. You sound like you know what you want, just do it! There is nothing wrong with a 125, some very accomplished riders own them and love them(guys who have the skill to ride whatever they want-what does that tell you). If you want help, pm me I will come with my truck and ramps and we can go check it out. I've been riding for 34 years, owned about 60 bikes. Since 2010 alone, I have owned 13 different bikes. (I have a problem) lol. Don't listen to the haters, make sure to buy used, so you can recoup your $ at resale. It's up to you, put a few thousand kms on a 125 now, or save and start next season, I know what I'd do in your shoes...
Ps. Get the rest of this seaon in on a 125, you may find next year you're ready to skip the 250 :) gs500 or 500 ninja sound pretty cool huh?
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Re: New rider need advice plz

To the OP:
1) Definitely do the course. Can't recommend that enough. You'll drop their bike instead of yours!
2) If you're absolutely set on buying on this year, and you're willing to brave the cold, consider buy a used 250 near the end of the season and ride it for a few months. That way, you won't have to worry about selling a 125 and subsequently buying a 250 at the beginning of the season next year, when prices are higher. Plus you'll grow out of the 125 pretty quickly, a month or two is likely as much as you'll ride before you get bored. On the other hand, factor in that insurance may be slightly higher for a 250. And skyobish is right, a 125 will be easier for you to learn on. So, figure out what combination of money/convenience works best for you.
Disclaimer on the above: I only just got my bike, so I can't speak from experience. I'm just trying to think of various practical options for doing things. I'm lazy so buying/selling bikes multiple times was out of the question, and I really wanted to ride NOW and money wasn't an issue so I decided not to wait until the end of the season. Cost/benefit analyses?

From what I've heard, it's actually illegal to take a 125 on a 400 series highway in Canada. The requirement is a 150cc or higher.

I'm 99% sure 125s are highway-legal. If I recall correctly, the no-highway (80km/h+) limit only applies to scooters, e-bikes and limited-speed motorcycles (which are typically around 70cc's).
I'm 6"1 maybe I'm tall but lanky as my arms are long and about 175 lbs . would I be very uncomfortable on a 125 pedagogue?

You could go to a dealer that carries a lot of different bikes and just sit on them before you go out looking at used bikes, just to see what's comfortable. Going into the whole bike thing I thought I'd be buying a CBR250 for sure (because it's prettiest), but I ended up buying a Ninja 250 (the old sport-touring model) because it was way more comfortable.
Cbr 125 is highway legal. As for price dont pay more than 2000 for cbr 125 look into getting 2008 cbr or if you find a good 2009 cbr then get it higher years might be over 2000. Also look in the forum for what to look for when buying a used bike it helps a lot. There is a lot of cbrs on kijiji for 1500-1800 and has low kms. Before you buy any bike for sure sit on to know how it feels.
Learn on the 125 and move up to 500 or 250. You wont need to go on highway first year you ride because it isnt safe with any bike for a new rider. I dont take the highway at all unless i have to and I make sure that i know where I am going.
For gear try different dealers and always try the gear on especially your gloves and helmet.
Goodluck and ride safe.
Re: New rider need advice plz

Some US states specify 150cc's as the minimum for a highway legal motorcycle, but that is not how The Highway Traffic Act defines it (meaning legal for the 400 series highways). You can look up the definition of a limited speed motorcycle in the specific part of the HTA here:

The easy way to tell is by looking at the compliance sticker on the frame of your motorcycle (assuming it was built after '88, when the LSM designation came into effect) and it will say it is a limited speed motorcycle. I don't have a CBR125 handy, but I highly suspect it is not a LSM.

I was in a similar position as you. I did the M1 Exit course about two weeks ago (i had a blast, make sure you ENJOY it) and finally bought my first bike a few days ago.

It's a 2008 Honda CBR125 and I couldn't ask for a better starter/learner bike. I'm pretty much the same height and weight as you as well (5'11 185lbs and I find it comfortable) Today is my 2nd day riding it and I am sticking to parking lots/residential roads. I feel that I am already a MUCH better rider than I was during the course.

I was going to go with the Ninja 250 originally but decided not to as its at least $1,000 more, which can be better spent on some proper long-term gear. Plus I feel like the 250's are easier to drop when doing slow maneuvers, whereas the cbr125 are really light and I really never worry about dropping it.

At the end of the season I will still have some very valuable experience with this 125 and a full set of riding gear. Since I only did my M1 written test a little over two weeks ago, I still have to wait til around the end of August to legally ride on highways, but realistically I don't think I will. Not with this cbr125 anyway as it just isn't safe at those speeds in my opinion. Fastest I've gone on it so far is about 85km/h and yea it's scary.. But again that's coming from an inexperienced rider. I don't mind not riding on the highway for the rest of this season, but that's just me.

You can easily sell these cbr125's for close to what you paid for, and save up during the winter for something better. I plan on either upgrading to a Ninja 250, a GS500F, or possibly a 600cc depending on how I feel at the end of the riding season and if insurance doesn't rape me.

Also I live around north Mississauga, if you get a bike this season just shoot me a PM and I'll ride with you.
Thanks guys for all the advice these last few posts made me feel more confident in my decision. Hopefully in a week or two I will be on a bike.

I look forward to riding with you guys and I can honestly say I already gained a lot of knowledge and tips just from the members of this site . I'm glad I came across this website.

Iceman I will shoot you a PM maybe we can meet up when I go buy the bike and u can help me with my decision and transportation if that's alright?
I can't believe you have been through that many bikes. Hahha that's insane. Hopefully one day I'm on your level .

Sora - thanks for advice and I took all into consideration and have came to a conclusion to buy the 125 and take the course.

Ridewithpride- I think your right I have seen a lot for around 2000$ range I will try to purchase around or lower then that. I will defintly bring someone experienced on bikes with me when I go buy it.

Sliq- is the bike black by any chance ? Haha I think I seen one on kijiji with 6k km on it .I live in Brampton but am also around 403 and Dundas area also . so when I get the bike I'll shoot u a pm so we can ride . maybe some parking lot lessons first though :)

Thanks guys for all the advice I will keep updated on what is happening. I'm planning on purchasing one in 2 weeks and trust me these past couple weeks haven't got fast enough for me. I'm just saving more paychecks so I know I have enough for bike gear and class.

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Iceman I will shoot you a PM maybe we can meet up when I go buy the bike and u can help me with my decision and transportation if that's alright?
I can't believe you have been through that many bikes. Hahha that's insane. Hopefully one day I'm on your level .

I would love to come with you and help but Iceman is probably your better bet. I'm not particularly knowledgeable mechanically when it comes to bike. I can do little maintenance but Iceman would be your best bet to take with you when looking to buy used bikes.
Being over 6 ft is doable on the 125 but I think it might be a little right. As suggested by some, make your way to a dealer and sit on some bikes to get a feel as to what's comfortable.

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Limited speed motorcycles are defined by the MTO as having 50cc or less, any motorcycle 51cc and over is permitted on 400 series highways. Do so at your own discretion! Once, a long time ago, me and a buddy took two brand new ysr80's to Hamilton on the 403, we were too young and stupid to be scared lol! The next summer I went solo to key west in florida on a 1986 xl250. Oh to be 17 again!
Sykobish - OK and I still would like some riding lessons when I get the bike.

Iceman- haha that's crazy 51cc is legal

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Congratulations Vlocka! I don't think we could have found a better bike for that amount of cash. Sykobish, you're up! :) he could use some easy parking lot instruction before he takes his course and Barrie is a little far to get to Brampton often. Hopefully, we can all get out for a country ride soon, 3-4 riders max till he gets some time in. I think you'll be glad you did this Vlocka, instead of waiting another year. Btw Sykobish/others in Brampton area who may be willing to help him learn, Vlocka and I met today, this kid is no squid, he seems very intent on learning properly and has a good head on his shoulders. :)
Hah thanks iceman , really appreciate you coming through today and helping me find a bike. I agree I don't think I coulda found a better deal anywhere else.

And I'm glad I did this also I think it was the right decision. Maybe after a month of riding or so we can do a country ride before the season is over. I will keep you updated on how everything plays out.

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I think you should just get the 125 and get riding!!!!! Why put it off for another season just for a bigger bike?!? Get riding!! The 125 is a great starter bike and it's a great first bike! Many riders make the mistake of getting a larger cc motorcycle to keep up with their friends. However, the way to build up your skills level on a motorcycle better is to start with a small displacement motorcycle and learn how to outride it before moving up to a bigger bike.. It should be done in stages!! Most riders dont "outride" a bike before moving up. You can have a lot of fun on a cbr 125 too! Totally great bike for urban riding!!

Just get whatever you can get and start riding!!!! Woo Hoo!!!! Then you can sell it and trade up when you are ready!!! This is

Check out some other training schools too and see how they are different and what they offer!!
Congratulations Vlocka! I don't think we could have found a better bike for that amount of cash. Sykobish, you're up! :) he could use some easy parking lot instruction before he takes his course and Barrie is a little far to get to Brampton often. Hopefully, we can all get out for a country ride soon, 3-4 riders max till he gets some time in. I think you'll be glad you did this Vlocka, instead of waiting another year. Btw Sykobish/others in Brampton area who may be willing to help him learn, Vlocka and I met today, this kid is no squid, he seems very intent on learning properly and has a good head on his shoulders. :)

That's awesome. Glad to hear! I'm in North York but I don't mind at all coming to you to give you some basics. I look forward to it!
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