I already pulled the cover, and I believe I've found the culprit.
Looks like the timing rotor/flywheel may have moved relative to the crankshaft. If I visually set piston #1 at TDC, with the cam lobes pointing directly away from each other, the "T" mark on the rotor is off by a handful of degrees.
Discrepancy doesn't seem all that large though, and the cams do seem to be in sync with piston 1's TDC.
Should I pull that rotor? (If so, what kind of puller do I need?)
I think that is supposed to be keyed to the crankshaft... but the "key" might be removable and possibly left out? Just going by the fiche and it's a bit ambiguous
What's supposed to be lined up here? I see a line on the flywheel lined up almost exactly with an arrow on the block.
Also, not sure if it's ignition timing related. If 1 and 2 can fire, 3 4 should be able to fire b/c the ignition system only sees 1&4 and 2&3... assuming everything fires 180 degrees apart but I can't see how it would be otherwise
this is interesting.
timing marks would effect all 4 cyl's. it wouldn't make sense to me that it effects two cyl's but not the others.
What if only one pickup coil is working?
True, but maybe 1&2 are borderline while 3&4 are ever so slightly more off so they don't fire? I dunno, I'm just spitballing.
I do think that rotor needs to come off to check whether that Woodruff key is in there. Unless someone has a better plan for the ol' girl and I.
Haynes manual says to "use a tool like this one" with no other info. Gee, thanks.
I guess it's just a reverse threaded bolt?
as long as the puller has correct matching threads your good to go. likely a reverse thread. tap as pointed out by bobj. they can be sticky
you should be able to turn it in by hand at first if threads are correct. its made of hardened steel.
Yeah, I used my caliper and thread gauge on it and turns out it's just an M16x1.5 right hand thread.
So I started looking around for something I might have in that size.... hmmm... I wonder what size my bar ends are... what are the odds... I don't need to tell GTAM I tried to pull my rotor with a bar end... let's see... oh ****!
Perfect match. It's not long enough though. Ima need to source a longer bolt tomorrow. Where does one procure an M16x1.5 bolt, at least 4 inches in length?