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Yup, keep telling yourself that. There is the educational reply, and there is the dick reply, guess where you went. Let's just say my education level on gases is fairly good. Don't work with it day to day so the old idiom of forgetting more than people know comes to mind. Please forgive me. Maybe an error should have a public whipping as you do. Care to compare gas knowledge since you think I don't know anything? Where are you at education wise on gases?
What is a G1? My guess is not learners license.
Meaning this? (google search)
Okay, I have undergraduate and post graduate degrees in university, with multiple coursework in both in undergrad and postgrad level chemistry. I have basic chem, organic chem, phys chem, and bio chem courses with high marks (>80%). Let's say my gas knowledge has been not only in depth but also extremely broad.
15 years in my speciality, which is not chemistry or natural gas, so again forgive me for my error on natural gas specific gravity. Beyond that, let's just say a G1 doesn't cover what coursework I've taken.
Sorry, I have full hazmat and SCBA training, including fire protection and response, measurebate that.
What does that have to do with gas lmao. You're too funny.
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I shouldn't have to explain such basic reasons. Seriously funny if you ask that, actually.
Obviously by your judgement the historical world model of science university education over the last 2000+ years is wrong. People in trades are the true authorities of basic science knowledge and all else "know nothing about gas". Great to know.
Because I am no longer in the field of gas and made a mistake on the specific gravity of natural gas, based on the statement above you obviously are the authority. Theory does not work in the field. Scientists and university education have no idea what they are talking about. Nuff said.
I love it. Keep digging that grave. Being a post grad degree in science with 10 plus years in science related work experience, yes, I tend to be identified as a scientist. Again I defer to what you and I said earlier.
If you're a scientist, then I say again, go ask for your tuition fees back.
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Isn't the s.g. of natural gas in the 0.6 ballpark? I'd ask the university for compensation for wasted time cool