my new body work :)

do a quick search on carbon fibre bodywork - it's expensive. Here's an example page for various hondas. carbon bodywork/carbonhonda.htm

looking at $1400 or so, plus shipping, taxes, duty etc. Figure $1800-2000 all said and done.
So, pay $2k for a complete set after shipping etc, or $600 for a cf wrap job...

He's not using it as a drag/race bike, so the weight savings of pure cf aren't necessary.
I've applied for a quote - like the look of the stuff, but can't afford the $2k.

2k for the cheap stuff too. Check out opp racing stuff (thats the premium stuff)
2k for the cheap stuff too. Check out opp racing stuff (thats the premium stuff)

I have actualyl heard the worst reviews for OPP racing (regardless of the ludicrous prices they ask). I can't remember now but I think it was a company out of germany that was recommended instead for quality.
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